Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech! (Pt 2)

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech! (Pt 2)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech! (Pt 2)”.
Hey what is up guys MKBHD here – and I don’t know if you noticed, but in the background of my Galaxy S7 Impressions, video that easel TV back there yeah – that is the crazy super expensive, Samsung S9 TV from CES two years ago. So that was kind of the inspiration for coming back to this topic of ridiculously overpriced stuff, so we had top five most expensive Tech part one. This is going to be five more of the worst deals in Tech number one hard drives, but not just normal everyday hard drives. Those actually tend to be a pretty good deal, but the ones that cost more and claim to be super fast. Like the super speed, hard drives, the 10 000 RPM hard drives at this point in 2016.

The only real reason to go with a hard drive over a solid state drive is, if you need more storage for the price. Hard drives tend to be slower, but also way cheaper for the same amount of storage than an SSD, except for the super speed drives. This is a velociraptor. 10. 000 p.m. One terabyte drive before ssds.

These are actually a really cool idea, but now they’re, literally the worst of Both Worlds, they’re still slower in most read and write speed than any SSD, but they’re also less durable and less reliable than any SSD, and they don’t match the density of a regular, larger. Three and a half inch hard drive that they’re so much more expensive than so really just make up your mind, you can just get a big, slow, hard drive or a really fast SSD. Sorry for going on so long about hard drive. So number two is the luxury smartphone that I’m not even sure if anyone actually buys alright. So I’m going to go down a list of specs of a smartphone and you can just go ahead and tell me roughly what you think it should cost. You know high-end mid-range, whatever you think.

Let me know: okay, ready, Snapdragon, 801 chip, three gigabytes of RAM Android 4.4 KitKat, a 5 inch; 1080p IPS display 20 megapixel camera six thousand dollars. Now I’m no smartphone expert or anything, but I’ve owned a few smartphones. In my day – and I can definitely say that that one is overpriced by a lot, I was gon na say it’s kind of like the the Beats By Dre of smartphones, but it’s worse than that. Really, the markup is even more insane so they’re justification or at their selling point really actually is exactly this uncompromising quality in every detail, down to the stitching and vibrant color choices to help our devices and users stand out from a sea of two familiar phones.

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech! (Pt 2)

So when you’re too cool for the normal phones, apparently I know everyone likes luxury and Everyone likes limited edition stuff, but a smartphone is actually a tool that you have to use every day. It’S not like some ornament that you just put up on a shelf and tell stories about now. If you don’t use your smartphone every day – and it is an ornament, then sure by all means put it up on a shelf talk about it, don’t actually use it. But if you use your smartphone every day like a tool like most people, do then avoid anything with the name virtue on it number three.

The Apple watch Edition this kind of falls into the same category as smartphones. I had a harder time putting this one on my list, because it is actually materially pretty valuable, but you’re gon na have to hear me out here. The Apple watch is already pretty expensive for a smart watch right.

It comes in anywhere from 350 bucks. All the way up to you know 1100 1200 bucks. So that’s pretty high end.

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech! (Pt 2)

You ever watch that TV show with two chains where they review the most expensive stuff in the world and they had that one episode with the world’s most expensive ice cream. Do you remember how they made just simple ice cream end up a thousand bucks, they literally just added pure gold to it. Apparently, gold is edible and the ice cream just got that much more expensive bam. Apple watch Edition, pure gold casing 17. 000. The thing is, it’s still a piece of tech and it’s a first gen Apple product. No less so you know the next generation. One is going to be a lot better. The number one suggested Google search result for Apple watch is Apple watch 2..

Top 5 Most Overpriced Tech! (Pt 2)

There’S gon na be a new Apple watch in a couple months, with some new features: better performance, better battery life, better build quality, better everything you played yourself number four – is the crazy, expensive, HDMI cables, I’m going back to those again, I did go over them a Bit in the first video, but I’m just really entertained at this point by how many different ways they’re coming up with now, to try to charge a couple hundred dollars for a cable, unique silver and gold contacts with Innovative HD grip for great connections. Carbon fiber plug for High-Tech Elegance. We Twisted the wires a little bit for Exquisite, sound and video, the silver over somehow illuminates the fine details, yeah.

Okay, all right number, five. Last but not least in the most overpriced Tech is going to go to this Sennheiser Orpheus. 50 000, headphones, they’re, crazy, well presented the marble and glass casing are dope. The tube amp lighting up is awesome and it presents itself to this awesome experience, but they only sound like twenty thousand bucks Max Sennheiser, let’s be real, I mean I love you guys. I love Sennheiser, but let’s be real, so there you have it. That’S your most overpriced Tech.

In the second episode uh honorable mentions, I got ta, go with the Panasonic 4K tough pad it’s a 4K tablet in more than one way: the Pono player a super high resolution, dedicated music player for 400 bucks. Just think about that one and this fifteen thousand dollar charging cable. I re.

I have no idea how that happened. If you have any other ideas for other ridiculously overpriced Tech, stuff feel free to leave that in the comment section right below you can click on any of the ones I talked about in this article. If you want to ruin, your Amazon suggested recommendations forever, and that’s pretty much it I’m out of here. Thanks for watching I’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace .