Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ask MKBHD V3!”.
Hey what is up guys, mkbhd here and welcome to askmev3, so this is the third installment of a fun little video series, where i basically answer a bunch of questions from twitter, uh and some other social media for a video and uh. I also have some questions from the last episode from the comments section of the v2. So if you want to ask questions for the next ask, mkbhd video feel free to leave them in the comment section below this video or i might just like answer them in a comment anyway, but either way, let’s go ahead and get started. I have a bunch of questions. Let’S go. Do you edit? The videos that you make for your channel yourself or you’ve got people to do the job, so everything that you see on this channel is completely crafted by me.

100. There is no like second guy or other behind the scenes, crew working on anything. It’S just me and i feel like it’s sort of like a portfolio that way of the videos i make and the projects that i work on.


What was the very first device. You reviewed the first one ever was the motorola droid, the original og droid, and i was really proud of that. Video. In fact, no shame i’m i’m just going to leave a link to that og droid review right below that like button. If you want to check it out, i think it was kind of good. I think i shot that with my canon t2i and like the built-in microphone in my laptop, but i was really proud of it, and i worked just as hard on that video as i do on my current reviews.


So if you want to check it out there, it is, do you think you’ll do more news type videos considering the success of your iphone video, ah good question uh, mostly because i i don’t know i i guess i expect the iphone stuff, because so many people Are interested in iphones, i kind of expect that to do really well, but i don’t know if that was a news type of video. I still think that’s a in my my current style of i didn’t explain, video on it and i did sort of an impressions. Video on the materials – so i guess yeah, i’m still covering iphone stuff and what’s funny, is my three most viewed. Videos now in the past month, according to youtube analytics, are my three iphone videos that i’ve done this year, but either way yeah. I plan on doing the same variety of content that i’ve planned on. What’S your nba team, you cheer for and what do you think about lebron heading to cleveland, so the team i chew for is the los angeles, clippers uh and i’m a fan of a bunch of players on that team, especially chris paul jamal crawford, deandre, jordan, but Uh about lebron heading home, i don’t really mind that much. I mean props to him for going home.


That seems great, especially for ohio, but i don’t really mind that much. I’M still going to be watching clippers games. Can you say, boss, boss? Do you own a dog, because you should i don’t own a dog mostly because if i were to like leave and go like on a trip for ultimate or school or something i would not have any place to keep that dog? Because you know you kind of have to feed it and walk it and stuff, that’s pretty important, but i think in a later time i will probably end up getting a dog or a cat or something that i can pet.

What’S your favorite piece of video gear, except for your camera, i think i’m gon na cheat a little bit just because video gear is only a couple of things and i’m gon na say the lens. The lens i’m shooting this video on now and the lens that i shoot a lot of videos on is the sigma 18 to 35 i’ll leave a link to it below it is easily my favorite lens ever and i’ve used a lot of lenses. In my time. I’Ve used some very expensive lenses from canon uh from sigma and from some others, but this sigma 18 to 35 is a beast and it’s the fastest zoom lens ever and i love the wide angle stuff. It’S it’s awesome. I don’t know if i can say enough about it: i’ve never reviewed it, but if you watch other reviews, everyone else likes it too. It’S great can we have a rundown of all the cameras you’ve used in the past, alright, so the video i’m shooting this on now and what i’ve shot for for the last couple of months is the red scarlet may or may not do a video on the Red, but i feel like it’s a possibility uh before this i was using the canon c100 for a couple of months before that i was using the canon 5d mark iii before that it was the canon 60d. You can see.

