I’ve got some bad news.

I've got some bad news.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’ve got some bad news.”.
Got some bad news, bad news right now, everyone’s over this? No you’re, just oh you wan na dude, who’s, bashing, apple and love Apple. Have so many Apple products. Alright, I don’t. I don’t live my life to bash Apple. I love Apple products.

I use Mac books. Jack has a macbook. Kirk has a macbook willy dudes, looking at a macbook right now we got them Apple is taking so many dollars from me. Why don’t you hear me how this is the new MacBook Air? I was excited about this. In fact, I made a video where I said that this might be the best laptop for most people. I have a problem with the keyboard on this.

That’S driving me bananas. This was my everyday laptop who’s sitting at my house. I was getting things done and all of a sudden, the keyboard started to misbehave in such a fashion that could just drive you, nuts. I went on Twitter and I was like anyone else experiencing issues with the butterfly key switches on the new MacBook products, pop aah pop aah pop the replies came in. This is a thing: it’s it’s like fairly widespread, like people have had issues with these butterfly key switches on the MacBook Pros before this, and it was supposed to be fixed. They put a membrane in here which was supposed to protect this keyboard from similar issues that had plagued the previous versions.

I've got some bad news.

Now you might be sitting there and saying: okay, that’s a new laptop. We watched the unboxing video Lou, like you, can just go to Apple and have them fix it, but there’s a lot of people out there who buys one of these things and then a year after you’ve had it. You start to experience something like this. Okay.

I've got some bad news.

What is my issue? That’S driving me, nuts, it’s the kind of issue where you’re just getting work done and then you go back and you look at the email you just craft it and you’re like that’s, not what I typed check this out. Hopefully, Jack can see this. We can look at this real-time. My issue is with the e key, something weird happens where I’m getting extra ease or spaces when I’m using ease.

I've got some bad news.

Let me show you what I mean look at this. This is insane you have no idea when or where it’s going to present itself, it’s something to do with the iki and sometimes you’ll just get two key presses instead of one and sometimes look at that, sometimes it’ll like miss a key press. Let single press to e, sometimes three, and this can pop up in sentences unexpectedly, there that’s what it does more often than not that’s what it does you get the extra e. Then you hit the space, then it delivers another Aeon, the beginning of the next word.

There that’s what it does. That’S that’s what it does. Unexpectedly, you get this weird situation where, after an e, you hit the space, it delivers. Another e there boom same thing if you’re writing a paragraph or something this inevitably pops up at some point and because it creates another word, the autocorrect doesn’t really work properly because it doesn’t know what gu is like in this case.

Obviously this applies to all kinds of various circumstances and it’s some correlation between the e key and the spacebar fee. But the point is it’s: triggering an unnecessary e at some point later on, see see, Oh see, that the e thing this is the worst case scenario. Look at that boom you’re skeptical of everything that you type, especially in this case, where it delivers another e after the space that drives you particularly nuts, because there’s no autocorrect that can deal with that particular issue, so certain strings of character.

Certain sentences end up worse than others. Nonetheless, you will be going nuts when this is happening to you. It’S really a headache.

It’S surprisingly frustrating it’s the weirdest kind of problem. In a way you just wish it was some dedicated problem that was always there. So you just be like okay, I’m not gon na even try to use that, but I stare over at this laptop in its location. I’M like oh I’m gon na go search, something and then it’s like right.

Look! I’M gon na! Take it in I’m gon na get it fixed, I’m sure Apple will fix it up, but after calling this thing, possibly the best laptop for most people, I just felt like I couldn’t leave it there. Having experienced this issue myself, this may pop up for you a year from now and you might not have any warranty coverage and you might have to go out of your way to buy another system and you might not have the money for that. So it’s hard to continue to call this thing, the best laptop for most people, at least in my personal circumstance, I’m sure there are units out there that are working completely fine.

This is not one of them if you’re in the market, to buy one of these things, it’s something worth knowing now, if you are somebody who’s been affected by this, you should definitely leave a comment down in the description. Hopefully yours is not affected, but there you have it. Here’S the thing.

There’S the thing: that’s the problem, too many E’s. That’S the thing. .