MKBHD Update 10.2!

MKBHD Update 10.2!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MKBHD Update 10.2!”.
Hey what is up guys, mkbhd here and today we’re going to be taking a look at and reviewing the human hand, so there’s a ridiculous amount of different models and specs available, so pretty much everyone’s model will be different, but this is the one i have here. It is the 9 inch in space gray, so it’s pretty tall and definitely lightweight and i’d say, feel in the hand is pretty average you can get used to it. The opposable thumb design is definitely great. I don’t know why other species aren’t doing this.

MKBHD Update 10.2!

Yet i really think it should come standard. You also get a pair of them, and this right one here is broken. It’S actually no longer functional. I don’t know what kind of warranty i got with it, but it was definitely normal use and i guess maybe the material choice or the way it was constructed internally, not so hot. So i have this third party case on it. The doctor doesn’t run, recommend taking it off, but is he a real doctor? I mean dr dre is not a real doctor, no i’m just kidding, but no. I actually did break my hand, uh playing ultimate frisbee, though at practice two days ago, not trying to bend a phone like some people thought.

MKBHD Update 10.2!

So that’s going to affect and change a whole bunch of things not only in production but like in the rest of my life, because you kind of need two hands to do a bunch of stuff number one, i’m already pretty decent at texting with my left hand. Now, although i do appreciate speech to text, much more breaking a hand really makes you realize how much of this world is designed for two-handed people or people who can use both hands, not just the little things but, like you know, writing notes in class i broke My writing hand driving a car uh. Let me see uh tying my shoes. I haven’t actually done that since i can’t tie knots operating or unboxing almost anything.

MKBHD Update 10.2!

Handheld is really hard. Now uh a mouse and keyboard kinda hard to do so. Email, if you’ve emailed me in the past like day or so, give me a chance i’ll get to it. Uh video editing.

How am i gon na edit this video – i don’t know, so i never really like to name upcoming projects that i have coming up, but obviously this is going to delay my iphone 6 review, my iphone 6 plus review and other videos that i’ve had upcoming, because Now it’s really hard to edit and things like that. Take time, of course, i’d still, if i have a chance, i’d rather be the best video than the first video. If i can help it so, looking at the bright side, breaking my hand has given me the opportunity to finish up the behind the scenes changes i was going to be making anyway and to start to focus more on quality, quality of information and quality of the Videos that i put out so the frequency will be a little bit less in the next six to eight weeks as i recover and maybe get surgery and fix my hand. But i just wanted to put out this quick video saying thanks for your patience, uh and thanks for your kind words i tweeted about it and plenty of people have said get well soon. So thanks for your kind words and uh, hopefully the videos will be back on the normal track when i’m on the other side of this. Also, if anyone has any tips for like one-handed living for people who broke their dominant hand, definitely feel free to leave them in a comment below uh.

And if you want to keep up with the more timely stuff that i’m sharing because september’s not even over. We haven’t even seen the next nexus android l, a bunch of other phones that are coming out so follow me on twitter uh, because i can still tweet with one hand, so that’s still intact, so there you go just wanted to get that out there. Thank you for watching and i’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace. .