5 Moto X Tips & Tricks!

5 Moto X Tips & Tricks!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “5 Moto X Tips & Tricks!”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m Kay PhD here and in my full motox review video. I talked about why I think this phone gives one of the best Android experiences of any Android device out there, and this is one that I’ll be recommending to a lot of people. For that reason, but there are a lot of things that I didn’t even talk about in that review video, so I figured I might as well bring a whole bunch of that stuff over here to this one. These are some things that I’ve learned from using the Moto X for a while now and some things that I’ve actually done to my own Moto X. So without any further ado, these are some Moto X tips and tricks now number one is that the Moto X is not just a black or white phone like a lot of the other phones out there. This is a totally customizable phone, so you actually be able to choose between hundreds of different color combinations for the back color of the front color and the trim color to really make the phone your own.

Now this is starting on 80 and slowly moving out to other US carriers. There’S also been hints of international availability later down the road, so keep your fingers crossed that that’s very soon, but right now it is 18 tioman. This will all be available through moto maker comm, which is the site. That’S actually live starting today.

That’S where Motorola will let you like play around with and select the color of the front back and trim of your Moto X. Now the thing is in the store: you’ll actually only find the all black or the all white Moto X, because they can’t show every single color combination in the store. So what they’ll? Actually, let you do is go into the store and if you decide that you want to buy this Moto X, you can buy a car sort of a Redemption card.

Then go home, go to the Moto maker website and punch in the scratch-off code on the redemption card and then get your customized Moto X, shipped to you in four days or less now, I’m still trying to decide what color for myself I would get for the Moto X, right now, I’m between basically these three right here I was initially just going to do the red and black, because I’m so confident with those colors, but it looks a little bit pink to me. It looks a little bit off red, not quite the same red that I’m used to and all the other stuff that I usually do red and black in. So let me know which one you would go with down below or even better if you play with the Moto maker site yourself today, go ahead and drop on twitter at mkbhd, a picture or a screenshot of the Moto X that you design and customized and I’ll Retweet some of my favorites over the course of the next few days so go ahead and play with those and I’ll check out what you guys made number two is when you first get the Moto X or something that I do, if basically any Android phone.

I get is I have a little routine that I do with a lot of the customizations in the settings and my favorite apps and games that I initially like to install. Some of these are totally predictable, and some of these are kind of weird one of the things I always do is go into the developer settings and speed up the animations to do 0.5 times the time so they’re twice as fast, which kind of gives the phone A much faster feel right out the box, and it gives me an idea of just how well the GPU can handle that kind of stuff, and then I like to go ahead and install my favorite apps, some of the stuff I’ve got going on right now. I really like the eye in the sky app for weather. That’S pretty much, always the first weather app I install on the device. I read all my news and feedly now and something else.

I’Ve been getting really into Google Play games side-by-side, multiplayer stuff, with some of my friends on Google Play. So that’s been fun, but you want to check out what’s on my Android device I’ll leave that as the first link below that like button. So you can check out all the stuff I’ve got going on on other Android devices that views number three now is touchless control, you’re going to want to set this up, and at least have it turned on, so that it recognizes your voice because you might not Think you’re ever going to use it, but it’s actually saved me a couple times when I’ve needed to text someone and my hands are full or I need to check something and it’s hands-free. Now it’s the technology that allows you to say: ok, Google now and that it starts listening to your voice. Of course, it’s going to try to translate everything and put it into Google now, but the thing is I mentioned in the review video: it’s a little bit. Slow has a little bit of a delay in the process, but, what’s neat, is they moved this to being updated through Google Play now so Motorola isn’t going to have to roll out an entire new operating system update just to get you an update to that touchless Control like if there was an update to the skin, but now, if there’s something a bug, they need a fix or a feature. They want to add or an improvement to the process boom. They just push it through the Play Store and you got it and before is the battery now you’re already going to get pretty great battery life out of the box with the Moto X. But there are some specific things that you can do with the Moto X. Then I’ve learned that you can just extend the battery a little bit more with number one.

