MKBHD Setup Tour 2014!

MKBHD Setup Tour 2014!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MKBHD Setup Tour 2014!”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m kV HD here and welcome to the long-awaited setup tour video. So I did the set up to our project, video right before final exams and I’m actually still wearing that no sleep team bracelet. So, thanks to time, loss and crew that got us through finals, obviously, but now that finals are over and finished taking them. Actually I have the time to put some of those papers away and actually get my setup together and actually start to put together more videos. So this is the room that a lot of videos are, almost videos really are shot in and dreamt up, and this is, I guess, an overall tour of that setup, so I’m gon na start left to right, since that’s usually how it goes and right off the Bat, you have a four bank of Lights, some fluorescent lights here.

This is actually so. This is a pillow from throw boy actually so this one, these are both throw boy pillows, and this is in a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Actually, this is a 24 by 24 inch, solid metal frame, basically just and mallar. If you guys haven’t already heard of him, I’ve shattered him out on Twitter. A couple of times make some awesome art, and that is one of his facets and it’s obviously the Deaf punk logo from RAM.

MKBHD Setup Tour 2014!

So that is what that is, and that’s I’m about to be hung on the wall. Next to these other facets, I have here. So that’s pretty awesome, and this is this bookshelf, which really was what mostly got cleaned after final exams, so some textbooks from the last semester, some microfibers and cameras. That’S the Canon c100 end, the Panasonic gh4, which I’m playing with a lot more and, as you might have noticed, my videos have been the last few, except for this. One have been in 4k recently, so I’ll be talking more about that in another video, and this here is the plaque that YouTube sends when your YouTube channel hits a hundred thousand subscribers. I got that a couple of months ago, you’re also supposed to get one when you hit a million subscribers, but obviously this one was more than a year late. So I don’t know when that one will come. But this is a silver plaque and I obviously wouldn’t have this without you guys. So I’m going to thank you for that one and that is a camera bag and actually some business cards. I think valid to show you guys these after CES, but I never actually got to so boom. There is what the business card looks like with the new logo and everything, Oh in the back.

MKBHD Setup Tour 2014!

Of course, that’s really where I was proud of that. So anyway, that’s the bookshelf pretty much the most boring part. So over here package I need to ship some storage, my backpack, which I happen to use every day because I’m a student – and actually I haven’t here my laptop, which is the 13-inch retina MacBook Pro and has this black decal on it, which I’ve always had on It since the first day, I got it. So that’s that, where I sleep, this is the printer that I use, which is this Epson Artisan 730 again. This is boring stuff, mostly for school. This is my daily tablet of choice.

It is the Nexus 10 and I happen to really really want the next version about to come out soon o’clock. That’S not on right now and my wallet, which is a little thing I got from Kickstarter, would focus. This is a sort of a small Nexus ditched. Looking thing doesn’t want to focus: that’s okay, I’m shooting with the rx100, so it’ll focus when it wants to.

MKBHD Setup Tour 2014!

So this is the the beginning of the desk setup part that a lot of people are curious about. So again, I want to go left to right, because that seems easiest here, a lot of the video gear, I’m not going to like review everything I talked about, but if you guys want to see maybe a more detailed video of, I guess how I shoot videos Or what I use for four different shots, something like that! Maybe leave a comment of what you want to see or a thumbs up if you ridged in that idea, but anyway, this is a monopod I, this is a recently acquired monopod, because the one I was using before wasn’t quite this hefty. But this is from Manfrotto and it is a beast and it stands up by itself, so it has these little feet at the bottom, but this is the tripod I use it has a Manfrotto 504 HD head on it and it has carbon fiber sticks and it Is quite a beast, so this is the little side table. I got from Amazon for about 50 bucks and it’s housing or holding a couple of interesting things here. So if I can get this fall out the way this is a white balance card and it’s a pretty simple but also kind of underrated tool, basically hold it up to the camera and in post-production you can match the whites to the white and the blacks to The black and get all the colors to match and I’m still learning this kind of stuff, but obviously this isn’t quite white balance perfectly, because that doesn’t look perfectly great. Does it no, it does not. This is the slider that I use: it’s not a motorized slider, but it’s kind of one of the coolest things that I own and I’m really happy about how well it works. So it has a 501 head, I believe on it or a 502 HD head for Manfredo, but basically it’s carbon fiber sticks.

It’S called the. I footage shark slider and it’s counter balanced. So you can just move this weight over here and your slides will be perfectly smooth, maybe not perfectly smooth if it takes some getting used to the way this. This momentum works, but it’s one of my favourite pieces of gear.

I might even do a full separate review of it, but I love this thing again: the eye footage shark slider carbon rails. You can extend it to make it twice as long. It’S awesome and then this head also swivels here too.

So this is the camera that I’m using. So you, like, I said the past couple of videos you may have noticed – have been 4k right, so this is the red scarlet. It is quite a beast of a camera and believe me there’s a lot that I don’t know about this camera already, but I’m loving, shooting with it already on the front, is the Sigma 18 to 35 millimeter F, one point: eight lens one of the old favourites, Not old, it’s actually a a new lens really, but it’s an awesome favor for a lot of youtubers and I have a backpack, I’m Anton Bauer on the back powering this guy and it is it’s a beast kind of hard to pick up.

But again, that’s where these sticks come in handy and all the Manfrotto stuff is really really well clip for that and I’m just beginning to get used to this. But it’s an awesome camera and if you watch my previous videos, you’ll see the sharpness and the resolution and the colors look a lot better. So it’s thanks to this guy, the notebooks that I’ve used in videos and taking notes in from dwell those are probably in a previous video.

