Don’t Trade Your iPhone For This Phone

Don't Trade Your iPhone For This Phone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t Trade Your iPhone For This Phone”.
What can I say, it’s all explained in the image that you’re looking at right now, you may or may not have heard of this. It is a collaboration between blue smartphones, which is kind of funny, because this is not even a smartphone and supreme the Beast culture. New York City lineup for it brand with the badge on everything, from bricks to hammers paper bags, and now phones see how that works. Well, they’re admitting this is a burner phone, so they’re kind of saying yeah. It’S not gon na replace your smart phone aside.

The idea of it, maybe it’s a collector’s item, maybe you put on a shelf. What’S the average age of a supreme thin 17:18, it looks like around 300 between two and three hundred bucks. You can buy one of these any supreme product. You have the original price and then you have the secondary market, because if the idea of these things being limited is the key characteristic in developing the hype, who was it? Who hooked us up with this? Ok, slash the supreme saint, so shout out there now as a phone which you guys may or may not care about. It’S a 3G high-speed data device 2.4 inch display VGA camera flashlight, Bluetooth and up to 32 gigabytes of expandable storage via micro sd. In other words, it’s got the phone spec of 1999.

Don't Trade Your iPhone For This Phone

Yes, we also got some stickers over here, so I guess we should. We should check that out too, so you have the classic supreme sticker this. Oh you have this sticker supreme American pasteurize prepared cheese product. It’S kind of a comfy bed alone. Now it’s also important to note they’re kind of in on the joke. Maybe I’m just projecting, but I feel, there’s kind of an odd like this is kind of an odd like a physical one, we’re all admitting what we’re doing here, but it’s fun nonetheless, maybe trolling in a way kind of that’s a head pointer. Maybe it’s gon na get people back to having actual phone calls real connections. We got to call each other now because texting on here, ain’t gon na be any fun.

This is one of those products where I think the battery comes separate. It does. I think this is kind of a win for blue a brand like them that only pops up on Amazon. Now you get the association with supreme, obviously a huge brand.

It elevates you a little bit just the association there’s your charge, brick micro, USB, a 16 gigabyte micro sd, oh and three SIM card adapters, that’s kind of nice. Those are useful. This is gon na be fun. We popped it back off dual SIM card slots. It’S a tight battery fit.

Don't Trade Your iPhone For This Phone

Is the world ready for the supreme phone or is the supreme phone ready for the world? Does this phone have Wi-Fi? You can put your SIM card, you tell me you throw my salmon, oh yeah. What do you need? One of these for who needs one of those, that’s a big bulky thing: okay. 2019, ladies and gentlemen, 2019 yo supreme quality is good.

Don't Trade Your iPhone For This Phone

I sound a lot better on your phone than you sound on mine. I have a supreme phone and not everybody has this phone and not everybody can get this phone, but I of jealous see I had this phone yeah. Let’S try to look, oh yeah! There you go the time machine.

This phone is just a time machine. This wasn’t that long ago, we’re completely different creatures. Now yeah cuz we’re just we’re just we’re everywhere, yeah all the time we’re everywhere.

We should listen to some ringtones. That’S another thing that you that used to be the thing you would do if you got a phone from this era. Oh man, you bet, I will pick my ringtone [ Applause ], that’s the ringtone from scream yeah, we’re old, alright, but you got a phone call.

It was exciting something to do pier jump, what it’s better over than under I’ll. Take a 12. Not bad products are weird the the life of hype and marketing and the whole ecosystem.

It’S a really confusing product. It’S a 10x markup for the branding. You can’t just hate on supreme, because you’ve got Gucci and Prada you get it. Nike, Adidas everything this value associated with a brand and the community around that brand and whether or not the community applies value to it. The group decides the price, and in this case the group decides this is worth 10x the value of the phone on its own. There, you have it the supreme phone, an unlikely collaboration in 2019.

Somehow I had fun in this article. .