On the “Perfect Smartphone”

On the

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “On the “Perfect Smartphone””.
Hey what is up guys, I’m Kim PhD here, and I just read a really good dreadlock for article from last week. It’S really good it’s linked below. You should check it out, and I’ve done a lot of smart phone videos on this channel, especially lately. There’S a few really big ones coming up soon and for those who have watched those smartphone videos or basically any videos about tech on YouTube. You’Ve, probably noticed smartphones have gotten really good lately, they’ve gotten cameras, so good they’re borderline, replacing pointing shoots, have gotten screens so good that they eclipsed the resolutions we had on laptops and TVs a couple years ago.

These parts are incredibly good in an incredibly small package, but there always seems to be a but to deter someone from buying a smartphone there’s, always one like critical flaw with basically every smartphone out there that could affect a buying decision. This is probably something you’ve run into if you’re trying to buy a smartphone. If your smartphone shopping right now or if you’re someone like me, who’s constantly asked to recommend a smartphone to buy the over. I guess yo dude, I just broke my phone and I need to get a new one.

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What is the best smartphone out there best out right now, I would say a samsung galaxy s6 right great, build awesome camera, one of the best screens on any phone. It’S fast great, build materials can’t really go wrong, alright, but it does have pretty bad battery life. Yeah yeah it’s one of those small like really small, sealed in batteries, so it’s usually gon na die before the end of the day on me, but and also no expanding storage, it’s also not water-resistant. So, alright, you know what LG g4 great phone high-end specs has.

On the

A great build has a great screen, has a great camera and the back is removable. So you get your microSD card slot, but LG’s software is really not by Cray, like just as a warning, and they, like so far behind on updates, actually know it here. Nexus 6 boom easy stock Android, the latest and greatest software, always up to date.

On the

There’S your winner. It’S always to put yeah you’re right, this one’s way too big for a normal person. If you know what what are you coming from now motive – Droid Motorola phone, yeah, er, turbo right so yeah, moto you’ll, be okay with the newest Motorola phone, the Moto X, play comes out soon should have a huge battery great new screen, new camera, updated specs near Stock Android, it doesn’t come out of the United States or you drop to the 1 2 or that doesn’t have NFC, though, or you go just go note note 5 or no sorry, it’s still huge also doesn’t have an SD card slot and no IR blaster. Ok. What is the solid all-around good phone? Actually, you know what it’s good I’ll just get an iPhone. So at the end of the day, what do we learn? Obviously there’s a critical flaw in pretty much every smartphone out there that can affect a buying decision. This isn’t to say that smartphones aren’t good they’re, really good, but they’re not perfect, and I don’t think there will ever be anything that we can actually call in real life. The perfect smartphone, mostly because the definition of this perfect elusive smartphone is actually changing. It evolves. What we expect and what we’ve come to know in a top to your smartphone, has evolved and changed every year and even month-to-month. Now there is a pretty good baseline of things that we all agree on. I call it the big four good performance, good battery life, good display and good camera, and if you have all these things, you’re, probably a good package and a good buy. But then all it takes is one little flaw, a little missing piece to make us reconsider. If that’s really the complete package, if we’re really getting a whole smartphone that we want basically now we can measure smart phones, if you think about it by what’s wrong with them, instead of what’s right with them, meaning they get so much right on the top end. That there is entire articles about why the galaxy note5 doesn’t have an IR blaster or why the oneplus 2 doesn’t have NFC.

This is no no means defending those decisions. That’S just saying that if you get enough right on the high end, that those are the only things you have left to write about either way the hunt for the perfect smartphone will never die. That’S all we have hype, that’s why we have comparison. Videos, that’s why we have reviews, that’s why we have the speculation about the next version of a certain smartphone. That’S yet to come out! That’S why we keep seeing these dream smartphone videos, where we sort of piece together a Frankenstein phone of all the different parts of phones that we like.

That’S. Why, next time you look at a rumor video or a rumor roundup of a new device, you realize it’s basically just a speculation about whether or not it will be the perfect smartphone that complete package with everything we want. But will we ever see that I personally don’t think we’re going to see the perfect smartphone? But what do you think, thanks for watching I’ll talk to you guys the next one peace you .