Chrome Beta for Android!

Chrome Beta for Android!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Chrome Beta for Android!”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here and welcome to the definitive video to send your friends to on facebook, twitter or google plus of the new google chrome beta for android. So this is, as of today, the newest release of a browser on android from google itself. We’Ll go ahead and open it up and take a look at it for the first time as yes, it was released today. If anything is the most compelling reason to use chrome on the desktop. You know it’s a fast browser, it’s a secure browser and it’s coming to mobile here and you’ll see.

There has been a few interesting changes right off the bat. There are some user interface changes. First of all, there’s some really weird tab. Switching on going on here.

So, first of all, i can swipe to the right to go to my next tab, which is pretty sweet here. You can see. I have facebook open. I have google plus open and i have a tab here.

I also have a settings tab. What i can also do is hit that multiple tabs button here and you’ll see i have this interesting accelerometer controlled way of flipping through my tabs and revealing what tabs i have open. So i can go straight to facebook straight to google plus and just flip around between the tabs here, which is kind of interesting, and i like it in this tab, mute view.

You can also exit a tab here or just swipe it out and never have to look at it again. You can also open new tabs, of course, to view other stuff, but if there’s any really compelling reason to use chrome – and i’m serious about this because it’s finally come to mobile is the settings there are some pretty crazy stuff going on in here. So i’ll show you, when you’re signed into chrome, as you probably are on your desktop, you have your google account hooked up and that’ll, be able to sync all your bookmarks, all your history and all sorts of settings, and things like that to your phone. Second of all is auto sign in which we would expect so, if you’re signed into facebook on your uh desktop site – and you don’t want to have to remember that password. This will remember the password as well as soon as you sign in and if you’re, not a fan of that crazy tilt scrolling, you can disable it in developer tools. The single most important version – and this is just on the phone of the settings – is the other devices button and i’ll go ahead and show you right now. This is the transformer prime tf201. In the background – and it’s letting me know that two minutes ago i had google plus open, so i can go ahead and write open, google plus that was open on the transformer prime without any sort of delay, because it knows that’s what’s open on the transformer prime. But there are some other things that are different on the tablet, so let’s go ahead and switch over to tablet view and check out what’s different there. So now we’re here on the tablet, and you can see that first of all the nexus was right.

I do have google plus open here on the tablet and if you want any further proof we’ll go to other devices here and it’ll tell us what the galaxy nexus is running and sure enough is google plus and the new tab page and that’s totally correct. But what you’ll notice is also interesting is this is showing the mobile version of the website, and that’s because, as of right now, there is no request desktop site option as there was in the stock browser. So that’s one of the cons and the other con which i’ll go ahead and get out the way right now is that adobe flash is not supported. So if you were hoping to be able to use your desktop sites that were full of adobe flash stuff, that’s not going to work right off the bat, at least right now in google chrome for android. If you’re, okay, with all the rest of that and you like the tab, switching google chrome actually looks like a bit of a desktop browser when you’re using it on your tablet.

Chrome Beta for Android!

You can see it looks it kind of resembles chrome for mac. Actually, i can say that, because i use chrome for mac now – and it looks very very similar to that – also if we go back into our settings here again, you’ll find the same sort of settings here. You can sign into your google account and sync everything like your bookmarks history. Everything is the same and it does resemble a desktop experience. So i would say if anyone is looking forward to using uh such a very high-end tablet, you should go with a high-end browser, and so far google chrome has looked to be like that either way. This has been mkbhd with a quick video, google chrome beta for android, 4.0 and above devices, so i’ll keep you updated if this is updated to a later version or if this changes significantly either way.

Chrome Beta for Android!

This has been mkbhd thanks for watching and i’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace you .