Best Tablets of 2012!

Best Tablets of 2012!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Tablets of 2012!”.
Hey, what’s up guys, I’m Kay PhD here and we’re talking about tablets today, a lot of great tablets were announced and produced this year, and it’s been a great year for the evolution of tablets and the different form factors were able to see now and actually get Tablet skin so without any further ado, we’re gon na go ahead and take a look one by one at the best tablets for 2012 and the ones you’re gon na want to keep an eye on for this holiday season. So I’m gon na kick it off with the Nexus 10. The Nexus 10 is my personal favorite tablet right now, and there are two main things that help it stand out from. Actually every other tablet out there on the market next to the Nexus 7.

First of all, this guy has a 2560 by 1600 Super HD display it has a pixel density of right around 300 pixels per inch. It is extremely high resolution text looks very sharp images appear great color reproduction is awesome. Viewing angles are great. It is just an overall excellent display and it’s probably the best display on any tablet out there right now. The second thing that kind of separates it from the rest is the fact that it’s running Android 4.2 jelly bean, I say kind of because there’s also the Nexus 7, but it’s running a pure stock version of Android 4.2.

So you get all the great features you get photosphere you get the new camera, you get the new notification panel, all that awesome stuff and that’s what really separates it from the other tablets out there. It’S one of my favorites, it’s a very fast tablet. App support is getting up there with tablets of this high resolution, but I think in a couple months, when all the apps are updated and what this has a huge ecosystem to go with it. It’S gon na be a hell of an option: hey guys johnathan here from the TLD today Channel and I got ta admit I almost feel like I’m walking into a trap talking about the iPad on the mkbhd channel.

Best Tablets of 2012!

I know a lot of you guys are Android fans, but we’re here to focus on why each tablet will make a good gift, and while I fill both the Nexus 10 and the iPad are hands-down, the best tablet options on the market, just in case you’re not Sold with the Nexus 10 or maybe you’re heavily into the Apple ecosystem, the iPad actually has a few advantages over the Nexus 10 starting with optimized apps. Obviously the Nexus 10 has a higher screen resolution, a higher pixel density, but all that means nothing unless you have the apps that are optimized to take advantage of all those pixels. The Nexus 10 does have quite a bit of optimized apps, but the iPad is second to none and takes the cake in that category, not only in the number of optimized apps, but that in combination with the best tablet GP on the market, you’re gon na get The best gaming experience out of a tablet on the iPad, so just in terms of app loading times, smoothness frame rates and overall, just the quantity and selection of apps. That’S where the iPad is second-to-none.

Best Tablets of 2012!

It also features a slightly bigger storage capacity. The Nexus 10 coming in at 64 gigs max and you also have the option to get ultra fast, lightening LTE. So the only downside to the iPad is obviously the Apple premium. They start at $ 4.99 and go all the way up to 829.

Depending on your configuration and if you choose to get a data equipped, iPad, hey Lamarr Wilson here and I’m in love with the iPad Mini and think it would be a great gift for the holidays. When I was at the Apple store, the seven inch form factor. Just blew me away completely: not just fell in love now, starting at 3:29. Are they cheaper tablets out there? Well, absolutely, but they’re also cheaper cars out there, yet people still going by the BMW.

This is an excellent, build quality. He is consistently fast and there are so many apps that are actually optimized for the tablet doesn’t matter if you have the large iPad or the smaller iPad. Everything looks great and that really is an important part, because in the end, it’s all about the user experience, especially with someone who was not geeky or techie, who just beats a device. That’S gon na work.

So if you’re a person who loves Apple or you a person who is interested in it first time I got ta say this is a good gateway drug but don’t do drugs, but but if you do, this is the gateway. This is the start of forming a habit and some drugs and with just buying more Apple products, but but you’ll be happy, not very rich, but you you’ll have some money left. I don’t I don’t know. I just love it, but I don’t eat.

Best Tablets of 2012!

What’S up guys Lou here and my pick for a tablet, this holiday season is this right here. This is the Nexus 7 from Google and a soos and the reason it’s my pick is well there’s a number of reasons. Actually, the main one, though, is the price point you can get into this tablet for a hundred and ninety-nine bucks, that’s the starting point and it’s easily the most aggressive starting point in the entire roundup that we’re talking about the main competitors in the tablet space. Another thing I like about it is form factor. The aspect. Ratio on the screen means that you can wrap one hand around it and utilize it that way, whether you’re reading on the subway the ball. Anything like that, you get a really comfortable grip with one hand, and I think, that’s sort of where it beats the iPad Mini the iPad, maybe having a slightly more square form factor, means that it’s a little uncomfortable to hold in one hand in this same fashion.

Right here, you’ve also got a relatively high resolution display and – and another really important feature is the fact that you’ve got the vanilla, Android experience. What that means is there’s no manufacturer skin on top of here, bogging it down, and it also means you’re going to get updates pushed out to the device as soon as they are available. So a great pic this holiday season, the Nexus 7 from Google and a Susan, what’s up guys Armando here, showing you why I believe the Microsoft Surface tablet is a great gift for the holidays.

The surface tablet is one of the best-built tablets of 2012. It features a magnesium body, stereo speakers and ports like a micro, HDMI, full size, USB and expandable storage, using a micro SD card. A big plus is the integrated kickstand and the option to buy a touch or type keyboard that enhances your experience, while also protecting your tablet on the go. The surface has one of the most impressive web browsers in the market. Today, Internet Explorer is buttery smooth website, rendering is very fast and it also has flash support. The surface is running on Microsoft, Windows, 8, RT and starts at $ 4.99 for a 32 gigabyte model.

However, you only get about 16 gigabytes of free storage. Since the operating system takes up half if you can live with that and the lack of app support, I highly recommend this premium tablet and you won’t be disappointed. So there you go guys. Those are just a few of the awesome tablets that are available to you. This holiday season, of course, there are some tablets that we didn’t mention on the list. There is the iPad 3 that you could like.

There is the Kindle Fire HD. There is the Galaxy Note: 10.1. There is the Asus Transformer Pad Infinity. There are a lot more great tablets, but those are sort of our top picks for now, but ultimately they pick for number. One is up to you, so let us know what your number one pick is in the comment section below also below in the description below the like button on this video are the links to all the awesome channels that contributed to this video definitely check those out These guys make awesome videos on their own channel, so you’re gon na want to watch those and get a kick out of those as well, so either way, there’s been mkbhd hope you enjoy the video hope you learned something today. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more videos like this to come.

Thanks guys, talk to you later, you .