Demonetized Tech Videos? Ask MKBHD V21!

Demonetized Tech Videos? Ask MKBHD V21!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Demonetized Tech Videos? Ask MKBHD V21!”.
Okay, all right, i always forget what number it is. Did we just pass 20 really part of me feels like we hit 20. last one was yeah last one was 20., so it’s 21. on point q.

Demonetized Tech Videos? Ask MKBHD V21!

A is now old enough to shrink in the united states. Hey, what is up guys mkbhd here and welcome to ask mkbhd version. 21. uh just turned the mic on hey. What is up guys mkbhd here and welcome to ask mkbhd version.

21.. We’Ve done one every month of this year. So far. This is number 10 of the 12 for 2017.. It’S october i reached out on twitter, asked you guys what you wanted to know, and these are your best questions, thoughts on the demonetization situation and how has it affected you? So i think i’ve touched on this before, but i’ve been almost completely unaffected by the demonetization problems that a lot of youtubers have been having in the past year or two. But just because it’s not happening to me doesn’t mean it’s not happening, and just because it’s happening to some other people doesn’t mean it’s happening to everyone.

Demonetized Tech Videos? Ask MKBHD V21!

A couple days ago, casey neistat made a great video kind of outlining the entire situation about the communication from the youtube team and the relationship between youtube itself and the community and the problems people have been having it’s worth a watch. I agree with a lot of what he says in that video, but the main thing to get out of that is that the the biggest problem we have is there’s not a lot of communication between youtube and us youtubers about what those problems are and a lot Of what casey talks about in his video is about the value of youtubers to youtube about how we will leave at the drop of a hat and go somewhere else if there’s a bigger audience or a better monetization solution. But i think the problem is youtube. Is the biggest audience has been for years and will be for a long time, so actually don’t see youtubers leaving youtube anytime soon, no matter how bad this monetization situation gets because it’s still the biggest audience so anyway. I have a lot of thoughts about that, but essentially i’ve been unaffected, i’m just keeping my ear to the ground and keeping a finger on the pulse and trying to figure out what other people think too, which dual camera setup do you prefer most one with a Secondary monochrome or one with the telephoto lens uh between those two, i would definitely pick the telephoto lens or just any additional focal length over the monochrome sensor. I’Ve tested a couple: phones that have the second monochrome camera to add detail and enhance the photos, but a lot of times.

Demonetized Tech Videos? Ask MKBHD V21!

Those aren’t good cameras in the first place, so uh. It doesn’t really make much of a difference to me so i’ll. Take that v30, with the wide-angle camera i’ll, take the iphone or the note or whatever, with the second portrait camera, that’s cool. I also really appreciate the way google’s done it and i’ll talk about it in the full review, with a single camera for portrait mode.

But that’s another story: if you reach down what would you rather have in your pocket red or iphone 10.? Well, i do have two pockets. So if i reach down – and i mean why not both at this point – one of the speakers on the bottom of the iphone 7 plus and a plus doesn’t actually work. Uh could apple have put a headphone jack there. Instead, listen the headphone jack is dead. Headphone jack’s not coming back, we just kind of have to embrace it and move on quickly, but seriously. I’Ve definitely mentioned it before.

Yes, we’re in that like awkward stage in between everyone having headphone jacks and nobody needing them, because wireless is so good uh, but to keep wishing for it to come back is definitely not a productive exercise. Just gon na have to move along any updates on your professional ultimate frisbee career. What teams are you playing for and where can we see your games? So it’s the off season right now it’s about to be winter. The professional ultimate frisbee season is generally during the summer and when the summer rolls around, i, of course i always tweet uh, where you can see our games. When you can see our games, that’s the best place to find that, but right now it’s the off season. It’S more of like college ultimate and club ultimate and just other fun stuff. La clippers wins set at 42 and a half over under uh i’m gon na go with over yeah. You know what i’m optimistic. I’M gon na go with the over on this one, but i have to mention i will be watching rockets games also now, because i’m a chris ball fan, that’s the original reason i became a clippers fan now he’s a houston rocket.

