MKBHD Update 10.3!

MKBHD Update 10.3!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MKBHD Update 10.3!”.
Hey what is up guys my PhD here and welcome to another update video? The last update video I did was update 10.2, which was when I broke my hand. Sixteen stitches a plate and six screws later we’re all good. So it’s crunch time for me right now. There’S always that time of year for a college student, so really any student where things get a little bit ridiculous, and this seven or eight nine day stretch for me right now is that time of year.

MKBHD Update 10.3!

So I’m really busy. But I didn’t want to leave you without anything, so I actually did an AMA on reddit a couple of days ago. So if you don’t know what reddit is or what an AMA stands for, it’s asking me anything where in text, people can basically ask you a question about whatever topic they want, whatever they want. So I did actually answer as many questions as I could, and at this moment it is one of the top 100 most upvoted AMAs of all time, actually right above internet explorer. So I answered a few hundred questions about YouTube about life, about tech, about gadget, recommendations about tech this time of year, all sorts of things like that.

MKBHD Update 10.3!

So if you want to read it or you feel like you’re gon na get anything out of it, you might enjoy it so I’ll. Leave that as the first link, where I reload that, like button so a little update on the Nexus 6 wireless charging, I mentioned in my review video – I couldn’t get it to charge update. I have gotten it to charge, but it’s just extremely picky about exactly where you place it on the charger. You have, to put it exactly two-and-a-half inches above the bottom of the phone, and that has to make contact with the center of the charging dock, and you might not use this exact charging dock, but basically because the back of the Nexus is so rounded.

MKBHD Update 10.3!

It doesn’t stay in place and there are no magnets, so you really have to be careful about where you place it to get it to charge overall, not quite as easy or intuitive as the Magnus, where, on the back of the Nexus 5, the 64 gigabyte sandstone Black oneplus one, for whatever reason, really does not age very well, basically because of this sandstone black material. It gathers some scratches over time that really are difficult to remove, and if you want 64 gigabytes, you have to go sandstone black. So it’s kind of a tough call to go between the much less wear and tear showing white version for 32 gigs or go with that sandstone black for 64. Your call update on the metal version of the Moto 360.

It is sweet, it’s really well built, and it’s actually a little bit heavier, of course, than the leather version I was using before, but also you have to go into a store and get the size adjusted like a normal watch. If it doesn’t fit you with this amount of links out the box, so otherwise it is an extremely nice watch and I would highly recommend it if you’re looking for something with a more premium, feel the 13 inch retina macbook pro that was painted by color wear Is still in really great shape, there aren’t any visible, Nicks or scuffs or wearing thin of the paint anywhere on the machine, and that’s good to hear, because if you’re gon na pay a good chunk of money to get a custom paint job like this, you want To know that it’ll last you and so far it has the sony. Xperia z3 compact is the best compact smartphone you can buy of 2014. I’Ve had it for a month or so, and I’ve used it a lot and I haven’t done a full review of it. Yet, but that is upcoming, the Droid turbo is the best phone you can get in a Verizon store right now. So if you’re Verizon customer – and you have any doubts about where to go, what to get, you cannot go wrong with the Droid turbo. That review is also in the works, the Nexus 9, the Android tablet. I’Ve waited so long for sort of a hybrid in-between, the Nexus 10.

The big 10 inch tablet and the Nexus 7. The more compact 7-inch tablet. It has front facing speakers. A high resolution display Android 5.0 and a few interesting quirks. That review is also in the works. Now, if you have any other suggestions for things that you would like to see on video, and they can be not phones or tablets, in fact, that’s encouraged feel free to leave them in the comments section below, especially since it’s the holiday season gift guides are a Possibility things like that, so if you see stuff you like in the comments section below that, you also want to see on video, give it a thumbs up and we’ll figure out what the next articles would be in this awesome time of year. Also, at the time that I’m recording this video right now, the mkbhd channel has 1.99 million subscribers. That’S a lot of people and it’s about to be 2 million, so hi new people welcome to the channel. I hope you enjoy what’s been going on and what is about to be uploaded.

I hope you enjoy the videos and welcome aboard just getting started with this stuff, so I got to get back to writing these essays. I will be back on the internet shortly. Feel free to follow me on Twitter if you want to also leave suggestions what to do next, but I’m gon na go right.

Thank you for watching and I’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace. .