A Very Strange Smartphone Attachment…

A Very Strange Smartphone Attachment...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Very Strange Smartphone Attachment…”.
All right, so this is a bit of a different, take sort of an unusual product. Pow. I guess POW is the company, it’s an expandable phone speaker, universal click, mount and wallet, you get a click case, click mount wallet and then the speaker itself itself is called mo pow mo it has this thing called an audio expansion chamber. There is no substitute right for you need some space for sound to resonate so really small, portable bluetooth speakers you’ll want two things right: they either don’t sound very good or they got to get large. This is trying to do both they’re trying to be compact and then also pop into something that can resonate can give you decent, sound.

I’M assuming this is gon na clip onto here. I don’t know how many different devices they make the case component or house big, authentic, sound comes from popping up the wave Blum audio expansion chamber wave bloom. That’S like a startup. That’S like your next startup. You know I mean it’s Wave blue.

Of course, it’s wave blue: let’s do what we do and get to the bottom of it. Listen to this thing here and see what it’s all about see if it’s worth our time worth your money. Oh, these people obviously think so they’re having the time of their lives.

A Very Strange Smartphone Attachment...

This is how Willie do likes to party it has some weight to it and at first you’re like okay, so it’s less portable if it has weight true, but you get sound. What do I have multiple components? It’S one of these situations. You slide up. That’S not bad! Okay, this, oh, my goodness, gracious, there’s so much going on here. So this is a sticky piece. If you don’t want to use this case, then you would stick this guy left. That would be a commitment like this. There we go and then your accessories would click to this after you’ve got either that or this case installed, then your in wallet territory, you put in a couple cards, there slide them out and then lastly, you have the speaker unit.

A Very Strange Smartphone Attachment...

This is what I’m interested in. You can see here, it’s folded flat, so it’s it’s actually quite compact and then how does it pop out hole? Did I do that right? It takes some force, so you seen that so that’s in it’s like a vacuum in there, you got to really look at that. I really pull on it. Type-C connector is over here there’s a dedicated Bluetooth button and a power button check this out.

A Very Strange Smartphone Attachment...

That’S how do you daisy, Oh said POW? Did you hear that pal we’re in pairing mode, very Oh pal, mo connected? I get the feeling that it actually benefits from being on the table quite a bit the way that it reverberates. So maybe the point here is like you play the track and you maybe that’s why the whole thing sticks together like this definitely has sound comparable to a much bigger Bluetooth speaker now. He need the pocket test on me on the box. I’M gon na do my own pocket test here.

Jack can be the witness so uh, you know what definitely pocketable it’s doable. If you knew you were heading somewhere, you wants to have music with you and you wanted something better than your phone speaker. This is in a different realm than your phone speaker. Ah, you can’t cover this as little vac this little valve. So you put your finger to the side of the valve over here and then it comes up easy without covering the wave expansion port.

So yeah will is spreading the rumor that these things can be daisy, chained together, which could be pretty cool if possible. Oh, did it just did it so you, you press and hold the bluetooth and they flash green instead of blue and the beeping is like synced up, okay, United. We expand press and hold the Bluetooth they find each other and linked up and then by the looks of it it’s one so like one is paired to the other one, and then this one attempts to connect independently.

Let’S see if this works, yeah yeah yeah, why seagulls were dancing all around whoa wait a minute we’ll come into the come on in we’ll come on in we’ll. We can’t let this happen where it goes this long without you, you know gracing. Let me do I’m anything, but in sight, expertise. I don’t know about that. Audio Engineering. These things are 80 bucks. It’S doable right. Let’S do that. The people wanted 50 and you brought 80 get the hell out of here.

You know what I could gene cost. Will you know what this photo costs quite a lot? I would imagine you know what this guy right here costs to get him. He you got to get a guy. Who can do that move yeah he’s pretty prime for the portability it listen. I was like across the room, it sounded great.

No, no, the speaker, it was clear yeah. I completely agree with you. The speaker sounds better than I expected yeah, but I don’t know if they need all the accoutrement yeah. I don’t think that’s necessary. I think just having this and then having it on the table. I think it’s good enough and the fact that it’s really heavy, I have to say that’s you know this thing is just your fluff right here, yeah it’s all this is for this is hard.

This is very hard to open, hey man, just open it up, dude. What you do is it’s a two-way deal, so you go that way first and then out like that. Even then it’s just like the grip, it’s so tiny you’re, not getting it up right now. No there you go, I mean it’s tough, it’s okay, the white ones.

Harder is the other way one. Oh, they go. Hey, go Willie. How do these gentlemen? So yeah sounds good, surprising, sound. It is a bit of money. It’S 80 bucks. You said it’s 80 bucks. There’S gon na be people that just want a cheaper Bluetooth speaker I fully. I understand that, but you can’t really.

This is one department where, if you know what you’re looking for you know what you’re listening for you can tell the difference between a cheapo, Bluetooth, speaker and one that costs a little bit more and giving the form factor of this thing. I feel like it’s in the same territory, sound wise as much bigger speakers. Yeah you’re gon na get a much smaller package delivering bigger sound than it probably should definitely moe moe.

So like when people ask you, oh that speaker, you got you beg it be like. I got ta pick it up. What’S it called you like Moe they’re, not gon na.

Remember that what Moe don’t ya I feel like they could be some work on that as well, but pretty cool. Nonetheless, .