Now i’m watching houston rockets games. What do you think of the soon to be announced? Razer phone, so you know what? If red can make a smartphone, then i guess it’s anyone’s ball game razer bought next bit now they’re aiming to make a smartphone and we’ll probably be seeing that pretty soon. I’M excited for that too. Obviously, next bit has a little bit of a history, but we may or may not see bits of that in the new razer phone, but razer is, is a gaming, peripheral and gaming device maker right now. So i kind of expect to see a lot of cues from that sort of stuff in the new smartphone plus combined with maybe some of the next bits. Past it’ll be interesting to see i’ll, definitely try to cover that when it comes out zte, axon m, why do you hate it? It’S kind of a cool concept, so yeah i tweeted about this.

The other day that zte axon m has come out. It’S a foldable smartphone, but not really it’s more of a dual screen phone with a hinge in the middle that just kind of unfolds like that. I agree.

It’S it’s a cool concept, a key word being concept, but the actual execution. When you look at the final result, just doesn’t look good at all. Now i can appreciate trying to one-up samsung, where you kind of you have a feeling they’re going to do some sort of a foldable display in the near future.

So you try to be first to that uh. This just isn’t good for anything other than maybe splitting a movie across two screens. It doesn’t do all that much that’s useful! I see the demo videos i’ll link one below mr mobile did a great one. The verge did a great one. You can mirror the display across both screens.

You can extend the screen across both screens, but no matter how you use it. It’S just weird having a big bezel in the middle of your display. So it’s a cool concept. Yes, but if i told you, the price tag, you’d probably agree with me that just doesn’t seem like a good product.

Did you upgrade to the new monstro 8k vista vision? So look uh? No, i haven’t gotten it yet, but it’s pretty likely that i will end up making that move pretty soon. For those of you who don’t know the biggest difference between the new monstro 8k sensor and the current helium super 35 sensor. Besides the cheesy new name is the size of it. The super 35 sensor is smaller than full frame, and the vistavision 8k sensor is a full frame size sensor. That has a lot of implications. As far as what glass you can use the type of a look you get with your video and your bokeh and the type of flexibility you get and you having a much wider angle lens in a smaller area, it’s actually useful for those hands-on areas. I could name a ton of reasons why i’m excited for the upgrade right now, but long story, short yeah. That’S probably gon na happen. What’S your go-to everyday object to use as a weapon in a self-defense situation that makes it seem like. I have like an answer already like a go-to. Would it be cheating to say the weapon just because it’s already a weapon? That’S exactly what that would be yeah. You could hurt somebody with this.

It’S mostly metal and it’s got sharp edges and it has a handle. Yup that’ll: do it go to meal after a game of ultimate, that’s easy. Chipotle for sure.

Can you solve a rubik’s cube? Oh, i don’t have one, but i i can solve one face of a rubik’s cube. I have those algorithms memorized and i can get the first row around the face and then i don’t know any of the rest whose vision of the future will win. Google or apple both are focusing on different things. Google is software versus apple hardware. That’S an interesting question. I kind of think you have to have both obviously there’s advantages with going with either way apple’s ecosystem built around their super premium. Hardware is amazing, but on the other end of things like google being able to improve things on the fly and add features and have essentially a modular experience with their software also has huge advantages. But it’s nothing without the hardware and vice versa. So you kind of have to have both, and i think both are realizing that and trying to build that way.

Apple is trying to build up their ecosystem to compete with google’s massive ecosystem of products and google’s trying to build their own hardware, build their own phones. Like the pixel to compete with apple’s ecosystem hardware, where do you find your awesome glitch funk, electro intro songs seriously, i’m in love with that genre. Well, thank you. I don’t really have like one source.

I always go to for music, but i can tell you that in the past couple videos the intros you’ve been hearing are unreleased tracks from alta’s new album. I will link it below. I’Ve heard the whole thing i’m not allowed to like share that entire thing, but i’m giving you these little sneak. Peeks and they’re releasing a new track from that every wednesday again, just click the link, it’s expanding in playlist, it’s amazing anyway.

I’M going to end it right there. Thank you for tuning in to this quick episode of your questions and answers. It’S been fun, but i’m going to get right back to this review, video, i’m making and a whole bunch of other stuff coming up for october and november. It’S just that time of year there’s a lot of new products either way.

Thanks for watching talk to you guys, the next one peace .