Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review!

Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review!”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m Kip EHD here and today we’re taking a look at the Samsung Galaxy alpha now when I first saw the commercial for this phone, I was first released by Samsung, showing off the metal build and how it can stand up on its Own on its side and all these other special things, my first reaction and I even left a comment on the video was meh. I mean it looks like very similar to other Samsung phones and its might even look like a mini Galaxy Note, 4 or a slightly improved galaxy s5. But I said meth because it’s so similar to a lot of other Samsung phones. But now it’s officially coming to the United States, which means we’re gon na – have to take a closer look at this, because this is going to be showing up in stores right next to the Galaxy Note 4 and the galaxy s5. So, let’s take a closer look at what makes the Samsung Galaxy alpha different, which means this is going to be a shorter video, because the list of things that makes the Alpha different from phones like the galaxy s5 and note 4 – it’s pretty small, but the big Focus here is obviously the material choice and the feel in the hand.

That’S the whole point of this phone. The whole reason it exists and the main way they’ve done, that is by adding a metal band all the way around the frame of the phone where they use plastic before so now, whenever you hold the phone you’re holding metal – and that makes a really big difference In the way it feels and that band is chamfered everywhere, it’s chamfered all the way around the power button is chamfered, the volume buttons are separated and chamfered and they’re very clicky. The build of this guy is really really improved now and actually reminds me of the iPhone 5s in a lot of ways. Everything is chamfered, but the thing is, it feels very premium from the front and from the sides, but you flip it over to the back and suddenly it’s the same old Samsung again.

It’S plasticky soft touch, removable back, just like the older phones and don’t get me wrong. Removable is great. You get access to the removable battery, there’s no additional storage, but you know I’m not saying it doesn’t feel sturdy when it’s attached to the back of the phone, but the material itself that you’re constantly touching on the back does not feel nearly as premium as the Metal that surrounds it, it kind of seems confused, doesn’t like. Does it really want to go all the way to being a premium, feel or only go part of the way, and it’s actually kind of the same story with the specs of this guy? Actually, this was the first Samsung Galaxy alpha into the United States, completely thanks to 28 check out my Instagram date for proof, and it had some pretty beastly specs.

So this is a Korean model. It has LTE a it’s an octa-core processor. It has 2 gigs of RAM all your usual sensors, gyroscope, etc.

Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review!

But then it drops to a 12 megapixel camera on the back. Instead of that new-and-improved 16 megapixel 1 in its brothers and a 720p pentile display, that’s not really as good as other 4.7 inch display. Phones, this display is, you know, it’s OLED and yes, it’s very vibrant and saturated and it does get pretty bright. So it’s kind of pleasing. But when you look up close, it definitely breaks down.

Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review!

It’S not a high-end panel and again leaves you with this incomplete feeling about whether it’s supposed to feel fully premium or just partially premium, but that’s not going to stop a lot of people. This device is still great still feels great still looks. Great performance is also really smooth when you combine, of course, that high-end chipset, high-end, graphics, 2, gigs of ram and a 720p display, and overall the software experience is very similar to the galaxy s5 you’ve, probably already seen it has a very similar feature set as well. I really like the size of the phone very good, fit in the hand, with a 4.7 inch display, since it’s a bit smaller than the iPhone 6 thanks to its thinner bezels.

Samsung Galaxy Alpha Review!

So it’s clearly not a full-on flagship phone. It has an 1860 milliamp hour battery and a battery life similar to the Moto X, and it’s not a flagship with the slightly bumped down 12 megapixel camera. Even though megapixels don’t mean everything it’s a older sensor, but yet it has all these other nice specs, and this really really big emphasis on the quality of the build. This premium feel in the hand – and you know, it’ll – compete with top of the line phones. It’S almost like a hybrid between the high-end super premium stuff and the Samsung feel of last year, almost like a bridge between these two and honestly. This phone gets me more excited about the Galaxy Note 4 than it does about itself. So, at the end of the day, the Alpha is definitely an improved phone. No doubt it’s significantly better feeling in the hand, I would say then the galaxy s5, and I think it’s probably one of my favorite phones just to hold in general something about that 4.7 inch screen.

Size also appeals to me a lot, but at the end of the day my reaction is still met because, like I said it’s so similar to these other phones – and I happen to like big phones, so I’m going to get my hands the Galaxy Note. 4. Very soon, anyway, and probably do a video on that ranting, a little more about how I love the metal so much, but either way that’s my my review of the Samsung Galaxy alpha.

Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching I’ll talk to you guys in the next one bass. .