Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ask MKBHD V1!”.
Hey what is up guys mkbhd here and i am back from spring break uh. A lot of you guys noticed. I took about a week break from tech except for twitter, basically and uh. It was a nice break to have, but i was basically itching to get back to the whole video making thing the entire time. I was there, so i’m back, and this is a q, a video now fun fact. I used to be completely against q, a videos at all i feel, like you know, if someone has a question i’ll just answer it. If someone has a comment, i’ll just answer the comment: uh, but inevitably there’s a few like hot questions that just come in over and over and over and over again and no matter how many times i answer the comment it’ll pop up again, because someone else wants To know – and they didn’t see it, so that’s what these q a videos are going to be for they’re, going to be answering the persistent questions that are pretty much trending.


I guess uh that are people asking me on twitter or on facebook or on google plus or in the comments section of a bunch of videos in a row. So let’s go ahead and get to those. So the first thing is the new samsung galaxy s5 versus the all new htc one, which one is better and it’s kind of hard to answer that now, because obviously one of those phones has been announced and the other one has just been leaked like crazy, hasn’t. Actually been announced yet so what i will say here is i’m going to wait until they’re both announced to fully judge both phones side by side, but i do plan on getting a lot of hands-on time and hopefully a video of the all-new htc one when it Comes out just like i did with the samsung galaxy s5 that so many people watched so i’ll, be getting those first impressions of that and then, of course, we’ll get them both full and house. We’Ll do some comparisons and the typical in-depth video reviews that you guys are used to so for now, i’m going to say the htc one looks very promising, i’m obviously a fan of the old htc one and a lot of you guys have strong opinions already about The galaxy s5 so i’ll say coming soon for that sort of opinion. Number two is a actually question uh.


When am i going to change my name from mkb hd to mkbuhd for ultra high definition or 4k uh, and my answer to that is, it won’t be actually when i chose mkbhd, i didn’t exactly think of this when i, when i first made the name but Hd i like to think of as an umbrella for all the different high definition, video formats, including uh, qhd, fhd and inevitably uhd, so hd encompasses all of the high definition, video stuff, so it’ll be mkbhd for as long as that’s true. The third is what is my daily driver? This is a question i get probably consistently throughout the year uh. So this is an interesting time because it’s kind of the lull after the holiday season, smartphone frenzy uh. So right now, my daily driver is more often than not the nexus 5, the mkbhd edition.

So this is the 32 gig white nexus 5. With that dbrand skin. I talked to you guys about in the update 10.1 video uh, and i use this probably 75 of the time. I also use a lot uh what i created.

I guess a google play edition, htc one, it’s actually a black htc one with cyanogenmod installed on it, and i also tend to break out the galaxy note 3, when i have a heavy road trip or i need a lot of battery life for the day, and I also almost always have an iphone 5s on me to take pictures with, so those are sort of the round in the house daily drivers of mkbhd at least right now that answer changes like every month. The fourth one is dem notebooks, though so i’ve shown these they’ve been like in the background of a bunch of my videos recently, but i’ve never actually talked about them because they’re not really tech related, but these notebooks have gotten a lot of questions. There’S actually two of them. I always keep one on my desk and the other one.

I took to meet a class and they have gridded paper on the inside and some pretty solid, build and a lot of people want to know where they come from. So i went back into my gmail and found the receipt, and this is a fabric bound planner from dwell a site. That’S focused mostly on design stuff and so there’s an orange version and actually also a black version available, which i did just order because i didn’t realize there was one so uh. There’S that and i’m gon na leave a link right below that like button.

For you guys to check it out, i will also leave an amazon equivalent for that for when these inevitably sell out, because a lot of you guys have been asking where to buy it, i’m assuming you want to buy it so that link is below the like Button, so you can check that out. Another thing that’s asked behind me is obviously the desktop wallpapers i use and like. Where do you get your desktop wallpapers and lately i’ve been rocking this particular one. This one’s called ghosts2, it’s a facet designed by justin mallor, and he has a ton of artwork similar to that that i’ve shown all on twitter and instagram.


A lot of you guys like his work, so i’ll have the link to that particular facet in high resolution. If you want to use it as your phone wallpaper or your desktop wallpaper or whatever uh, he has a ton of similar work that i’ll also link to uh and it’s all pretty awesome, stuff and last but not least, is when is the freaking setup tour project Going to be uploaded to youtube, where is it? This is why i usually don’t give etas for videos uh estimated time for arrival for those of you who don’t know a typical mkbhd review, where i control every single part of it can take days and maybe even a week to create and finally upload to youtube. So compiling thousands of clips and first of all, reviewing all those thousands of clips and sorting them and organizing them and reviewing them and then editing them and making them a concise sort of viewable format has taken a long time. So, for now i will say the status of it is editing.

It wasn’t editing that recently. Actually it took a long time to watch all 1200 of those videos submitted, but it’s editing boom. There’S your preview um and, i guess i’ll say, stay tuned on twitter for more updates of when exactly that will be dropping that’s going to be a gigantic video, so i hope you guys are excited for that. So yeah that’s going to do it! For this q. A video again, these are just the quick videos of the trending questions. If you have another burning, question feel free to leave that in the comment section below you’ll see me hanging out answering comments there, but that’s going to do it, i’m going to go back to thinking about all the other smartphones that we’re waiting for in the next.

Like two weeks, the oppo find seven the new htc one all the phones i talked about in my last video, so i’ll talk to you guys in the next article thanks for watching later peace, you .