Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome!

Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome!”.
Hey, what’s up guys, I’m Kay PhD here we’re talking about Google Plus today, Google is a social network, not a lot of people, give it a lot of credit, but I talked about MySpace the other day. Myspace is a social network, but if you go to a Google search and just type in Google, is you get a lot of negative suggested search results thinking that people don’t really think very positively a Google so right now, I’m just going to give you guys. Five reasons: what Google is awesome number five is the 1 button. It’S everywhere you can even grab a Chrome extension that I’ll allow you to see. Basically how many Google users have 1 a certain page and they’ll show up in the top corner.

You can 1 any page on the Internet, so LC plus 1 YouTube videos, images, content, just websites and general articles anywhere, and it’s basically kind of like a gauge of how popular or how well-received something has been in the Google user community, WolframAlpha, 6,000 Plus Ones. The Verge 18,000 plus one Gangnam style, 63,000, Plus Ones,, 147,000, Plus Ones and, 194,000 plus ones. Nice number 4 – is the people. Now, if you’ve been on Google recently, you might have heard that it just recently passed 400 million users to sign up, but everyone else to say.

Well, Google basically forces people to sign up for Google Plus now so practically none of them are active right. Well, one in four of them about a hundred million people are active on Google every single day and I’m one of those so links down below these 100 million people are a ridiculously awesome community with very high engagement, and if you get any of these hundred million People to circle you or to be in your circles, they’re gon na have a great time on Google. It might seem awkward at first on Google Plus because barely any of your Facebook friends are there sometimes no one. You actually know in real life is there, but Google Plus is probably the best social network to just start meeting new people.

There are a lot of sites you wouldn’t want to do that on. The Google is a great community. If you say that Google is a wasteland from your own personal experience, you’re probably doing it wrong like if I were to follow zero people on Twitter or to have zero Facebook friends, I would think that those sites are also waste lands too, like myspace number, three Is the Google integration with all types of other Google services? As you know, Google is basically the hub for it. So you’re gon na see Google in, like embedded in services like Google Calendar, Google services like search and contacts and Gmail, and that’s all gon na help tie everything together with your profile and everything about you on your Google profile. I forgot exactly who, but I think it was Vic get autre or a very high on Google. Vp, basically described it as like a hub for the rest of the Google services.

Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome!

So you they branch out from Google into Maps, Gmail contacts calendar everything else depends on your Google profile. So it’s just a good thing to have number two. Is Google Hangouts? This is an awesome.

Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome!

Free service to Google Plus hangouts are like video chat. It’S free. It’S built into Google Plus, so there’s no separate app like Skype needed and it’s basically a way for you to face-to-face communicate using a front-facing camera on your phone or your desktop or anything that can access Google Plus to talk to other people.

Top 5 Reasons Google+ is Awesome!

With your mind, you can have up to 10 people involved and there are also all types of other services that you can use with the Google Plus hangouts. So you can all watch a YouTube. Video together or you can all wear sweet faces that use motion tracking on your face to give you a mustache, all kinds of crazy things that you can use with the desktop and mobile versions of Google Plus hangouts. It’S almost like calling because FaceTime before, if you have used iOS, can only be used on Wi-Fi now it’s used on solar data networks, but it’s only two people, Google, Plus ten people – that’s a huge advantage right there. The number one best thing about Google is the app the mobile app is amazing. It’S so good in fact that there is pretty much no need for a third-party app.

You go to Facebook on mobile. Sometimes you use a mobile website. Sometimes you might use a mobile app, but the mobile app, especially on like Windows and Android.

They suck really badly the windows of windows. Phone Facebook app is awful. The myspace apps are not even worth trying.

Google app is fast, its responsive. It has just about every single feature you can use on the desktop, which is something that not all the other services offer. You can start hangouts.

You can join hangout, so you can 1 reshare comment on posts. 1 comments see who 1 posts see from 1 comments. Everything that’s available on the desktop is available on the mobile app on a tablet and on your phone and that’s probably the best thing about Google. So, overall, you might think that Google is just another social network. A lot of people think, oh, I don’t want to get forced into signing up for this.

It must not be great if you have to force me into it, but a lot of people are missing that this is actually a really nice hub for your sort of Google life. So the more Google services you use, like calendar, Gmail search the more you’re gon na find the benefits of Google. So we look on the bright side. You might want to try it out circle.

A few people circle me my link is down below in the description of this video 1. The things you like try winning this video if you’ve never cross one anything before and maybe I’ll see you guys over there. Thanks for watching and I’ll talk to you guys later, you .