Review: Editors Keys Vocal Booth

Review: Editors Keys Vocal Booth

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Review: Editors Keys Vocal Booth”.
Hey guys, mkbhd here back with another high definition, video review of the editor’s keys, vocal booth. This is a high-end audio isolation, booth from editor’s keys, that’s actually portable in a way that it can fold up and change and adjust the way you need it to. Let’S take a closer look, the vocal booth itself is height adjustable and in this article you can see i have it at about a medium height. It can extend up to about six feet tall or down to about four and a half feet tall. This, of course means you can use it while you’re, either standing or sitting either way you’re going to have the microphone you’re using on the middle on that stand, part of the vocal booth that sticks out in between the foam rubber that does the actual sound isolation.

You can see that this top part itself is made of a very high quality foam. That’S actually corrugated, so you’ll get those little dashes that dilute the sound and bounce it all different directions, and also the back part of it is made of a very high quality. Honeycombed metal and that’s definitely going to be sturdy and not going to move while you’re recording. Overall, if you haven’t already guessed it by now. This vocal booth is something that you’re going to put your microphone in to get the best out of the best quality out of your microphone, meaning, if it’s not already noise. Isolating this vocal booth will isolate the noise for you and also going along with the theme of portability. This vocal booth by editor’s keys is also adjustable, which means you can literally just grab it and close it up when you’re done using it or when you want to continue using it in a specified position. You can open it up a certain amount of degrees.

So it’s extremely wide or you can have it at the typical middle position that i keep it at when i’m actually recording this audio right now, you can even swivel it from side to side to keep it in the optimal position for your recording and guys. You can see by the smoothness at which it turns that it is made from high quality materials, not cheap plastic. That’S not going to do the job, but high quality, metal and steel and foam. That’S really going to use sound isolation very well now something else that may or may not be a selling point when it comes to this vocal booth is that there is a little bit of assembly required, meaning you’re going to have to do some construction.

Review: Editors Keys Vocal Booth

You know, pull out the manual and put some bolts together to actually get it standing up, but once you get it stand it up, it’s really going to work. Just fine and it’s very easy to use once you’ve put the microphone inside and get to doing some recordings in these overhead views. You’Ll also see that that foam padding is pretty thick, so there’s no need to worry about it, not being effective. It’S definitely going to do its job, and i have total confidence in this product to do that, for you so look.

Bottom line is if you’re looking for a very inexpensive or relatively inexpensive way to make your current microphone sound a lot better than it already does. I would highly recommend the editor’s keys portable, vocal booth. It does its job with no real technical hitches or anything wrong with it, and that’s totally acceptable with me. Overall, this product gets an 8 out of 10 by mkbhd review standards for good, build quality, excellent ease of use and uh just a little bit of difficulty with construction, but that was easy to get over.

Review: Editors Keys Vocal Booth

So, thanks for watching this video review of mkbhd’s, editor’s keys, portable vocal booth and we’ll hopefully talk to you guys in the next article thanks for watching peace, .