iPad Pro Impressions!

iPad Pro Impressions!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPad Pro Impressions!”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m Kip EHD here and today, Apple unveiled, what they’re calling the iPad pro? Basically, it’s a huge iPad like an oversized like like really. This is an absolutely massive tablet. I’Ve played with the Microsoft Surface all the way up to the Samsung Galaxy Note pro, but this one takes the cake biggest traditional chaplet out there right now, so with it being bigger, you get a couple of things with that: one, a much bigger brighter more impressive Display this is a twelve point. Nine inch display diagonally with a resolution of 2732 by 2048, so more than quad HD. This thing is packin more pixels on the 13-inch retina MacBook Pro, and it is beautiful, pretty much everything you look at on. This display looks great and with that big old body, you have space for more speakers, so Apple put a speaker on all four corners of the tablet: they’re still not front-facing or anything, but this does a better job with stereo audio and creating a bigger, more impressive Soundstage, especially for movies, and then, of course, with all that space you get, you also have a bigger battery, so we’re looking at a 10 hour battery life according to Apple, and since it is a new top-of-the-line iPad, we also get their highest end specs again, I Don’T know how much RAM is in this tablet. I hope it’s more than 2 gigabytes at this point, but the chip on board is an absolute beast. The Apple a9 x is their new 64-bit chip for the tablet and, besides being all quoted, as you know, 2 times faster and processing and graphics, I’m sure it will probably benchmark off the damn charts. They showed it editing 3 streams of full 4k video and handling it like super smooth and all the multitasking goodies in iOS 9 seemed to work great, especially on this big display.

iPad Pro Impressions!

Now the other thing that’s turning heads with this iPad pro, as I’m sure you’ve seen already, is the new first-party accessories. First of all, the iPad pro is the first and only Apple product. With this new little connector over here on the side called the smart, connector Apple is kicking off smart connector accessories with this smart keyboard. That folds from a case may be reminiscent of a certain other keyboard fold out case by a certain other manufacturer, a Microsoft Surface.

Pro uh but yeah it’s using the same key style as the new macbook, so shorter key throws no built-in play no battery in this guy, but it’s pretty thin enlighten it automatically pairs with the iPad. When you snap it into the smart connector, simple enough Apple will sell it for 169. Then there’s the Apple pencil who wants a stylus. You have to get them and put them away and you’ll lose him yuck. Nobody wants a stylus. So let’s not use a stylus. Well, so much for that Apple is now going to sell this $ 99 stylus alongside the iPad pro, and it’s a weird one at that now it seems to work really well with the iPad pro, which is built for the demos showed that it’s pressure-sensitive and tilt Sensitive, so you can write with the point down or shade stuff in with the points sideways and get inviting levels of depth and darkness. Based on how hard you press and it automatically pairs with the iPad.

But you also have to remember the pencil has its own battery, so you kind of have to worry about that sometimes, and it charges via a male, lightning connector. So the suggested way to charge it is by plugging it into the iPad pro which, if you ask me, looks like a really easy way to break it either way. At the end of the day, this tablet, as beautiful and amazing as it is, I’m having a hard time coming up with a target audience for the device like. Is it a student who wants to replace our laptop with an iPad? Well, no, not really it’s an $ 800 tablet, not really in the budget.

iPad Pro Impressions!

Is it a creative person’s tablet or a businessman? I don’t know basically what I can tell you is it’s just a beast for media consumption. Reading news watching videos playing games, anything that involves consuming media of any kind is enhanced with this iPad pro, as you would expect from the bigger size, it is a bit heavy to hold with 1.57 pounds, it’s a little bit expensive, starting at 800 bucks, and you Have to get the thousand dollar 128 gig version to get LTE, so I’m not sure the pro in the name really means anything: it’s just a bigger iPad and for people that already love the idea of a big portable display this one’s even bigger. Please don’t take pictures with this anyway, we’ll see how it pans out in the full review. Let me know your thoughts and also don’t forget to check out my iPhone 6s impressions. Video also from earlier today. Apple did announce two things today. So that’s link to right below that like button thanks for watching this one guys and I’ll talk to you in the next one peace .