Google Nexus 6 Unboxing + Hands On!

Google Nexus 6 Unboxing + Hands On!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Nexus 6 Unboxing + Hands On!”.
Hey what is up guys on Cape HD here – and this is the Nexus 9 now I’m just kidding. This is the Nexus 6 box and we’re gon na do a little unboxing. It’S been a while, since I did just an unboxing video of a product and getting my very first hands-on impressions of something, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do with this box now. This is something that me and a lot of people have been waiting. A really long time for – and there are some reviews of it out already – and I just want to kind of get my first sense of how it feels how it feels in hand and what I think of it.

So that me further ado. Let’S go ahead and get this started before you leave a thumbs up. If you want to see more unboxing videos like this, so the tops off – and this is the white Nexus 6 – we’re going to go and put this to the side just because it’s an unboxing. I want to see what else is in the package. You get. This bright red nexus paper work a little kit here, and this is where you’ll also have your SIM card removal and your instructions that happen to have number 6 on it and some other neat stuff.

I’M going to put that to the side and you also get your charger, your fast charger actually and a USB cable. So this is what’s going to help you get that super fast turbo charging. We will be testing this stuff in the full review. I’M going to put this right back in the box and move to the side, because I want to take a look at the Nexus 6 itself. So this is the phone, so it’s definitely a big phone right off the bat. That’S the first thing you notice and it might not be easy to tell with my hands because you might not have the same size hands as me, but this is definitely larger than most the other phones are going to see.

It does have a 5.9 inch display and a whole bunch of the other things about it that are really interesting. Besides the fact, it’s the first phone running Android 5.0 out the box are going to be really interesting to take a look at it’s pretty light too. Although it has that metal ring around the sides like the Moto X, so it does feel very similar to that in hand, but it is a little bit lighter than I guess I thought it would be just by looking at it I’m going to fire it up, But I also want to show it alongside some other similar devices. So, while it’s booting here, we can see it alongside the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, which has a 5.7 inch display it’s a little bit taller than the note 4, and it’s a little bit wider than the note 4.

Of course you get that 5.9 inch display, so it should be a little wider. I’M also going to show it alongside the iPhone 6 plus, which has a 5.5 inches, but is nearly as big. In fact, it’s about as tall as the iPhone six-plus and looking at the thickness it’s a little bit thicker, obviously, but it has a much larger battery so again, very similar in terms of the whole big phone market, another one just for fun, since the review of Is coming soon enough, the Droid turbo, so the Droid turbo is a little smaller, it’s more compact, but it is actually about as thick as the droid turbo since they’re, both Motorola phones, but anyway, it is on. Let’S go ahead and do the setup, so the setup process should be pretty easy, I’m not expecting too many complications or anything but right off the bat.

The first thing I notice is the display is really beautiful, as it should be. I mean it’s. A quad HD display big, bright, beautiful screen, so one thing I notice is with the setup process, the using two-step authentication to sign into a Google account for the first time is much easier on Android 5.0. I also noted that in my video about Android 5.0 on the Nexus 5, so I’ll link that below, of course, that’s a video.

You should check out if you’re interested in lollipop but I’ll just go ahead and get right into this. Also, it’s going to ask me to restore from a previous device that I’ve used, so I have a couple of other Android devices, obviously, as you can tell, but I do want to set this up as a new device and not import anything crazy. Just get this started fresh, so let’s just get right into Android, hopefully will bring me to my home screen in a second yes, I’m in for Google now, and I can give it a second and we should be right to Android 5.0 lollipop, so there it is Wallpaper widgets and all the fun, so this is material design at its finest. Of course, it should be optimized and shouldn’t really start at all and should work just fine on this hardware.

Google Nexus 6 Unboxing + Hands On!

I will be testing a lot of things for the full review. So basically, I want to ask if you guys have anything specific that you want to see in the full review video which will be coming in a couple of weeks when I get to test and use this phone more leave in the comments section below here’s. The new messaging app, it’s obviously totally redesigned versus the old one, but you can still use hangouts, of course, as a messaging app if you want but yeah. Let me know in the comments what you want to see.

Google Nexus 6 Unboxing + Hands On!

You have all these new icons here you have. This whole new user interface and a whole bunch of new things about this phone to test out. So that’s all what I want to test – and you guys are going to help me – make this review, hopefully the most thorough one possible, but so far that’s minutes –. So quick, unboxing, quick, first look a very fast video of the Nexus 6 also leave a thumbs up if you want to see a nexus 9 unboxing video or something along those lines, just getting my first impressions of the device, but that has really been super quick.

Google Nexus 6 Unboxing + Hands On!

First, video: let’s just go into the easter egg for kicks since I know that people want to see the Easter egg and Android 5.0. So there’s a lollipop, you a whole bunch of different colors and hopefully we’ll be able to play this little East dragon get more than one point I just want. If I get more than one point out in this article, okay, alright, I can safely end this video. Now that I’ve gotten more than one point, thank you guys for watching this quick short, video and I’ll talk to you guys in the very next one lots of videos November got headspace .