Nothing ear (1) Launch + 50 Device Giveaway

Nothing ear (1) Launch + 50 Device Giveaway

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nothing ear (1) Launch + 50 Device Giveaway”.
So now we just announced e1 to be honest. There was this idea to own transparency, all right, exciting announcement. I have 50 units of the upcoming nothing year, one wireless earbuds to give away to you guys and the product hasn’t even launched yet just head down to the description of this video and look for details on how you can have a chance to win. One of these and be one of the first people in the world to get your hands on with not only this new product, but this new brand. I also want to announce that the nothing ear one will be exclusively shown off here on unbox therapy. First and it’s happening very soon – there will be a live event here on the unbox therapy channel so make sure you’re subscribed. So you don’t miss out it’s july 27th and we’re gon na get the background on the company. For those of you that haven’t heard about what nothing has been up to, this is the new project from carl pay, and it’s got a number of high-profile backers, including casey neistat. Tony fidel formerly used to be at apple was the inventor of the ipod gv, formerly known as google ventures is also involved.

Nothing ear (1) Launch + 50 Device Giveaway

Kevin lin is another backer he’s the co-founder of twitch and then you’ve also got stephen huffman involved who’s. Currently the ceo of reddit. So there’s some high profile names associated with this product company and launch now. The other exciting thing here is that this product has been designed in conjunction with teenage engineering and, if you’ve seen their products in the electronic space.

You know that they take their own approach. A distinctive point of view, so that makes this launch even more exciting. We can’t wait to see how that partnership plays out and how the teenage engineering mindset makes its way into a consumer tech product in the form of these ear. One true wireless earbuds, all right.

So what do you need to do? Well, first off you don’t want to miss the launch and the reveal, which is happening on the 27th of july, so hit that subscribe. Button right now also check all of the details in the description to make sure you’re entered to win. One of these. There are all kinds of opportunities for bonus, entries, good luck to everyone and i’ll see you on july 27th. Is it here a ring? Man doesn’t want to good to see you uh we’re running light for the all hands yeah. What time is it perfectly on time? Is a male uh here as well uh? No, i think, he’s actually in summer we have a surprise for you. Wow now we just announced a1, just the name, another product and uh nice good, a lot of anticipation to be honest, hello for several purposes: hey, hey, brazil, okay, super fun! Abra here does uh live up to your expectations in real life exceeded my expectations. What a dashing young man tommy, you know like we, we started this project before you guys were involved.

Nothing ear (1) Launch + 50 Device Giveaway

Transparent design was one of the hardest things to to accomplish for the engineering team. I’M sorry you’ve had a lot of conversation. It’S very easy to create something that looks cheap when it’s transparent, it’s not the easiest thing to to pull off, but man. What was the design journey like because i mean when i first saw the thing, i’m like okay, that looks cool but like bring this to reality like yeah. How was it on your end? What happened behind the scenes over there? I think i think that you know when we first started thinking about nothing yeah. There was this idea to own transparency, but you know, i think the biggest challenge was actually more sort of the ergonomics learning about the ear and trying to make a product that was uh.

Nothing ear (1) Launch + 50 Device Giveaway

You know that interfaces with humans on a scale that we’ve never done before and – and i think it was you carl that that actually suggested you know we try to make this transparent. The hardest thing is sort of developing a way to assemble and build things. We have been trying so many different ways to to seal these two parts together all different kinds of transparent, glue, laser welding, because any little you know detail is right there on the surface, you have to basically start from scratch and and and develop new processes like Once we started seeing some of those transparent elements, i think the entire team instantly felt something the market has been asleep for a long time and we’re living in a sea of sameness.

It’S still the very beginning, yeah i’m next to on to the next product, which one is next here. .