You can check out again I’ll try to link as much of this stuff below as I can, but it’s going to become hard because there’s a ton of stuff talking about in the video. These are some other ones, as I use this is one is so this Sigma lens here does not have image stabilization. So when I do need image stabilization, this is the 17 to 55 millimeter Canon F, 2.8, and it does have, is if Tokina 1116 very wide angle lens.

I used it in the iPhone 5s review and a couple of other random shots. The TV video I did that was that lens and this is a running gun lens. This is this 70 to 200, millimeter, F, 2.8, a crazy beast of a telephoto lens, but it’s awesome for events when you need to get in there close – and these are two Phillips hue LED bulbs.

So I’m going to get to the philips hue stuff in a second here’s, a little android figurine collection going on here and some charging stuff i have back here. This is a blue lounge sumo holding these cables. I want to charge Google glass.

I want to charge the Nexus 10. I want to charge my iPad Mini retina and iPhone 5s. This is a giveaway coming up soon and some drawers. Obviously these aren’t that interesting. It’S just kind of what I have in here I mean it: calculator memory cards, USB cable, random, stuff, like that unboxing knife, but for the most part it I mean, there’s phones in here. There are cables and video gear and microphones and filters, and batteries and and stuff that’s related to what I do on my youtube channel. So that’s basically, what’s on all these drawers and then, of course, as a college student notebooks right, you need paper to the left over. Here is a lot of the accessories for the red stuff, including more storage, since they take mini.

Ssds is a little high hat tripod with a Manfrotto head on it. I use it for a lot of the low shots that you see from down here on this angle and I’ve taken the slider out there. That is because the slider is on this. I had tripod so there you go fun fact now, I’m gon na put this back here, so you may have noticed it’s it’s not the cleanest desk in the world, I tend to say I’m kind of a minimal person, but definitely not be most minimal.

So this is the boy that I keep around the desk: elided c128 gig, Wi-Fi iPad Mini retina, and so actually the thing I use in most for here is the Philips hue app so but go ahead and turn this red blue. All the lights in this room, including that four up here I just turned red and blue because of the scheme I have turned on. I have a video setting which turns all of them a bright white and on so that’s pretty cool. So, that’s really that the number one most used app on this iPad, but there’s a ton of other stuff that I use for basically watching videos and catching up and Twitter and all that kind of tablet fun stuff.

I surprisingly, don’t gain very much. This is the last lens of choice. This is the Sigma 18 to 35 millimeter F, one point: eight rehoused cine style, so it’s D, clipped aperture, ring here from F 1.8 to f-16. I have red gaffer tape, just because I like red and it has a filter in front but no lens cap, so I keep it like that and that is the Nexus 5’s wireless charger for when I actually charge the Nexus 5. So this is the iPhone 5s. Like I said, I carry a couple phones at any given time.

You just happen to be the two that are most used right now. This is the Google Play edition, HTC One m8 and the iPhone 5s in black. This is the Fuji x100s. It’S a pretty boy! Camera I haven’t talked a lot about it, but I kind of want to show it more on video because it’s a really quietly awesome camera and it does a lot of things really well.

So I’m probably going to do a video about that sooner or later I want to do also see you’re going to get a lot of sneak peeks of stuff. I want to do videos about this is a color where Apple keyboard, it’s completely black and it’s next to a Magic Trackpad connected to the Mac but yeah. This is completely black keyboard, but other than that, it’s just a regular applicable. So that’s pretty sweet.

I have no idea what this chair is no idea, if you probably find it at Staples, but it’s a chair, so it works. This is the mouse. I use the Logitech performance MX and it’s a pretty popular mouse. You’Ve probably already heard of it.

Just on this regular-looking mousepad, so these are the displays I use and all people have asked about the stand that the displays are on top of, and that is from ofc express ow from ofc Express and they’re made of really just wood and they’re painted black and They’Re actually meant to hold a TV, but basically as since I have to displace – or I put them on top one on each side and that works perfectly so two displays or the Asus PQ. 3 2 1 Q displays their 3840 by 2160. Their 4k displays. Obviously they don’t always have nothing on them, but when I do a video there, you go, Matt goes 10. Just lets you swoop over to the new spaces. The studio monitors I have are no longer sold actually, but they are Aiki.

Audio m5o 5v2 studio monitors 5 inch, woofers 1 inch twitter at the top um, I’m a big fan of high quality audio and whenever I can listen to it, I’m listening to them on this coming from the focusrite scarlett 2i2, and that is the preamp. That’S where I will record audio and that’s where it’ll output audio to the speakers, our studio monitors whatever you want to call them through this. So that’s pretty sweet and I mentioned audio. So I guess I’ll go right here to the audio rig section, and this is the well.

This is what shows up underneath the camera doesn’t actually show on camera, but it’s right underneath the frame whenever I’m talking to the camera. It’S the shotgun microphone, the Sennheiser MKH 416 and that’s plugged into XLR, and this end of the XLR. We would go into the zoom h4n or into the scarlett 2i2, when I’m recording audio there’s the Mac Pro. That runs the show right now.

It’S on Mac OS 1010 9.2, because the tendo 9.3 update did not play nice with the displays, but that is basically the surface of the desk right. There, probably the most interesting part – and I got the most questions, though this is the artwork I have up here. I don’t know what these are called. I got these from like a Bed Bath.
