Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech!

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech!”.
Hey, what’s up guys, I’m Kay PhD here so earlier today I was sorting some random items on Amazon for a most expensive, to least expensive, just random stuff, and I came across this paper shredder, which costs a hundred and thirty thousand dollars. So that was the inspiration for today’s video, which we’re going to talk about the top five most overpriced deals in all of tech. So there are some things that are actually justifiably expensive, like, for example, the twenty thousand dollar 4k TVs that we saw at CES. They look beautiful, they had insanely high resolutions, but they cost out-of-this-world prices, but they are actually really valuable, they’re bleeding edge technology and actually deserve to be twenty thousand dollars, at least for right now, but that price will come down.

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech!

I can also see things like you know: studio monitors being a couple thousand dollars things like that. I can understand, but then there are things that the price just doesn’t match the value the bang for buck ratio is totally out of whack and that’s what this countdown is about. So these things are just straight-up overpriced.

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech!

Number five is AudioQuest HDMI cables. I’D, do you think even know what HDMI cables are it’s a digital signal going through a wire that is not prone to interference at any sort of short distance, but yet these HDMI cables are valued and so highly priced because they have the best. You know pure silver lining and they have this awesome, shielding and they’re.

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech!

Just transferring the same exact signal that a three dollar 50 cent cable from monoprice provides. Why did these cost over a thousand dollars for his six-foot HDMI cable? That is just a little bit ridiculous. I just for the record audio Quest is not the only one who has done this.

There are other companies that have tried the thousand dollar HDMI cable to most, notably monster cable. They did one as well, which is insane, and yet somehow every single one of these always ends up being in Best Buy, and they always have the most hilarious reviews on Amazon. They made my pictures look better than my TV faster, it’s just hilarious, but yeah, so that cable is just ridiculously overpriced number four printer ink, I’m sure we can all relate to this one. Now, just for the record, I just want to say that there are printers out there that won’t. Let me print black and white documents, because I ran out of magenta ink like that’s actually a thing that there are. There are printers out there that won’t.

Let me write and print a text document in all black and white, because my yellow or magenta ink cartridges out of ink. I think that says a lot about the printer industry. Print rain takes the number four spot because there are actually cases where it’s more cost-effective to buy several new printers than it is to refill the same printer with more ink over and over again, which is weird.

But it’s true. It’S an actual thing and these new printers come with ink in them. So I don’t know why the ink cost so much.

I know that the refills you know companies like Epson and HP. They try to hype it up and try to justify the cost of these printer ink cartridges. By saying you know, there’s high technology going into them and they’re really efficient and they’re really green.

But in the end, if the same amount of material in to ketchup, packets costs $ 45, its overpriced number three is cellphone plans. Let’S do a little math here. Eighteen t charges 20 cents per text message and a single text message is limited to 160 characters tops which tops out at 160 bytes in size, so one gigabyte of bandwidth can handle about six point.

Two five million text messages so multiply those six point: two: five million by twenty cents per text and you’ll find that cell phone companies are charging one point: two: five million dollars per gigabyte of data for text messaging; that’s ridiculous, and there are some other ridiculous things About cell phone companies in the way they charge as well, for example in the United States companies like Verizon and AT .