Ask MKBHD V7: CES 2016!

Ask MKBHD V7: CES 2016!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ask MKBHD V7: CES 2016!”.
All my years of making videos and Hoboken have prepared me for this. There’S an airport right there, planes taking off. You probably see some construction down here. Let’S just do it anyway, hey what is up guys, I’m Kitty HD here and I’m on my hotel in Las Vegas pre CES 2016 and asked you guys on Twitter.

If you guys had any questions about CES or anything else, tech related and you had plenty. So, let’s get into a pros and cons of switching to final cut. Alright.

So if you guys follow me on Twitter, then you already know that I recently switched from Adobe Premiere as my main editor for, like the past five years to Final Cut Pro 10. It’S gotten a bad rap in previous versions, but actually really liked it. The main reason I switched and the biggest Pro is performance render times playback smoothness. All of that is much better in Final Cut and Premiere.

I guess the biggest thing I’m losing a biggest con. Would be all the plugins and all the effects I use with Premiere, but I’m finding them slowly, not tech related, but pancakes or waffles pancakes good. I feel like I’ve answered that before. Hopefully, I said pancakes last time right, the most common question: what are you looking forward to the most at CES 2016 and why CES, as I’ve said before, is becoming more of a niche show with less important devices, the more risks and more fun stuff? I feel like this year is going to be more of like a car show all the car tech that’s been getting better in the past couple years is going to be neat to see Android, auto apple carplay, all the in-dash stuff, getting more high-tech in cars. That’S going to be cool, but we’re going to see stuff like the crazy 8k TVs.

The awesome displays the virtual reality stuff. All the stuff is going to be at CES, just because that’s the nature of the show. What have you brought with you to edit with? I brought the 15 inch retina MacBook Pro that showed in dope tech number. Two. You guys saw the all matte black painted version super high-end.

That is what I’m using to edit and, like I said it’s going to be running Final Cut. Do you think fingerprint sensors on phones are a necessity? No, I don’t think they’re, in necessity, they’re still pretty cool to have, especially in the highest-end phones that do it really? Well, that’s going to be something I look forward to, but I don’t think there’s going to be a time where every smartphone has to have a fingerprint sensor, but it is pretty nice though Tesla Model X review. You know what I would love to if anyone at Tesla is watching this or if anyone has a contact at Tesla or if any of you guys have a Model X want to. Let me use it for a video.

Ask MKBHD V7: CES 2016!

I will gladly make a video about the Tesla Model X, how about what’s in my bag, video for CES 2016. Alright, let me actually pull up the I put an Instagram photo of the exact bag that I packed so I’ll. Show you exactly what’s in it, I saw the red weapon dragon at the bottom right, with the 7 inch monitor on top that I’m recording on right now to the left of that are the batteries to the left of that is the microphone the Sennheiser MKH 416. Above the batteries is the second cos 11 D, the lab mic, I’m using right now, which is doing a pretty good job above.

That is a canon hundred millimeter macro, but that is the Sigma 18 to 35. My go to and then to the right of that is the canon cine 14 millimeter lens, which i’m using to record this video up top is the sound devices mix, pre d and some cables, some power stuff and then over to the right is a little XLR. Cable and my mini mag reader for reading the SSDs that this camera uses, i definitely won’t be bringing all that to the show floor, though the idea of going the shows to be as lightweight as possible. So i’ll have a backpack with about half that stuff and i tend to not do any audio stuff on the show floor itself. So it’s just going to be capturing video.

Ask MKBHD V7: CES 2016!

Have you ever dropped the weapon or any other expensive gear? God? No i’ve. Never. I mean you’re, probably jinxing me now that I’m saying this, I’ve never dropped anything like that.

Super expensive last piece of tech that I dropped was a phone. The Moto X, the first Moto X, and it didn’t even break hold. The new Nexus phones be called this year. Nexus 7.

Will you buy an 8k TV this year and if yes, were you planning to get 8k videos from, I would guess that no I’m probably not buying an 8k TV this year. I hope I’m wrong. I hope it events is superfast, but the chances of having a whole bunch of a.k videos to watch that look way better than the 4k OLED TVs that are already out. It’S pretty slim, although again, I hope I’m wrong.

Have you seen even one person wearing an Apple watch? Yet? Yes, the person who sat next to me on my flight was wearing an Apple watch. You get special treatment when you are going to CES as a youtuber. No, in fact it might have been the opposite. Like two or three years ago, youtubers got sort of less than standard treatment. I guess now it’s a little better, because youtubers are being more recognized as a part of press, but no it’s it’s pretty much like the rest of the press. Experience now, if you had to compare phones to NBA teams, what phone would you say, the Clippers, Lakers and warriors are at the california team’s, I would say the Clippers are probably like a probably like an LG v10, where they do.

Ask MKBHD V7: CES 2016!

One thing really really well jump. Shooting and the camera sort of like a specialty, the Warriors are probably like a Nexus 6p like they don’t really have much of a weakness that you can attack they’re pretty much set and the Lakers are probably like a like a blackberry proof all right. That’S my time guys, thank you for watching this. Ask me video hope it was a little different, a little bit of fun. Sorry, if you couldn’t hear anything, I was saying crawl, construction noises, it’s a little worse in hoboken, which is something I thought I would never say, but anyway catch you guys at CES. If you see me, there say hi talk to you guys in the next one peace .