Lose Weight Without Exercise

Lose Weight Without Exercise

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Lose Weight Without Exercise”.
So this is a weird one. Honestly, it might be the weirdest product. That’S ever been featured here on unbox therapy. I don’t know for sure, but it’s quite possible.

Lose Weight Without Exercise

I saw this thing on Amazon and I was like man. I got ta test this out. This sounds so crazy.

I don’t even know if it can be real, I don’t know. Is it safe, like I start asking all these questions, this is called Moe Deus. You put this on your head and apparently you lose weight. Oh what this was true.

Lose Weight Without Exercise

What did, wouldn’t everybody just be rocking? One of these things like their claim, is no change in diet, no change in exercise and you drop in body fat. This is the headset. These are the little electrode things that connect behind your ears like this. This right, this is the important piece. This is the piece it has to make contact. I don’t know a little bit nervous guys, if, I’m being honest, I’m a bit nervous if it actually works.

Lose Weight Without Exercise

Why aren’t more people talking about this? Why have I not heard about this opportunity, lect roads, ECG, electrodes and actually make Willie do do this instead wipes we got wipes. Ah, there’s like a power, brick, probably to charge the thing up. Yes, little USB power break, you charge it over microUSB, it’s a fat user manual. It’S probably like caution.

Caution. Caution do not put on other body parts. You know what I mean this product raised around two million dollars on IndieGoGo at five hundred bucks, a pop. So a lot of people spent a lot of money on these things. As far as like the testing is concerned, it’s been a really small sample size of people that have seen any kind of results.

So I’m really skeptical diverges skeptical. There’S some reviews on Amazon, where people say this thing doesn’t work at all. It just makes me feel nauseous, I’m a little concerned to be honest, as I probably should be so because of that I want to bring in the one and only Willie do he has agreed to submit himself to whatever terror.

This thing is going to supply to his brain here. He is our very own unbox therapy, guinea pig mr. Hilley, hoo ha hoo da. Who that that’s him we got the wipes.

It’S very medical. This whole thing is very medical. These are the wipes you’ll, be wiping yourself so make sure you’re white. Look how medical this stuff is man. It’S not freaking out. Look at that these smells so medical smell is oh yeah.

It’S Hospital fresh, give this a smell. How medical is that yeah we’re in a big leagues, now boys reviewing medical equipment next up, we’re gon na be evaluating MRI machines. My understanding is that there’s multiple levels of intensity that you can utilize on his device on this app will says he’s willing to go to level 10 he’s willing to go there for us, oh, my goodness, gracious give will thumbs up or something I don’t know man. The guy he will he’s doing this for you at the beginning of the videos that I was gon na, do it for you, I’m only gon na do it.

If he doesn’t, you should well I’m thinking about it. We only to opinion I’ll think about it, but here we go Will’s gon na start losing some weight. Okay, Oh power level.

One do you feel anything? Are you seasick? No, not! I don’t feel anything. Okay, we’re gon na. Go no nothing level! Three! Do you feel it in your hypothalamus, yet still nothing? Okay, yeah level? Four, nothing! I mean you’re, not! Oh you! Oh, oh boy, his hypothalamus is being tickled. Oh, it does yeah. I do feel something I do feel something.

To be honest. It feels like disorientation, whoa level, 5 level, 6, oh yeah, yeah. What what my fuel, I feel kind of dizzy now like gross yeah, not good, you want it off, I’m not gon na throw up, but it’s like it’s very disorienting. That is so weird.

Just these little guys to have you feeling mess right up. Do you want to go up down pause? What do you want to do? Well, let’s bring it up a little bit we’re gon na bring it on we’re gon na go. I want to see the mass 7 8 9 level. 10 level. 2. Okay, Jack – wanted it all the way up.

This wasn’t me. This was Jack, no pressure here, you feel gross yeah it. It honestly feels like it’s.

The world is kind of like shifting its it’s. Like rocking, oh I’m serious the world, but yeah, could you get up and walk? Could you walk a couple of feet? I I could. I got see if that’s true or not? Okay, when I sit down, I feel like something’s, not right.

It’S like some sort of vertigo or something now. What about the appetite D? Are you hungry right now, Kouji right now, mm-, if you could have anything in the world any food right now, what would you go for? I can go for some Popeyes some chicken, although I feel like there’s some sort of stinging sensation back here. It’S kind of like a prickly kind of thing, yeah he doles. I mean wills. Obviously, he’s four minutes into this and the suggested amount is one hour they want you to sit back, watch some Netflix for one hour yeah. I can’t do it like.

I would probably just feel so nauseous I would probably maybe throw up after an hour. I mean you’re. Four minutes in this is not comfortable not worth it. No matter yeah you got ta, try this okay I’ll pause it for you.

This is interesting. You’Re not looking forward to it like. I don’t, really feel like being nauseous right now I got to be on it. Am i peeling this off right yeah? I do this right well, where did you put it right there? Actually, you know flip it.

The hypothalamus yeah yeah I’m trying to prepare myself psychologically here: okay reserve, where zoo reserve I got no word, I’m dying already – will okay level 2 level. 2. I already feel level 2. I feel a little jittery genus yeah, I’m going I’m going, I’m going! 3 3.

Is prickling me for sure nauseousness not really there yet 4. Five six! Is this safe? What are we doing? Is this safe? I mean oh you’re dead. I know I feel it six seven, eight ten, all right! I went all the way up. Oh yeah. I feel what you’re saying: oh that’s my expression if I can emote, but it’s like it’s like seasickness is like a boat yeah right and it happens like instantly see some people in the reviews or whatever we’re saying like. Maybe it just makes you nauseous you don’t to eat and then I’ll sudden you’re dropping pounds.

Do you believe that oh man imagine trying to concentrate on like a show for an hour? That’S going on, I could live. I could survive at like a level three for one hour like this suggested yeah I could do an hour yeah. I feel okay right now, like I could focus I mean I don’t get the nauseous feeling.

The key thing is. It has to deliver on the promise. Otherwise, why are you wearing it like? Is it gon na? Is it gon na improve your your fitness? Are you gon na lose weight? Are you gon na lose body fat like they say you were reading the IndieGoGo comments? What did you discover? Well, most of them actually said that it didn’t work and they’ve been using it for months.

Some of them actually wanted to return them or sell them. This could be a case of too good to be true. Everyone wants the shortcut they want.

The easy way they want technology to solve all the problems yeah, they want it to be quick and electronic, and they don’t want to. They don’t want to do it themselves, mm-. They want the magic trick and this thing claims to be, but it looks so far like it’s not delivering yeah on the original promise.

Does anyone else want to wear it for science? Sure Wow? Ladies and gentlemen, Willy do you heard it here will do, has agreed to undergo the very first medical study ever in unbox therapy history. One month we’re gon na find out. If this thing can do anything up against will he do and his habits staying the exact same? Are you gon na wear it every day, I’m gon na try he’s gon na wear it every day. Ladies and gentlemen, oh my goodness, this is exciting yeah! I’M! I’M excited to hear the results. That’S it you guys are gon na have to stay tuned. It’S this the future of weight loss.

I don’t believe it, but Willie dudes gon na find out for sure .