Giving Away 24 PS5s and XBox Series X!

Giving Away 24 PS5s and XBox Series X!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Giving Away 24 PS5s and XBox Series X!”.
All right so 2020 for being honest, wasn’t the most amazing year all around, but i felt super fortunate to be able to have a lot of fun. Talking tech online with you guys making videos – and i just want to share a little more of that phone with you in this so uh in the spirit of holiday, giving in the spirit of well starting off 2021 on the right foot. We’Ve got a whole bunch of the most difficult to get hardest to find impossible to buy gaming consoles next-gen stuff here in front of me and we’re giving them away, as you might have been able to tell by the title so over here we’ve got a dozen Ps5S and over here we’ve got a dozen xbox series x and it’s pretty simple. All you really got to do to get entered for this giveaway is just follow on twitter, follow mkbhd and follow dbrand on twitter. All the info and links you need below if you’re already following you’re, already entered to win this super simple, giveaway, uh. You’Ve probably also noticed these look a little bit different, so over here we’ve got the xbox series x with the icon skins on them and by the way, huge shout out to everyone who’s gotten in on these.

This drop was amazing and the support has been tremendous. I’Ve seen a lot of good installs on twitter, shout out to you guys and maybe we’ll bring it back for 2021, that would be kind of sweet and then over here we’ve got these sort of reverse these oreo ps5s. These ice cream sandwich ps5, so the inside is a matte white d brand skin. You already know that plastic on the inside scratches easily, but the outside is kind of, looks like it’s painted right or maybe even a black skin, but it’s just a black face plate. So dbrand’s got these clipped in black face plates that they’ve made they’re not actually available yet they’ll be available soon.

Giving Away 24 PS5s and XBox Series X!

But if you win, one of these hey you’ll be early to get a face plate black and white ps5. So if you were to win one of these, which one would you want leave, a comment down below, uh winners will start being selected january 1st. That’S really all i got to say for this. One super simple best of luck, happy holidays and happy new year. Thanks for watching catch, you guys the next one peace .

Giving Away 24 PS5s and XBox Series X!