Galaxy Fold vs Huawei Mate X? Ask MKBHD V35!

Galaxy Fold vs Huawei Mate X? Ask MKBHD V35!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy Fold vs Huawei Mate X? Ask MKBHD V35!”.
All right, what’s up guys mkbhd here and welcome back to another, ask mkbhd video. This is number 35.. It’S been a little while, since i did one we did one every month of the past two years or so we got a whole bunch of ask mkbhd episodes in and now took a little break from it, but i’m deciding to bring it back and we’re doing A little something different this time, i asked on twitter what you guys wanted to know, but i also asked if you could submit video questions. I figured we’d try that out and it turned out to work out pretty well. In fact, it was actually trending on twitter for a short period of time, which i don’t think i’ve ever seen before for a q a but it happened and now there’s plenty of questions.

So, let’s get into answering them, hey marquez. My question for you is: what do you do with all those phones once you get done reviewing them, because you know they all go on the infamous drawer never to be seen from i heard from again – and you know once you put your review out your great Videos which are gold standard – i don’t know, what do you do with those phones? Do you ever give them to friends? Do you ever sell them? Do you just leave them in there? Do you ever pull one out and use it every now and again just want to know you know what you do with them after they’re done yeah. I generally keep a lot of phones around, probably more than you would expect. So.

The drawer you’ve seen in probably studio tours and videos in the past. I usually keep one and then another generation of each phone that i review so right now we have the galaxy s10. I still have galaxy s9s and s9 pluses. We have iphone 10s max and iphone 10s.

Galaxy Fold vs Huawei Mate X? Ask MKBHD V35!

I still have iphone 10s. I don’t really usually go back too far before that, so they’ll either end up being recycled, donated given away sold, etc. I buy a lot of phones, we don’t have to keep all of them. Hey marquez: this is stetson landscape.

Galaxy Fold vs Huawei Mate X? Ask MKBHD V35!

In your smartphone awards, video 2018, you gave the best budget phone award to the poco phone f1 makes sense great phone packing a lot for 300, but you can currently get a pixel 2 for around 256 dollars unlocked on swappa. My question for you: would you go with a brand new budget phone like a poco f1, or would you go with a used flagship phone, like the google pixel 2 interested to hear your thoughts, yeah great question, i’m glad you asked this and this is a pretty Complicated one because it actually changes based on the phone you’re talking about, but this is an age-old question: do you buy a new budget phone for you know? Let’S say the dollar amounts 300 bucks, or do you buy a two or three year old flagship that has come down in price to that budget? Phone’S price and i’d say the answer really depends on what you want in a phone. You got to know what you want. That’S usually the answer.

Galaxy Fold vs Huawei Mate X? Ask MKBHD V35!

If you want software updates for the next couple years, your best bet is buying a new budget phone, because that older phone is less likely to get more software updates. If you’re trying to get a great camera, you’re, probably going to get that out of a high-end flagship, that’s come down in price. Instead of buying a new budget phone, i think generally for most people, you can get more bang for your buck out of a former flagship. That’S come down in price because then you’re not sacrificing as much and what you usually see is a worse camera and worse, build quality in budget phones, that’s just where they save their money um.

But a lot of people have just a great time on either so it depends on what you want: hey, i’m kpsg. My name is shahid and i’m from pakistan. My question is: which phone would you pick between the galaxy fold and huawei matrix for your personal use? Of course, thank you now the question question of the hour galaxy fold, which folds inward and protects the big folding screen or huawei mate x, which folds out but has a way cooler. Looking outside i’ll say this with a disclaimer that i have not actually played with a mate x, yet some people have i’ve watched videos of it, but i’ve only actually used the galaxy fold, and so, from my experience when i see a huawei mate x, it looks Way, cooler, and so i feel like i’d biased towards that, but then, of course we had all the the durability issues with the galaxy fold. So it’s kind of hard to say i just know: i’m really excited to get my hands on the huawei mate x. That’S gon na be one that i think changes a lot of people’s minds about foldable phones if it turns out well hi, i’m kbhd.

So i’m curious. How do you kind of juggle between your life as a professional facebook player and a youtube reviewer? I’M just curious. First of all, nice shirt.

So for those who are new or might not know, i’ve been playing ultimate frisbee for a long time and i’ve been playing for the pro team in new york called new york empire for the last two years. So our season just started a couple weeks ago, um so basically every weekend and during practices during the week. I have that and for me the timing actually has sort of worked out.

This way ever since i started playing frisbee is mostly on weekends like tournaments, are on weekends, for the pro team games are on weekends. We have a practice during the week at night, so that’s after work. So, as far as overlap, there isn’t a whole lot of that. I’Ve always said the toughest decision.

I’D have to make would be between like a big tech event and a big ultimate tournament or a game, or something like that. Luckily, that doesn’t overlap pretty much ever hey mkbhd we’re the oneplus us team coming to you live from a very special device and we’re wondering what your expectations are for the oneplus 7 pro. I don’t think i can say that all right, serious question for you. Would you rather your first born child’s first words: be hey, what’s up guys or remember, to like and subscribe, if you want to see more videos like this one, wow i’d be very impressed if those are the first words.

That is a very serious question, though i think i would say i would rather them i’d. Rather the first words be hey. What is up guys? That’S fine right! That’S a couple reasonable words to string together in a row. I’D be cool with that: hey mkbhd, who was your favorite youtuber back when you started and who’s your favorite now, my favorite youtuber, when i started would have to be sort of the.

I think the big like the big three of tech, og tech, youtube and those were john rettinger john four lakers soldier – knows best mark watson and chris pirillo, all of whom are still making tech videos to this day. I have to give my inspiration or my credit towards them, because they literally paved the way of giving the idea that you could even make tech videos on youtube a thing. So thanks to them for that, my favorite youtuber right now actually is probably i’m gon na guess. None of you are gon na know. This is uh. He does sketches caleb city i’ll link his channel right here. He just literally does all these sketches with like himself and his friend one or two people, but they are absolutely hilarious, so go check out his channel subscribe i’ll, put a link below hey marquez, here’s a question for you: what would you do if youtube suddenly ceased To exist, if it just stopped existing tomorrow, what would you personally be doing? Well, whoa? What’S the uh? It’S the age-old question: if you weren’t a youtuber, what would you be well? Actually it’s a little different youtube does exist, but then it just suddenly stops existing.

That’S a little more dramatic um. I don’t really know what i would do. I guess this is the part where i’d have to fall back on my college education and use my business degree and my marketing expertise to find a way to do a job with that related, i think fun fact is before i got into really doing a lot Of youtube – or it was actually as i was doing, a lot of youtube, but i was studying business and marketing because i kind of imagined my future career path to be that guy who works at a company that works with youtubers like i’d, be that the marketing Manager of a tech company that would be working with youtubers to send them products and make products better.

So i guess to answer your question. I could still probably do that somewhere today, um but yeah if youtube just stopped existing pretty dramatically. I also think some other video service would just bubble up to replace youtube and fill in the footprints that left behind, hey marcus. You said so it’s been two years since google, home and other smart speakers have been released. What’S your opinion about them? Two years later, and do you still use them? That’S well done! Well done so! Yes, i do have a google home.

I have a google home max here in the studio and i have a google home max at home. It’S not my alarm clock. It’S too loud to do that, but i do use it to ask questions pretty regularly.

I set timers with it. I ask what the weather’s going to be pretty often with it. I ask it like the random trivia questions like how many legs does a horse have try it yourself. It’S great. I think the next sort of evolution of that that we’re going to start seeing more is screens on them. We’Ve seen this with alexa stuff and we’re probably going to see this rumored google home max with a screen on it.

Um, just having a ui for it to be able to show you stuff is pretty cool, but yeah home stuff home assistants are definitely alive and well what uh? What do you think would be the next biggest piece of tech um for the next decade? You know 2000’s had mp3 players 2010s and mobile phones um. What do you think is going to be for the 2020s? I hope he’s not getting in trouble for doing this video on the job at best buy. So that’s a big question so this two decades ago we had mp3 players, they blew up then this last past decade we got mobile phones.

If, i’m being honest, i think the next decade’s probably going to be mobile phones too, and then wearable tech will start to be more of a big thing in the future. But i’ve i’ve been pretty firm that i think mobile phones. This thing that we pick up and use and then put down is like the form factor that we’re gon na have for the near future. That’S just me, maybe i’m not future thinking enough, but that’s the way. I see it.

Hey, marcus! It’S john uh. With this question, you might be getting it a lot, i don’t know, but being that the galaxy fold has been released. When do you think apple will begin producing or even release a foldable iphone. I’M a huge apple fan, i’m not sure if i would like to see that, but it would be really interesting.

What do you think yeah foldable iphone or foldable ipad? That’S the question, so i guess the way i see it. Apple’S always had a not always i’ll. Take that back, they haven’t always had this, but lately they’ve had what you call a late mover advantage in a lot of technologies. They don’t have to be first to the bleeding edge of stuff, but when they do choose to update something or hop on board the new tech, they know it’s proven.

The mistakes have been made by the first movers and they can get it right. So this is really a perfect example of that with folding phones, the samsungs and huawei’s of the world are the first movers they’re, the you know, they’ll call themselves the pioneers and the innovators, but that’s what they’re doing they’re using their first mover advantage and their supply Chain to try to make a splash and they’ll make their mistakes, and clearly some mistakes have been made already with them, but in the near future or the far future, if apple sees that it’s worth its potential they’ll swoop in and they’ll get it right in theory. So how long into the future are folding phones like really going to be a thing before apple decides to make a folding iphone? Definitely not iphone 11, probably not iphone 12. um. I could start to see in like the next three to five years that perhaps starting to get tidied up and maybe there’s a foldable version of the phone, but i don’t think it’s going to be anytime soon.

Hey marquez, just wanting to know how you got started in ultimate frisbee and how that even became an interest for you good question. I think my origin story for ultimate might not be the same as many others. So i went to columbia, high school in new jersey and, if you know a lot about the history of ultimate, that name might sound familiar because if you go to the wikipedia page for ultimate frisbee and look up where the sport was invented, the answer is in 1968 ultimate frisbee was invented by students at columbia, high school in new jersey, so the sports kind of had a rich tradition in at that high school and it’s there’s a jv team and a varsity team. So when i was in middle school, i knew that that high school had a frisbee team, and i knew i wanted to play so i instantly when i first got. There tried out, for it played on the jv team for a bit and then graduated to the varsity team.

There were always tournaments, they were always traveling. It felt like a real varsity sport, even though technically at that time it wasn’t really one so yeah. For me, it started because uh there’s a rich history of it in new jersey. I think for a lot of people.

They you know they pick it up in college or they discover it in their neighborhood or at a park or something like that. But that’s my og ultimate story, it’s pretty loud in the hallway, but that’s where i’m going to end it. Thank you for your questions. I think this was fun to do the video style. I think we’ll probably do that more in the future. Stay tuned on twitter. For when i ask for when we do these, and you can submit your questions there and, of course, as always, the links to anything i talk about that are important or that were in the video are below, but that’s basically it thanks for watching catch. You guys the next one peace .