Material Design for Samsung Galaxy S6!

Material Design for Samsung Galaxy S6!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Material Design for Samsung Galaxy S6!”.
Hey, what is up guys, mkbhd here and good news for anyone who owns a samsung, galaxy s6 or galaxy s6 edge or was thinking about buying one samsung has approved a material design theme in their theme store right now, and it’s live one of my personal biggest Complaints with this contender for one of the best phones of 2015 is still the software. And yes, it is a market improvement from the galaxy s5 last year. There’S a lot less bloatware a lot less unnecessary crap, but it’s still definitely touchwiz and i still definitely prefer a cleaner look from something like a nexus over that and i’m not the only one. So this approval of a material design theme is a pretty big deal.

So, to find it first of all, it’s not in the new section of the theme store, which is where you’d expect to find it. Instead, it’s under the themes for man section what why is it called that i don’t really know so once you find it, you can download it and apply it and it’s free and boom you’ve got it installed. Now, like any theme from the store, it changes a lot of the elements of the look of your phone now because of copyrights. It’S not exactly the same as a nexus. It doesn’t look exactly like what you would find on a nexus 6 and anyone can put them side by side and observe that, but it’s sort of like a hybrid in that way and it’s unique and i kind of like it.

Material Design for Samsung Galaxy S6!

It has a lot of the elements of both samsung’s features and stock. Android’S. Look so jumping in the overall look, of course of samsung software is changed, so the lock screen first of all looks a bit more flat with the shortcuts in each corner, and then it’s given that material design, wallpaper and the colors aren’t exactly right. But it’s still close enough and then jumping in you can see the app drawer has the skin and all the icons are skinned and even the quick settings pull down is themed to look a lot more like that material.

Dark theme you’d find on a nexus, but it still keeps all of samsung’s functionality. All the buttons are still the same, and the settings app, i think, is actually the best improvement, or at least the one that looks closest to what i’d find in a nexus. With all the simplified icons and all the colors, it looks way better in my opinion than the sort of cartoonish set we had before so settings.

Material Design for Samsung Galaxy S6!

I give a great thumbs up to and then there’s all the other stock apps that we themed the dialer again. This isn’t a perfectly themed skin, but it’s somewhat close and the messenger app also. So it’s much more material here, although you can totally get the google messenger itself from the play store now.

Material Design for Samsung Galaxy S6!

So you can see the samsung keyboard here, which not only looks a lot like the stock lollipop one, but i actually think it’s better with the permanent number keys up top. But maybe that’s just me. You also get a skinned calculator which looks a bit better and you also get a skinned clock, but also again, the stock clock from android is available in the play store as well. So that’s recent. You can grab that if you want that more authentic look, but you can also get this skinned calendar app and a skinned email app. I mean a ton of the stock. Apps are skinned in this theme here and it looks pretty complete as far as touchwiz stuff goes. So i’m a big fan of this and obviously, if you want to take it to the next level of authenticity or looking a lot more like a nexus, then you can install actual google apps from the play store to replace the ones on the phone.

So i did that with like the google messenger and the google clock, and actually even the google launcher, although you don’t get all the custom icons if you use the google now launcher, but i’m fine with that, so there you go. I was inspired to make the video about this, because this is about as close as it’s going to get now to my version of a dream phone which would be a google play edition – galaxy s6 edge. But that’s obviously not gon na happen. But it’s really all about aesthetics uh.

This is about as close as it’s gon na get, because you’re not gon na be able to match functionality of android, l and android m with all the stuff you get with touchwiz. Even though these features are nice they’re not as pretty so the theme sort of makes that better. So there you have it uh if you enjoyed it, feel free to give this video a thumbs up, and if you want to see more videos sort of like this, then leave a thumbs up or a comment down below to. Let me know either way: that’s been it thanks for watching and i’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace .