New Myspace Design: Explained!

New Myspace Design: Explained!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “New Myspace Design: Explained!”.
Hey, what’s up guys, welcome back it’s mkbhd! Now I don’t know if you guys know this, but before there was Facebook before Google even existed before social networking was popular, the biggest social network out there was myspace. Now when you think of MySpace. What do you think of you probably think of like a desert wasteland that only a few people still use, but MySpace is kind of rolling back? Dare I say it they’re rolling out a pretty sweet-looking new redesign yeah. I said it so there’s actually something good about. Myspace now they’re rolling out sort of a metro, UI looking redesign, it kind of reminds me of the new outlook, comm and actually roll out a video of it today.

So you can check that out. There’S a link in the description, but to basically summarize it it looks really slick. That’S the word. I’D use to describe this new layout, you have a horizontally scrolling timeline and photo feed and Friends list and a notification bar and everything else important is at the bottom. Instead of the top, it’s almost like they’re trying to be almost Facebook, but not quite, but as you go through the video, you have to admit the layout, the general design, the fonts, the styles, the general user interface of the new myspace.

New Myspace Design: Explained!

Well, they actually look good. So basically, what I guess, I’m trying to say is myspace is now actually a good website. It’S not a good social network anymore, because no one really uses it right now, but it’s a good website.

New Myspace Design: Explained!

So this particular change might not bring me back to myspace, but the designers did a great job so thumbs up to them. They actually worked out a pretty good-looking site. Now, I’m not going to sit here and tell you.

Oh people use MySpace. There are actually a few people who still use it and not by accident. Video and music are really big part of myspace right now and a lot of smaller artists and like bands and things like that. Host their music on MySpace kind of like a Facebook page would today so it’s very apparent in the new myspace design. Is you watch the video you notice that media is very very center stage, there’s a whole lot of music videos and you know sort of integrated apps.

You can create sort of radio stations of different artists you’re listening to and they link back to their myspace profile. So overall they showed a lot of Justin Timberlake because well he pretty much is my space right now and at the beginning of the video, did you catch that yep? You can sign in with Facebook, nice and then the video ends with a logo that looks strikingly similar to another company that used to be popular logo. They changed it from their old one to their new one and there’s also a link to request an invite, as if you have to like get in like you’re waiting online to get into my space, whatever I’m not going to judge. So the link, if you actually want to go on myspace right now, actually visited it by accident a couple of days ago before this change happened. But if you want to request an invite, if you’re dying to get into myspace right now with the new version, there’s a link below to check that out and maybe I’ll see you now, I’m just kidding. I want to see you over there face you .