We called out Tech Ingredients and they DELIVERED

We called out Tech Ingredients and they DELIVERED

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We called out Tech Ingredients and they DELIVERED”.
Tech ingredients are back with even bolder claims taking on multi-million dollar manufacturers with just a few common liquids and conductive powders. In the past they created what they claimed was the world’s highest performing thermal compound, but that was a thermal epoxy, not a thermal paste, so expectedly it could not take on this tube. Now, though, no excuses can this homebrew paste outperform a top tier tim. Let’S find out, are you lagging out, while gaming use glasswire to see what apps are wasting your bandwidth and causing your games to lag? Get 25 off using offer code linus at the link down below? This is what we have right here: the tech ingredients high performance thermal paste. It even came with a nice little letter for us.

We called out Tech Ingredients and they DELIVERED

We can put that away, though now in their video, they did an incredible job of just isolating every single variable. I think that they made a test chamber that was good to 0.2 of a degree celsius and they had surfaces that were properly prepped and clamping forces. I don’t really care about any of that. I am without sure that this is the best thermal paste for their test apparatus. What the test apparatus is not is a real oil computer.

We called out Tech Ingredients and they DELIVERED

Now we don’t have like the proper thermal testing heater thing, but we have a 10 900k which is about as good as you can get to a thermal load, and this is not your normal 10900k. We have it on a maximus from aces and we have it. Overclocked so much 4.9 gigahertz, all cores 1.42 volts voltage locked core locked, very consistent, 204 watts every single time that we hit it awesome a lot of thermal pastes. You can get really conductive ones and they still kind of suck. So a good example of that this is ic diamond. It’S an incredibly high performing thermal compound in certain situations. So when you have a water cooler which has a much higher mounting pressure, typically it’ll do well.

We called out Tech Ingredients and they DELIVERED

When you have an air cooler, it doesn’t always squish out enough now something like nth2. They specifically don’t tell you the thermal conductivity of it on the website and i talked to an octawa and it has a really low thermal conductivity, but they were like it doesn’t matter it’s what performs the best for an air cooler. So let’s do a squish test. Let’S do a little bit of ic diamond here. First, this is our non-scientific but visually interesting squish test. Is this tube empty? Oh there we go. Oh sorry about your acrylic, calling twice we’re controlling the weight based on how much i press on it. So, as you can see, this one’s not spreading out a whole lot that worked pretty well and when i let off it, didn’t stop working well, not too bad for icy diamond, but i think nth2 will do better air drying off the alcohol.

Let’S see how this one spreads out: oh yeah, that’s spreading out so much more. You can even see how it’s kind of going into the little pocket at the very edges as opposed to just being a blob, and how does the tech ingredients compare, so this immediately seems slightly thicker than nocta was, but nowhere near as thick. Oh, that’s. A good spread, but i don’t know that it’s going as far as the noctua did. It is slowly making its way and doing the similar kind of void filling thing that the noctua was, but not quite to the same degree. Take this result with an absolute grain of salt, but it does look like that knock to his paste, which is famous for having good spread, spreads out better.

It is a good result. Another thing i’m curious about before we really get into our test bench is: is this stuff electrically conductive one not too difficult way to get a really thermally? Conductive thing is just chuck a whole bunch of graphene in there or a whole bunch of metal in there, and then maybe it does work well until it squishes out onto your cpu and kills it. This is again not a scientific test. It’S more of just a pass: yes, no is it electrically conductive yeah like that, like that? Okay, this is again horribly, unscientific, resistance, zero. These probes are about as close as you can get in the thermal compound and i think you’re safe, no worries about getting this stuff on your cpu, we’re doing our test today in linus’s office. So we have the thermostat right over there and we’re able to keep it within about a degree, maybe two degrees somewhere in there either way.

We know that the temperature in here is a bit of a problem, so we record it all with this fluke right here, start and end of the test and we’re going for 30 minutes for each one. So you might be able to see if the hvac kicks in we’ll hit steady state and then it’ll sort of bop back and forth. Just a tiny bit we’ll also be running each test three times with a separate application, every single time between each test. What we’ll be doing is using paper towel, wipe it off and noctua alcohol wipe wipe it off again and then you just let it dry, and hopefully it’s good we’re not using toluene.

