A look inside the original Macintosh

A look inside the original Macintosh

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A look inside the original Macintosh”.
I didn’t even know this place. Existed., I’m gon na have my birthday party, here., Yeah., (, music playing ) Marques, invited me to this incredible vintage warehouse that has all kinds of old Mac, computers., Specifically the 1984 Mac, which is something that has a very special place in my heart. Yeah. It’S good.. It’S so great.

They don’t make’em like they used to.. Do you wan na open it up? So there are a few screws here.. Should we go for it? I think we should take it. Apart., (, muttering, ), All right, final screw. Okay.. Let’S lift this off.. Do not touch the CRT coil because you might get shocked. Okay inside is the CRT monitor.. It goes kinda far into the body of it.. Don’T touch.? Okay, I’m not gon na touch the CRT coil.

Don’t. Mm-mm. I’ll hold the bottom down. Okay.

A look inside the original Macintosh

Ready, Yeah yeah. Moment of truth.. Oh man look at this.. That is the inside of a 1984 Mac..

A look inside the original Macintosh

That’S the coil.! Don’T touch the CRT.. There are two different boards. There’s to me: unrecognizable, mostly power components., And then there’s also a board back here at the bottom, which has a lot more soldering.. That’S the floppy drive., The system disk is the floppy disk so that basically loads it into the RAM.

A look inside the original Macintosh

And as soon as you take that disk out, it’s gone. You’re, basically loading things as it goes. And it would be a combination of reading from the memory that It has preloaded things into and that floppy disk. This only had 128K of RAM..

What now it’s a thousand times smaller One front facing selfie on the iPhone Yeah, you couldn’t even fit it on here., Like that’s insane., Steve Jobs had created this as a work of art.. So in most art people sign them. True.. So inside of here are autographs of all the people that worked on this team..

Oh that’s cool., So you can see them right. There. And they’re subtle., All these little inscriptions., That’s actually a nice little touch signing your work., I’m glad we learned all this today.. Thank you so much for helping me take apart this Mac and for giving me the breakdown. Appreciate it.. Thank you so much.

This was seriously amazing.. Wow .