USB-C ALL the Things!

USB-C ALL the Things!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “USB-C ALL the Things!”.
Hey, what is up guys mkbhd here and my challenge for this video – is to talk about usb and to keep it somewhat interesting and also to get a point across. So usb is universal. Serial bus keyword being universal. This full-size usb-a has been around for years, but our devices are now getting too small and too powerful honestly to keep using this huge legacy port. So it’s time to usb see all the things we’re slowly closing in on a day where we can go to work or go on vacation and just bring one cable and one charger. Just one thing to charge our laptop our tablets, our phones, everything but we’re just not quite there yet so, knowing that we’re on our way towards usb type-c for everything and actually ever since the macbook pro review, people have been asking well if we want to stay Ahead of the curve, if we don’t want to get left behind, we got to get stuff, that’s good now. So what are the best usb type-c accessories available right now? This video is for those.

So a normal thing, you’ve probably used at some point – is a flash drive, a full-size usb flash drive. Obviously, but if devices in the future are all going to use usb type-c, instead you’re going to want a usb type-c flash drive. Actually sandisk takes this a step.

USB-C ALL the Things!

Further and has made this, which is a regular usb c flash drive on one end and a full size usb on the other end and it’s two different connectors, but it’s the same drive so same files. Same storage, same everything just expands compatibility, so that should help bridge the gap for someone living in like say, 2017. i’ll, leave a link to this and everything else.

USB-C ALL the Things!

I talk about right below that like button, so we all have regular headphones and we’ve all probably seen wireless headphones and even lightning headphones. I made a video all about those, but what we haven’t seen that much of is usb type-c headphones, mostly because there haven’t been that many devices to drop the headphone jack and just have usb type-c moto z. So until then, i wouldn’t expect to see that many, but when that keeps happening in 2017, i’m telling you it’s going to happen now we’re going to start to see more usb type-c headphones.

USB-C ALL the Things!

So until then this is the one and only pair of usbc headphones. I’Ve found obviously they’re earbuds. So if you don’t like earbuds you’re not going to like these, but hopefully there should be way more in the next year.

I’M also hoping that wireless charging becomes much more popular than it has been because you kind of want to still be able to charge and listen to music. At the same time, anyway, one of the bigger downsides of moving to usb type c was actually the loss of magsafe charging in the new macbook pros. They all use usb type-c to charge so there’s no more magsafe. Luckily, griffin has come to the rescue and they’ve made this usb type-c magsafe replacement.

That accomplishes the same effect, if you don’t mind, always having this little nub, always sticking out of your computer. It works the same way: it’s not perfect, and sometimes, if you yank it straight off, it takes both parts out of your computer, but it’s still better than having that cable drag your laptop off your desk and there’s also car chargers right. So right now they’re all full-size usb, but again the move to the future will have way more usb type c. So you can get your hands on something like this. Nomad makes this usb type c car charger and as a bonus, it has a 3 000 milliamp hour battery built in so even when the car is off, you can charge up.

So that is really convenient and i expect to see more stuff like that, and then battery banks are also slowly starting to migrate too. So anker is a pretty popular manufacturer. They’Ve made one of my favorite already.

This is a 20 000 milliamp hour battery plenty of power that you can just slip in your backpack or a bag, and it can easily charge up a couple tablets or smartphones, or even your usb type-c laptop several times over. So all these battery and power accessories are actually doing pretty well. All they have to do is just switch to usb type c to keep pushing power through that cable, but the things that have to get a little more complex to push data through that cable as well. That’S where it starts to get a little tricky. So there’s a couple usb type-c mobile ssds that i’ve found – and these are a pretty big deal if you’re a video editor. If you’re on the go working with really big files, then you’ll start to use these a lot and the glyph was pretty promising, but it started to have some issues for multiple people, including me on the new macbook pro so right now, the best one i’ve found Is the samsung t3 i’ve got a pair of them, they go up to a terabyte and speeds are pretty great.

The cable is nice and short so for mobile editing. This makes a great addition to the setup and then at the desktop. I was waiting for this one for a while, but this is the promise pegasus. 3.

R8. It’S a desktop raid array. This happens to be the one with eight hard drives in it, and each hard drive is six terabytes in raid. So this is a 48 terabyte tower of storage. So, as of three videos ago, i’m now keeping all the raw video now fun fact.

For years i was not doing that. I was just keeping the final video file and throwing away all of the raw video footage, because 8k raw is just a lot now, i’m just going to start keeping it all, but even as good as usb type c is at the end of the day, sometimes You’Re just going to need another port, you know you might need hdmi or you might need ethernet and so port expanders like this dell, one are going to be good for you or even from kickstarter the hyperdrive which you’ve probably seen it takes one or two usb Type-C ports, but then adds them back and gives you a bunch of others. This one gives you hdmi and sd card slot and a micro sd card slot, etc.

It fits the macbook pro aesthetic pretty well, it comes in the right, color, so silver or gold or space gray, and if you don’t mind again, having a little something sticking out of your computer, this can likely solve the biggest problems we have with the macbook pro Port situation – this is not one of those fading trends like usb type c, is gaining momentum and is going to be everywhere to stay. It’S not like 3d tvs, which kind of rose and then fell, or even like the sort of modular thing that we’re seeing sort of spark in and out. This is definitely here to stay and you’re going to want to be on board when this becomes the true universal again.

Usb type c should be everywhere, so that’s been. It hope this helps hope you enjoyed a video about usb and feel free to share it for others who you think should know about the feature. That’S coming thanks for watching talk to you guys in the next one peace .