That’S yeah! That’S we’re not doing that. If we did it like he would. I would have projectiled after half of those white claws like i have a nice little dot about that size grab your piece of crap by piece of crap. I mean the best air cooler on the market. Maybe that’s pretty damn good, as you would expect for these intel chips.

It doesn’t matter as much if the whole thing’s covered in thermal compound, because the dye is just right in the center, but on an amd one where the chips are kind of spread across. You want really good coverage. One thing that’s kind of worth noting here is that it’s not super fair to be using nth2 and an nhd15, because this has obviously been tested with this cooler specifically to perform the best.

But it’s also kind of a worst case scenario. For these guys, because if they can’t beat the tube it comes with, like whatever i do, really think that it will be the spread that either does it or doesn’t get them for it, because this paste is designed specifically for the roughness of this cooler. All of our cores 4.9 gigahertz beautiful. What do you think this one will get to i’m guessing like close to 90, like this is a lot of power going through it? It does look like we’re getting our 204 watts.

It went up to 207, but under 210 over 200. come back in 30 minutes. Yep cool, see you then well, it’s been an hour and a half, and this really shows us how important doing multiple tests is. I don’t know that we’re going to be able to get a proper result out of this, but we’ll be able to know the ballpark.

So these are our three tests. There’S like a two degree, change in ambient temperature and there’s a five degree change in maximum temperature achieved. I have no clue why it might be the thermal paste application, but it was pretty damn consistent. Here are the photos um? We have the cpu power here again.

Really consistent, i don’t have a good explanation, but we’re going to run three tests of this stuff and see how all three of them stack up against this taken average and we’ll be able to know at least if it’s maybe better or worse than mth2. Also, it’s without a doubt better than a thermal pad. We already tested that and it did terribly it was like 89 degrees instead of like 85., it didn’t spread out quite as much as their last one with the noctua, but i think that’s within margin of error. For sure, just how i put it on i’m sorry, tech grandpa – if this is not as scientific as you would have liked.

Unfortunately, this is the real world where things are annoying, looks like we’re idling right around 30 degrees. But who cares it’s a load that we care about? So let’s go now we wait and we’re back test has been running for 40 minutes and uh. Our cpu package is sitting at 85 degrees. I think our noctua was like 84., so we’re right in the running there uh we did go up by about half a degree in the room.

So now we’re going to save this log, we’re going to remove the cooler wipe down the paste clean it up. All again do the exact same seating method and run another bench for another 30 minutes, and then we can aggregate all of our data together. Now, if you haven’t experienced thermal paste on your clothes, you’re gon na love, it never comes off all right. So this is our final test here and it looks like 86 degrees for this one.

So here are all three of our results. You can see in this blue one right here, it’s very clear where the ac kicks in it drops down and comes back up, but it’s not as spread as the noctua. Maybe it’s easier to apply this one.

That’S the only thing that i could think, but it’s hard to say, given our test set up yeah, this is sort of thing where we could do 20 tests, but i don’t know that we’re going to come up with anything different than this. So, let’s bring in one of the noctu ones here. Can you tell which one? It is? Oh, it’s the green one. I think it’s really safe to say that these two thermal pastes are equivalent like. I cannot say that one is better or worse than the other, but i can without a doubt say that this one was made in a shed and this one was made by a company – that’s been around for years and is one of the best thermal producers. So actual value, this tube right here is what 28.95 this one’s, i think, 24.

way more pace for 24.. This is essentially a one-off, so, like i’m really impressed also this is version one. This is the first time they’ve done this and they’ve matched noctua damn.

I have no clue how this stuff was made, but i am excited to find out tech. Grandpa drop the video soon. Please we go there, just drop it straight to our sponsor, thanks to squarespace for sponsoring today’s video. If you need a website, but don’t have the know-how, squarespace makes it easy.

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Yeah that didn’t look fun. .