I’Ve used a lot of canon and before that it was the canon t2i and then before that my first camera that i ever bought was the sanyo zakdi cg10, still an old favorite. What is your least favorite part of doing youtube? Videos. Tim, that’s a great question because most people ask what’s like my favorite or the best part of making youtube videos uh, i would say the least favorite part um is probably just being like unsatisfied or being your own biggest critic, although it is a pretty important part Of making your own creative content being like unsatisfied or unable to achieve like a video look or style that you wish you could make is is really frustrating. But i guess it’s still a motivation, a motivator on the other hand of things, so i guess there’s not too much bad about making youtube videos. What was your first job? My first job, i was a caddie uh, a caddy at a local country club. I’Ve been a golfer for more than 10 years now and being a caddy was like a natural first job for me to get and spoiler it’s a really good job, if you’re into golf or, if you’re into or want to be into golf. That’S an awesome.

First job to have do you ever do videos pantsless just because you can no, but now that you mention it you’re right. I could what’s one tech device you want to own, but can’t other than a tesla tech device that i can’t own. Probably the perfect uh like the perfect piece of gear like the perfect microphone or the perfect camera, because it just doesn’t exist.

Maybe that’s cheating because these things don’t actually happen in real life, but i would love to have a perfect microphone that could perfectly isolate just the amount of sound that i want to record and block out everything else. But, of course, physics, don’t really allow for these types of things. Can you do a behind-the-scenes video showing how you make videos yeah, so this is something i’ve considered doing for a little bit, mostly haven’t done it yet because it’s really hard to like do a behind the scenes of how i’m making an actual video.

When i don’t have someone to shoot me making a video, so it would be like me making a fake video. While i make a real video about how i make the fake video kind of difficult, i don’t know, leave a thumbs up. If you like, want to see something like that, like how the videos become what they are sort of tutorial, i guess, but it’s something i’ve considered, and i think it might be an interesting topic, at least to cover.

Do you use art or dalvik on your nexus? So every phone i’ve taken out of a box for the past couple of months. I always almost immediately switch it to the art, android runtime, but now that the nexus i have is running android l developer preview, there is no dalvik. Art is the default.

So i guess i will no longer have to switch nexuses over to art as soon as i take them out. The box, android runtime is where it’s at. What is the one thing? No phone does that you wish they could last a week on battery without charging at least, and you know, phones used to be able to do that. How was your experience with the g watch and android wear been? I’Ve had a pretty mixed experience with the g watch, which is the one that i’ve been using, i’m still waiting for the moto 360, because i am most interested in that as a smart watch.

But my time with the g-watch has been interesting number one. It doesn’t last very long on battery it lasts a day and a half maximum, usually a bit less than a day, and the other thing is the step counter. I don’t know if it’s using my wrist as the step counter instead of my phone sensor, because i was eating breakfast with unbox therapy in san francisco after google i o and i took 900 steps while eating breakfast, so that’s clearly not accurate. So i haven’t just i’ve just stopped using the step counter altogether. I turned it off, but other than that i like having the notifications on my wrist.

I was using a pebble for the months before google i o, so i was really interested in how it shows notifications. So i like the g watch as a concept as a proof of concept, but i’m way more pumped for the moto, 360. pancakes or waffles. Definitely pancakes no question about that fellow tall person here worst thing about being tall other people’s showers, other people’s showers think about it is the rx100 mark iii significantly better than the previous versions. Or, should i save my money and buy a previous version, so i’ve owned this little rx100 mark iii uh? What i think is the best pocket camera ever for a couple of weeks now i reviewed the rx100 mark ii.

I would say if you really want that optical viewfinder, if, if that’s something you actually value in a point and shoot which not a lot of people do, but it’s an awesome feature, then you have to get the mark iii and if you really want a slightly Wider lens, like you, would get on this, it’s a 24 to 70. Then you have to get the mark iii other than that you can get the rx 100 mark one and it’s still an incredibly good camera. A very similar sensor, very similar images, there’s just a bunch of slight improvements on the second version and the third version, but i love the third version and i would recommend it to anyone who can’t get it so there you go guys. That’S just a couple of the questions i got on twitter over the past couple of weeks and from the last ask me video again, if you want to ask questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section below or follow me on.

Twitter shoot me a question over there i’ll answer it just fun, quick little stuff. I figured i’d. Do this video to get that across either way, thanks for watching and i’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace you .