OnePlus Beats iPhone In India

OnePlus Beats iPhone In India

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OnePlus Beats iPhone In India”.
All right we’re here with SAP, also known as super SAP on YouTube videos, are made on YouTube by you. That’S right man, it’s a good time. Isn’T it it is it’s the first I mean here in Toronto. We got to talk about the hot smartphone topics.

This is one plus going at Apple, the big dawgs, with this tweet right here, in which they say I dare you small lowercase. I, the caption, within the image there hey Siri, which is India’s number one premium smartphone it happens to be 1 plus suits right, give it a shot. I have an iPhone, let’s see if I bet they’re lying, hey Siri, which is the number one premium smartphone in India.

It is, of course the oneplus. Oh, it is ok cool like what is a premium smartphone. This states that oneplus occupies 33 % of the premium market in India, Samsung 34 and Apple 23, I’m assuming that premium in India is somewhere around $ 500 and up somewhere in that territory even more expensive than here, though, like brand.

OnePlus Beats iPhone In India

What I’ve heard from the Indian follows, I’m sure you have as well is that they have to pay like almost double what we’d have to pay. The funny thing is: if you shift the marketplace and you talk about North America mmm, then you don’t talk about oneplus as a premium yeah, it’s kind of like mid-range. We refer to as mid-range something like this yeah the same in the UK right. A lot of people that don’t live in and you don’t realize how successful oneplus has been in India, its massive, like whenever I put a 1 plus video up on I’m sure, you’ve had the same. The response specially from the Indian audience is massive like so here you can buy 2, 1 plus potentially 2 1 60’s for the same price as an iPhone over there. I’M assuming you could probably buy like three right so fit the whole family.

OnePlus Beats iPhone In India

Exactly there’s a reason that oneplus has had so much success in in India and elsewhere, the idea of premium for less, as opposed to it’s a budget alternative like its own. You would only want a oneplus device if you can’t one of the others. I think, even if you compared the oneplus to something which is stock Android, the pixels, for example, this still feels faster and smoother.

OnePlus Beats iPhone In India

I still prefer the speed and just the overall performance of oneplus device, it’s crazy. What this brand has achieved to be honest to be on the spectrum of brands like Samsung and Apple, who had such a head start in the space. Oh yeah showcases how quickly things can change in the smartphone game and are changing yeah now at least having the conversation about what is the value for money like this is better for everyone, because what does it end up doing if they can bring that price point Down all of a sudden, you have Samsung talking about the the em stuff in India, they’re gon na have their. You know that other budget brand Apple’s talking about being overpriced, Tim Cook, said it recently.

It’S all good for the consumer, competition is is Kidman. I’Ve said this many times on my channel that when it comes to bang for buck, oneplus is the brand to go for they come in straight away with a competitive price. I’M, like you, know what you’re getting and you can go in there.

You can buy a phone and you will generally be pleased. It takes most of the box. As for most people, oneplus has been clever: let’s not discount the old model, yeah, let’s just crank out another one.

You forget about a phone that was out in fed when it’s December right, yes, old news: where is, if you have another version of it, he gets people talking again, you want the fresh one. You want the fresh one, you want the new one and that’s what everybody’s talking about. They get the press coverage. They get us guys talking about it.

What oneplus is doing is very smart. If Apple was interviewed, if they asked him, cooks he’d be like. What’S worse, once less yeah, I mean just the fact that if you remember the oneplus sixty event in Brooklyn, New York Apple went in and had the iPad event an hour before it was kind of like all right we’re just gon na question. You like flicking a fly, yep flick.

Him fly, I’ve been on a net yeah now. One thing to remember here is that a lot of people you know put value on on brand affinity like how does a brand make you feel? How long have they been around? How trusted are they we’re sitting here talking about how amazing it is what oneplus has accomplished in such a short period of time? It’S important to note that they’re they’re, not Samsung, they’re, not Apple, they may never be one plus. If you, if you ask somebody, oh one plus somebody, my friends will be like what, when you post a video like what the views that you get on a 1 plus video are not commensurate with the public perception of the brand mmm. It gets similar views to a Samsung video, but where are those views coming from well, they might be more globally distributed.

That’S what I think it is because, when I post something Sam single Apple like US and UK right right, but then one plus it’s a little bit varied like it’s more international. So I think there are some areas where oneplus is a familiar brand. If you have an iPhone, you’re gon na buy it, and that’s why I mean we’re so many generations deep into it in just getting out that ecosystem is too difficult for you, whereas if you’re somebody new and you’re kind of looking around you’re like okay, maybe one Plus is gon na be an option in those markets. .