It’S an AMOLED display, so all the off pixels are going to be totally black, so using black themed, apps and even a black wallpaper and whatever else you do on the phone to use more black pixels. Those will actually, in the end, save you a little bit of battery life, not an extreme amount, but it’s worth checking out. I also found the auto brightness on the Moto X to be really aggressive, so I turn often actually started managing a brightness manually. The display is always the biggest battery killer, so I just found that I usually have the brightness on max, but whenever I’m indoors I can bring it down to like 50 % instead of having it ramp up and down like crazy whenever the lightning changes number 5 Is using the camera now I’ve mentioned that the camera is the most disappointing part of the Moto X and it still is, but you know what it’s got some time to improve. There are some firmware updates that will probably make it better, but before that even happens, there are some things that you can do to get some better quality, at least more reasonable, decent quality out of the Moto X. Camera number one is HDR you’ll find that in the camera, when you swipe into the side and get the settings HDR is on auto by default.

But what HDR actually has to do is take multiple exposures and combine them into one. So I turn that on and off manually, basically, you can turn on this high dynamic range mode when you’re taking a picture of a still object or you’re not moving at all, and that will help you get a lot more bright, colors, much more vividness, more detail And, of course, much better dynamic range, but if you’re taking any sort of moving shot, turn HDR off. It’S going to look terrible also because of the clear pixel sensor, letting in so much more light, you’re actually going to get way faster. Shutter speeds when HDR is off and you’ll find that you can actually freeze action way better on the Moto X and any other phone which is actually really useful. So you can actually take pictures of like cars moving by and things like that again turn HDR off you’re going to take pictures of moving objects, but I took a comparison shot between the Galaxy s4 and the Moto X and the galaxy s4 took about a 1 Mm of the second exposure and the Moto X took, I think, a one over four thousandth of a second exposure, so you’re really going to be able to freeze action when you get a lot of light in the frame and actually something I just recently started doing With my Moto X, to make at least my Moto X, camera experience a little bit better. Is I started using camera jb, which is an app from the Play Store which gives the stock jellybean camera to any Android device? And since the default camera app on the Moto X, doesn’t let you tap to focus and then recompose before you shoot? I actually found myself using this app a lot to go ahead and tap, to focus, make sure everything is composed right and then take the picture again.

It’S instant shutter everything is just the same way. It is on a Nexus device when you’re using this app and actually prefer that and the images look just as good. They don’t degrade the quality of the images at all.

So I found myself using camera jb plus a lot on the Moto X. There’S still no fix that we can do on our side for what I would characterizes sort of muted colors and an overall softness to the image, but again fingers crossed that. That’S just a firmware update away. So that’s just a little bit more for you guys on the Moto X. I know a lot of you guys have already decided if you want to buy this device or not by now, especially if it becomes available internationally unlocked.

A lot of you guys have already decided whether or not you want to pick that up, but I’m looking forward to the suggestions, you guys throw for the comments and the colors, and especially the designs you guys make on Twitter and also I’m. This is a good device for, like a first-time Android user, like I’ve said, this is going to be great for learning a lot of the AOSP Android tricks like the two fingers swipe down for the notifications to get to quick settings, the swipe up from the bottom To get to Google now a lot of this stuff is going to help first-time Android users really get themselves into a new version of Android and on-screen buttons and the whole edge to edge display experience. It’S nice, it’s pretty nice! I like this phone. I guess you could call it my daily driver. I pretty much never say that on video, but I’ve chosen this over the HTC one when it comes to Verizon. So thanks for watching hope, you enjoyed again check out the description below that like button.

That’S where all the important stuff will be for this video, the review, video link, the explained, features link the app I talked about all the other stuff that’ll all be below. Thank you for watching again and I’ll talk to you guys in the next article .