Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The World’s Most Expensive Phone Case”.
So i showcased recently this like crazy, expensive phone 25. 000. I mean you, probably saw the video if you didn’t go check it out. It’S ornate for the other people out there that still need to be in that territory, but maybe not to that extreme. You got this company here they’re making.
As far as i can tell the most expensive, iphone cases on planet earth, the company’s called gray – and this case in front of me is called the alter ego. I think this alter ego, one that we have here is like two grand something like that they make another case. This thing, which is a bumper – and this is also like two grand for this particular version. I have they sent a bunch of them. What exactly are these crazy, expensive cases? How do they look and so on? So anyhow, let’s start with the alter ego.
This is the first thing you have to install onto the device look at that little guy and this protects your phone because it’s like machined out of titanium, that’s metal or aluminum. It’S held together by magnets and now you are in expensive land territory. So pretty much! This is like, if you have a lamborghini, you have to buy this case. Your key doesn’t work until you have this case for your phone. Actually, you can see at the top here jack.
It says: number 14 out of 500. So super limited again. If you’re talking about luxury items, there’s nothing more luxury than limited, you just know, that’s it. I got one of a handful, so it’s special.
It has to be yeah the the little screwdriver tip. What is this this? What is this oh extra screws? This is the little message, but it’s on a metal plate, the spirit of the future engineered. Today, almost every significant human achievement has been founded on two beliefs that the future can be better than the present, and that is it is in our future power to make it. So this is the spirit of the future, see that jack. That’S the future. You understand. It’S got like these little grooves, it’s obviously machined anyhow. What is this about? This is a little paperwork, so you peel that baby out like that put this guy on first, so this rubber sort of protects your device. I mean you’re probably going to want to get this color on a black iphone. I would guess you know what’s weird about this, though you’re putting a case on the phone that costs more than a phone is the case protecting the phone or is the phone protecting the case. You get this little screw in there. This phone is now i mean you got the cost of the iphone.
You got the slab on the outside. You are now uh squarely in uh the territory of what, like this whole package, being four grand three grand something like that. I know what it is. What’S on the phone is so valuable, you understand your your messages, your your pat yeah, yeah james bond stuff, comes around the camera here. Doesn’T do it on that side? That’S a bit strange now. The good thing here is that they have a less a slightly less intense version of their ultra expensive case. It’S the advent which i actually think they’re more famous for it’s a bumper style. Even here it is still incredibly luxury. This is metal the whole package gray on the bottom. This is the advent bumper case, and this is the aurora color and, as you can see, it’s like a color shifting, purple orange blue and you have the same rubber, bumper piece that goes in first to protect your device.
It’S actually for an s10 plus, that’s right. S10 users not left out, they can also enjoy ultimate luxury status. There we go very nice, okay, all right, so they make it for the galaxy devices latest ones, the iphone devices big small and uh. Actually, this aurora color setup with this kind of back.
It’S a whole vibe. Look at that! You see that jack. This one is actually limited to 50 number four out of 50. wow.
It gives you an incredible grip on the device. It’S all you know very angular, but it’s a bit raw as well. It’S kind of pokey – i don’t know this stuff is extreme. It’S intense, that’s kind of the idea of it.
I mean this is this is really for people that are looking for the most outlandish crazy, expensive luxury stuff they ran out of stuff to buy like that’s who it’s for? Well, what’s the what’s the exact price on this one, 300 bucks, you see it’s still more than a phone you still, rather than a phone than that thing, it’s kind of wild for some customer out there in the world. Some super villain, a russian oligarch. What does oligarch mean? .