Review: Wiki Golf

Review: Wiki Golf

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Review: Wiki Golf”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here back with a halloween video review and a video that i can promise, you is going to be pretty unique to this channel. In fact, i promise you. This is the only ios app review, you’ll, probably see in 2010 on the mkbhd youtube channel, which definitely means it’s worth something so without any further ado. Let’S take a look.

This application is called wiki golf and it’s based on a really popular concept where, basically, you visit a wikipedia page and you use links on that wikipedia page to get to a certain other wikipedia page in a certain amount of clicks. So i have it installed on this ios device and i won’t even tell you the name of it. You can probably figure that out, but it’s really a well-polished and well-made game and can provide quite a bit of entertainment for the on sale price right now of just one dollar – and i know some of you have already clicked out of this video thinking. You don’t want to pay to play wiki golf, but stay tuned. This review might change your mind.

Review: Wiki Golf

Like any other app review, like i do on the droid dog youtube channel for android applications, i show the settings of the application, but ready really that’s just the how to play section and, like i explained earlier, it’s just like going from hole to hole basically on Wikipedia so hole one you have to get to the european union and when it says par four, if you’ve ever played golf, that means you have four clicks to get to the european union. It’Ll start you off on some random, obscure thing you might not have heard of row, but you’ll have to get to four four clicks to get to the european union. Basically, if you get it in three clicks, that’s obviously one under par birdie, four clicks is par. Five clicks is a bogey.

Review: Wiki Golf

If you ever forget what your target is or just don’t know what the european union is. I don’t know how that’s possible uh that you can go ahead and click the name at the top, like i just showed you and it’ll. Give you a little picture from the wikipedia definition at the bottom. It’Ll also tell you how many strokes you’ve taken and the amount of strokes you have for par, so right off the bat.

Review: Wiki Golf

I have no idea how to get out of road to europe. So i’ll, just click the first thing and we’ll see where that takes us. So you can see here is that we’ve taken our first shot and basically everything in blue, which is clickable, that is a link to another wikipedia page, is an opportunity for a second shot. You can scroll down and expand all the subcategories in the bottom to find a whole bunch, more links and there’s a whole bunch of popular places.

Where people like to find links like in history uh, there might be a bunch of countries named or there might be something you need to get to that. That’S in the functions section or something like that. So there’s a lot of a lot of cheats. People like to use to get to things quickly and to get a really low score, there’s also a search function at the bottom right hand corner which really makes playing a game a lot more fun.

Basically, you can search any term so i’ll go ahead and search country here and it’ll go ahead and highlight every single time it uses the word country in that article. Unfortunately, it doesn’t use the word country in this word uh in this article, so i’ll try a number of other terms, but you can’t actually use the arrow to get to the next highlighted word. You actually have to scroll to get to the next highlight. So it’s not really cheating, it just helps point out words: you need to see more easily, so you can see on our next shot here, we’ve gotten to the page about dna, and i feel like there’s going to be some scientists here who made some contributions towards Dna, that was from europe, so i guess that was a pretty good choice. I wonder if any of these guys here were european, also note that you can’t click on the picture because it leads to outside of wikipedia, so you actually have to click on that blue link, like i mentioned earlier, to get to the next hole or to the Next stroke, all alright. So in the end here after we finished the game and finished the last hole, obviously i did terribly on the last hole, but you can see that i got a total of 44, which was five under par, so i’m so proud of myself.

Um – and i actually do want to share this score because i’ve never actually finished a full nine holes before so, you can go ahead and submit now once you submit your score globally, it will be under your name and also when i do this video here. There’S obviously not much people have played, but when you go now a whole bunch of people more than 70 people, in fact, are on the global leaderboards that you can view just with a single touch. So that’s really cool that you cannot view that. Overall, it’s cool that this game can be played on an ipod touch when there’s wi-fi – and i got ta say it’s – the only ios – only game that i’ve actually become addicted to since angry birds came to android. Sadly enough, i just discovered that game yesterday, anyway, until next time, this has been mkbhd with a scary, ios, halloween, app review and until next time talk to you later, peace .