The Futuristic Lenovo Folding Screen Laptop

The Futuristic Lenovo Folding Screen Laptop

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Futuristic Lenovo Folding Screen Laptop”.
So you guys know: I’ve been talking about folding screens, it’s cool, it’s sci-fi! It’S the future! Now, up until this point, I’ve only showcased the idea of a folding screen in a smartphone in the form of the Galaxy fold which well, who knows where that thing is right. Now it’s it’s who can find it? I don’t know where’s the Galaxy cool it ain’t here. It doesn’t mean it’s not the future, it doesn’t mean it’s gon na. It’S not gon na be an eventual reality, because this tech, the hardware, appears to be here to stay and in trickling in to other devices, including this one in front of me now. This thing is a prototype, but I am very excited to have it here to be one of the first people to look at this in studio.

This is the Lenovo folding PC. Now you may have seen clips floating around the internet. It’S a totally different form factor. Forget about a smartphone.

This is a way bigger, folding display aimed at kind of replacing. Maybe your tablet, maybe your laptop that remains to be seen. It’S a clear indication into what a futuristic laptop replacement tablet, replacement type of computing platform can be. I’M gon na bring in Willy do because he’s been briefed he’s.

Like he’s the expert look at this, he made notes and everything we got to be prepared on this one, because the eventual commercially available product may change a little bit, but in this showcase the proof-of-concept really nicely whoa, okay at first it just it kind of looks Like the x1 tablet, you have, the screen comes off from the key, it kind of seems like that’s what it might be, but of course I’m guessing like that’s, not the magic part. Well, the magic part is what like this whoa now, it’s kind of like a notebook like a leather, it’s kind of like a leather nope like something you would write with a pen in. It’S got a similar vibe like look at the size of its tiny yeah. Now keep in mind, I mean like we’re looking at this, you see the hinges here: you’re, not really sure how it operates prototype.

We just need to be clear, prototype very focus now. Obviously this is an OLED as well, because it been so Samsung has like a snap hinge. This one is parently torque torque hinge yeah, it sounds very powerful yeah. Apparently you can fold it many many times they did a lot of testing on.

The Futuristic Lenovo Folding Screen Laptop

Obviously you could prop it up like this and there’s some sort of a stand right. Am I right about this yep? Okay, so you could prop it up like this and then have what like a little keyboard module in front of it. So 13.3 inch display kind of a surprising aspect ratio a little taller. The more interesting version of that would be like this right, like you would have it like that with like a keyboard down here, yeah and you could show it off so tap on that and it should reorient its hey and then you could check out a video Here, whoa, you can start searching, it’s so magical, so sure.

Look at that! Okay! Well, so why don’t you break down the specs for us here? I know you got a list there so for the display it’s using an LG display here. It’S a obviously old lead. 2K display with the 4 by 3 ratio, each screen is 9.6 inches each of these 2. Yes, so, if, if it was two separate displays, it would be 9.6 on each side. Yeah. Look at this! What I it’s like, I got a cookbook or something here we’ll, and it’s also uses a Wacom pen that could be attached right here.

So apparently it’s also got an all-day battery in it I mean we don’t. How can we really break down what that means at this point very early stages? It’S also gon na be available in 2020. So it’s still a ways out. Let’S keep that in mind early days for a package. This scale imagine you’re at the coffee shop. Well, oh, this is super poor guy, like you yeah, latte, okay, let me try typing on this. I’M real curious, I’m a big keyboard guy! It’S the reason, I’m even using the x1 carbon now. Can you hold it like this and start typing? I wonder if, like the keys, can split and then you could start to type.

I guess I could hang like this. I could reach to the middle. Go. Let’S see unbox therapy yeah, I mean like yeah day so weird when you’re scrolling on the bank on the bent display.

The Futuristic Lenovo Folding Screen Laptop

Look at this jack. That’S magic right there, okay, that’s technology! That’S why we do this! It’S! Why we’re in this business? It’S crazy man! It’S science fiction: what are we doing? What are we doing in technology? Well, it’s like when I used to watch. You know in the old days, Blade Runner type stuff. This is what they couldn’t put in the movie because they didn’t have it at the time. But this is sort of what you imagined I’m having an experience right now: yeah cuz, it’s us, it doesn’t in your brain. It doesn’t really fully you don’t fully receive it for and just knowing that the keyboard is digitized, it could be removed at any time.

The Futuristic Lenovo Folding Screen Laptop

It’S like, oh, it could be more screen real estate, changing its form to meet the criteria whatever it is that you’re asking it for exactly that’s the exciting part. This one demonstrates that possibly even better than the phone, because the phone there’s a lot of conversation about well, when do you use the phone when it’s folded up and when do you fold it out and do you have the time because with a phone there’s still A lot of one-handed use that goes on throughout our day, a casual kind of like pop in and pop out type of thing, try to figure it out still trying to figure it and, from a form-factor perspective, to think roughly the same scale. This one has some key advantages that the phone can’t say that it has to the same extent, if it’s a replacement for a laptop.

Let’S say it ends up in a way smaller package in a laptop with a similar specification. A lot of people speculated that this was the true implementation for this tech, because laptops are big. Look at that thing that you’re, using and you’re missing out a lot of screen real estate. If the keyboard said you kind of have to think the opposite, where, like the screen is first and then you know, you add haptic feedback or something it becomes like a full fledge keyboard that you feel mmm and that’s easy. All you need feel, though, that’s the thing it’s for me, I’m always talking feel will I know, there’s gon na be some external module, but like am i carrying it everywhere? Probably not flip side, though you pull that out at a coffee shop, holiness of him you’re gon na get some serious attention.

Whoa look, I don’t know man I’m into laptops, I’m a laptop guy, I’m typing tactile, that’s my thing. So is the form factor exchange significant enough for me to imagine a universe in which this is it? The most compelling part is the scale of it. You walk around with this. You don’t even it’s nothing and then, of course, the fact that you get OLED, which is a difficult thing.

You don’t see it in a lot of laptops to begin with. This is not the finished product. I expect this to improve. Yes, there are going to be some drawbacks. There are always drawbacks well, but in this case the question is, do you get more, then you got to give up and maybe so like what? If I told you, that’s a 13-inch display right there you’d be like nice.

Fat, like a sketchbook, you be, I guess, a sketchbook I’d be like oh yeah, tough guy huh, like I just explored yeah, exactly tough guy. I’M excited to get to check stuff like this out. To be honest, I’ve said it in the past with stuff.

That’S super science fiction like this ambitious, like this is the kind of stuff that makes me appreciate this job specifically to get to examine this right as it’s kind of on the cutting edge, the bleeding edge, as they say in tech. So I’m excited for moments like this and there you have it. It’S the folding PC from Lenovo .