MKBHD Update 13.0: The Studio!

MKBHD Update 13.0: The Studio!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MKBHD Update 13.0: The Studio!”.
What’S up hey, what is up guys mkbhd here remember when i said i was moving. This is one of the last videos that you guys will see in this apartment. I mean i didn’t really literally say like i’m moving out now, but that’s kind of what i thought i was doing so long story short was during that time. I was looking for a place. I found a place.

I bought a place, or at least i thought i did, and then that fell through because of the way banks handle the person. That’S self-employed didn’t really work out. So i was really let down by the fact that i thought i was about to have a new space to shoot videos in and then i suddenly didn’t so after that didn’t work out. I just started the process over of looking for a place again and while i was doing that, i also started shooting my videos outside of my normal spot, so in around town or in spaces in the city started renting out like studio space stuff like that.

MKBHD Update 13.0: The Studio!

Just because i was getting so bored of shooting all my videos in my one apartment between those four walls, i’ve read a bit about like your comfort zone recently and trying to branch out and stepping outside of your own comfort zone. I like how my hand goes off the frame when i say that. But if anything is my comfort zone, it’s shooting videos in my apartment. I’Ve shot videos in there for, like the past five years, you’ve seen like every possible angle of that apartment, as you possibly can.

So it would be really nice if i could finally get another space to shoot in, but, as you can see between all those videos searching for things visiting them pouring over the details finally found something and it’s looking pretty dope. So this is the studio, as you can see, i’m really glad i found it uh i just it was it’s super empty right now, as you can see, and here uh there’s a lot of unfilled space, but right off frame over there there’s a bunch of stuff That you can’t even see bringing in stuff for the first time to set it up. I’Ve talked about this stuff and showed a little bit of it on my twitter, and especially snapchat, mostly behind the scenes of setting up the studio, has been going on snapchat because that’s just easy now you can definitely hear that. There’S a good echo in here like a good, solid one and a half two second echo from what i’m talking. That’S going to be my number one challenge with this: spot is not making it video ready because it definitely already is, but making it audio ready and making it totally normal sounding to make videos here now, there’s already a little bit of foam in the ceiling going Up the echo used to be like, i would snap and you wouldn’t stop hearing it for a solid six seconds so where i’m at right now is a little bit of an improvement thanks to the foam. But when i get like you know, couch and desks and more carpeting and things in here, a lot of that stuff is going to dampen the sound and one by one. When i get furniture in that’s going to make a big difference. But as of right now, my number one challenge is making this place more audio ready and not like an echo chamber anyway.

MKBHD Update 13.0: The Studio!

I don’t want to bore you with all the brutal details of it, but essentially i figured i would show you guys a little bit more as i start to move into this place over the next couple of days and weeks and months, a little bit beyond what I was just showing on twitter and snapchat. Now i can already answer some of the most common questions. I’Ve seen from the comments on twitter and instagram and people talking about it is uh number one. Am i living here? No, i’m not! This is actually a dedicated video space and it’s actually for the first time in my life, going to be separate in a separate room from where i live and sleep which believe it or not, is a bit of a challenge.

MKBHD Update 13.0: The Studio!

The number two thing i’ve probably seen is: why do you need all this space to make videos? Again, it comes down to the comfort zone thing i’m trying to get out of my comfort zone, trying to branch out more and also trying to make a little bit more and a little bit different stuff, which i’ve talked a lot about, but again have been in The same apartment not really doing it, so here we are, i can actually host things now. I can bring people in if people want to work alongside me for one project or for a long term, that can happen. Wink wink, if you’re a youtuber in the new york city area, you’re invited come on over, have a party, so collabs can happen here. Videos can happen here, it’s sort of a place to bring people and things in that’s not awkward. In my apartment, the way it is now so i’m really excited for the possibilities there and that’s pretty much it i mean my goal at the end of the day is to make better videos and hopefully it’s a win-win. Hopefully, this space is a win for me because i’m stepping out of my apartment and out of my comfort zone and making new, better stuff and a win for you.

You, because it’s a better space. It’S going to look better. It’S going to eventually sound better and it’s going to allow a little bit more of a variety of the type of stuff that comes out of this channel and that’s pretty much it also.

My daily driver right now for those who are wondering, is a galaxy s7 edge. It’S a titanium silver one, although that might change in the next couple days, just because of the amount of phones that are coming out right now. So, anyway, that’s the situation for those who are asking and yeah that’s pretty much it.

I’M gon na get to moving and bringing more stuff in thanks for watching i’ll talk to you guys, the next one peace you .