This 2-Pound Laptop Has Super Powers…

This 2-Pound Laptop Has Super Powers...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This 2-Pound Laptop Has Super Powers…”.
This is exciting. I’Ve got a different brand laptop on the table. It’S not just about Lenovo this one’s from Japan. It’S the Fujitsu PC light plug.

This is a direct ThinkPad competitor in the crazy, thin, crazy light durable day-to-day laptop. They think they can challenge my love of the ThinkPad series and they might be right. The brand has a storied history in the land of gadgets. Oh, it’s red! That’S kind of cool 13.3 inch, F, HD, touchscreen anti-glare! It’S got a Core i5 80 to 65. You processor, oh, it’s also got an LTE module, so you can always be connected. It’S got something called palm secure. Now I watched a video about this.

Before this thing arrived. You can actually unlock it with the palm of your hand, which is kind of cool. How about that as well Jack country-of-origin, Japan, very rare in this day and age? So hang on a second that’s a 13.3 inch laptop with a proper intel processor coming in at 2 pounds now I thought the x1 carbon was ridiculously light at 2 and 1/2 pounds. Now we’re now we’re talking to we talking 2 pounds, I might have to look at the keyboard. The keyboard is gon na have to be good.

If I’m gon na be convinced to switch out my laptop that’s the laptop. What time and light come on? That is ridiculous. That’S the palm secure! In order to unlock it.

Would it be easier to steal someone’s fingerprint than their palm well, you could chop a finger off instead of a hand. Okay, you know what else is weird. There’S a camera right here facing straight up, see this. What am I do I in case I want to do this, have either of you guys determine what this up facing camera is by the display hold on guys this thing, flips all the way over as well. I did not even oh, so it’s a convertible also at two pounds. Do you flip around in your snapping boat? I doubt it.

This 2-Pound Laptop Has Super Powers...

It’S light, looks like one power brick. This to me looks like a travel adapter, but then there’s also a beefier one. You kind of leave this one at home and then, when you’re on the go, you take the little guy wow.

They just can give you a Thunderbolt three cable, because why not a pen there’s also pen input it’s a fairly slender little pen there with some extra tips as well. Oh, and it looks like it fits into the unit. Also, it’s a docking station you’re gon na have a single cable connection, which is then gon na.

Give you all these extra desktop style, ports, the VGA port and HDMI for DisplayPort, wired, Ethernet connection to USB type, a ports, USB type-c port audio out port powered USB type-c connector. They thought about all of it, so it starts at 1600 bucks! That’S that’s not crazy! It goes right here at the front, that’s a good spot for that’s it! It’S right in there right over here, you can see. That’S your SIM card tray by the looks of it. It’S got an SD card reader.

This 2-Pound Laptop Has Super Powers...

It’S got a USB type-a. There is a breakout style connector for the wired internet connection. What even, is this port right now? Oh, my god! This is incredible. They have found a way to fit a wired, Ethernet jack in here. That does this watch this you use it when you need it. You put it away when you don’t it’s incredible type C: Thunderbolt 3 connector also capable of powering the laptop, as you can see, indicated from this battery icon right here, another Thunderbolt 3 connection, full-sized HDMI, USB type, A and a headphone jack that versatility in a package.

That’S 2 pounds the keyboards got to be there else. What are we doing the whoo? Ok, how is this deck not flexing more with something that feels this light? You got to love these magnesium materials. This laptop is like the opposite of how Apple approaches things. Apples like bare minimum just give you what you need this product is like give you everything you might ever need. First thing: I notice the screen is a bit unusual because it’s got this anti glare.

If you were to write on the screen, it seems like this offers some degree of protection alongside the anti glare attributes. This works, like any other pen on a tablet style. You can also get this tent mode going on, so you can save a little space in front now.

This 2-Pound Laptop Has Super Powers...

The face on lock actually works really. Well. I will, let’s see if we can demo it here. Ok, so it looks for the face the blue light and boom and unlocks, but they went a step further man. There is this app that goes with this device to take security to a crazy next level, security devices, palm secure, fingerprint face recognition, present sensor, passwords and smart card rfid. There’S a smart card slot over here on the left, so you could have you could make it necessary to have multiple forms in order to get inside of the computer now. Most of these are recognizable to me, but to palm secure is not something that I’ve used before the way it works is that this scanner over here will read your your palm, the veins in your palm at a distance, so you don’t actually even touch it in Order to unlock now it’s a bit strange. You got to line it up perfectly, but anyhow I did register it.

So I’m gon na log out real, quick and show you how that works. Ok, palm secure hand, vein recognition, so you just go hold your palm. It will tell you if you’re too low too high or if you have to move forward a little bit and once you line it up it just logs you in now I don’t know, do you get better at knowing where to place your hand over time? Maybe I mean is looking at veins in your hands, so you got to be really concerned about what’s on here in order to go to that level I’ll, do it one more time, maybe I’ll line it up even better? Let’S see here, oh, I could get it better that times a bit faster, the main takeaway. Is they it’s crazy light and it’s got an enormous versatility and or object display wise, I’m gon na say you know it’s.

It’S obviously a step back from the stuff that I’ve been looking at on the latest x1 carbon laptops. But, yes, you get the pen input and maybe most importantly, for this particular laptop. You get the spin-around factor. You get the tablet mode.

The keyboard here, I’m okay with it. It’S not ThinkPad level. There’S a camera up here at first, I’m like what is that, for it turns out it’s just a camera. It’S just an improved camera from the webcam.

Now the webcam is 1080p. This over here is five megapixels and the idea there is that just like on a phone, you have a rear-facing camera. So if I had to be yeah, I’m in the corporate world snapping photos of the – I don’t know the new boardroom. The speakers I actually haven’t tested yet so let’s go ahead and do that real, quick okay, so the speakers are firing out the sides on the right or left.

That’S maxed out. It is not great speakers. The speakers might even be a step back from the previous generation x1 carbon. To be honest, the thing about this device, I feel like it’s productivity, first, its functionality first and then everything else. Second right form design materials. It’S like, let’s pack as much functionality into two pounds as we can now for me.

I don’t know if this could displace my x1 carbon under day-to-day. But if I was on the go a little bit more, all of a sudden, I’m counting pounds and I’m like huh, this is kind of like the ultimate on the road executive, maybe you’re, maybe you’re in sales. It’S two pounds: you don’t even notice. You’Re carrying a honestly doesn’t even feel real. It’S kind of cool, I’m happy to look at it. Japan is back .