Selling a $2100 Sleeper PC for $20

Selling a $2100 Sleeper PC for $20

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Selling a $2100 Sleeper PC for $20”.
We’Re here in Micro, Center’s, brand new flagship store and they’ve, given us full rain to build the most badass PC we can, but we’re not going to do just any PC. Oh this guy right here meet Francis our latest sleeper PC by the end of this video. It’S going to be real fast thanks to Micro Center for sponsoring this video new Micro Center customers get a free, 240 gigabyte, SSD click. The link in the description to get yours today no purchase necessary in-store only limit one for customer we’re back here in the service center, and the first thing we need to do is figure out what exactly we can fit into this case. So Nicholas has been working on this for the past week, so it can accept modern components, although this is obviously not like. You know a massive modern PC case – we’re not going to be able to fit your standard stuff in here. So first thing we need an matx motherboard. Atx is clearly not going to fit, although it does look like we’re going to be able to put in a full-size power supply, which is nice. It looks like we only have a 90 millimeter fan in the back here, which means full size like an NHD 15 or something like that is not going to be able to go in. Unfortunately, now we do have two options, so we have this stupid bracket thing here for an AIO. We need to drill it. It’S going to be a terrible time if I can get away without using it, I’m going to be a lot happier. What how big of an air cooler we can get? We will see first boss, the tech bar looks like the only liquor they have is of the isopropyl variety, but you know they’ll repair your stuff for you heaps the laptop look at this two rows.

Selling a $2100 Sleeper PC for $20

Deep. All the way down here, heck yeah back here past the laptops are all of their. You know complete systems.

Selling a $2100 Sleeper PC for $20

If you’re into that sort of a thing you don’t always want to build your own PC, Peeps and monitors too geez. This is one area that I’m super stoked about and that I’ve never first seen in a physical store before 3D printer stuff. Look at this.

You can come in here and be like Oh yeah. This filament that’s the color that it is instead of just having to trust some random photo on the internet and be like oh yeah. What’S the difference between gold and yellow? Now I can tell wow we even got some SLS stuff here, if you’re into model making. Damn there’s so much stuff in here: that’ll, just save your bacon when you’re in the middle of a project and you find out like oh, yes, I need this hat, and normally you have to wait like two weeks on Amazon. Here’S our first spot that we’re going to put some stuff in our cart, though oh my God they have the pro siphon this thing’s sick, there’s no way this is gon na fit. This is one of the largest coolers ever yep Shadow Rock 3 will definitely fit so that’s an option.

The salmon flower cooler – that would also fit, but I don’t want to use it. I think we got our cooler, Cooler, Master stealth RGB bit of an oxymoron, but you know it’s gon na fit and it seems like the largest one that will so there we go goodbye, be quiet all right. What are we feeling for a motherboard today? Dennis I’m kind of thinking AMD what about this guy right here, 185 dollars limit one for household here we go. Are you thinking? Ryzen 5? Maybe ryzen, seven.

Selling a $2100 Sleeper PC for $20

5800X. I think this is gon na, be our chip. Oh, this is wicked. A bunch of water cooling supplies. You know you can fill it without doing it like the sketchy way got a whole bunch of tubing.

Here. We, of course, are going to have one heck and Powerful GPU in this thing, so we need a power supply to suit it. I think this one right here will do just fine 1200 watts EVGA P2.

That’S a lot of Watts on this side. Over here we have all of our AMD gpus now buying a GPU is a bit different. You can’t just like go in here and grab one.

You have to actually enter a lottery system and then that way, they’re able to track it and make sure that people aren’t sculpting all of the gpus. It’S actually pretty safe. If we move down here, there’s a bunch of 3080 TI’s, but I don’t think any of those will fit in our case wow.

Would you look at that yeah? This will. Do it perfect, keep the ssds all along this wall, but the one that interests me is right in here, Western Digital, two terabyte hundred fifty dollars off Wicked this thing’s gon na be awesome. This is going to be really cool, it isn’t fully operational yet, but this is gon na, be their PC Builder, so you’ll be able to come in here and be like okay.

I want a 30 70, an 11 900k yada yada, and then they just bring you all the components and if you want, they can put it all together for you in here we have the chassis garage. We don’t need a case ready for the best one in the store, but they have over a hundred of them in here. So if you want to look at a PC case, this is where you do it. Look. Someone forgot their LTT water bottle here. I hope they remember and come get it that’ll be a sin. Ltt final part of our build here just need some Ram, I’m thinking of going with this t-force 4000 megahertz.

C16. 32 gigabytes of the stuff. This is going to be super fast. All right.

Let’S go and build it first thing I want to get out of the way is the CPU and cooler, because if that doesn’t fit, we are boned. Oh wow. This is gon na, be close. Yes, I’m happy tape.

It I see what the problem is. Everyone else on their Dimensions did height length, width, Cooler Master, for whatever reason did length width height. I need to do a return. I said earlier for cooling, we’re going to use the Kraken M22 from NZXT it’s RGB and should more than be enough for cooling our PC. Well, it’s only gon na use the speed hole before I permanently put anything else into place. We’Re going to just do a nice test fit and see if we need to do the Walk of Shame again. They have this really cool, fantex, Halo, digital RGB frame. That’S able to just go on the outside and fit in here, and then we can just use our normal non-rgb fan and it’s still going to look sweet star of the show RTX 3070. Oh loads of space. Look at that! No problem at all, so we ran into a little bit of an issue that goes in there like that and pretty standard AIO mount in the front.

But the problem that we have is that we need to have fan screws that go through here through this little bit of sheet metal and then out the back and the ones that it came with. Just simply are not long enough. The fortunate thing is that here they do really wild exotic builds, and I just so happen to have really long 632 screws for exactly situations like this. So not the most beautiful thing ever, but you won’t be able to see it anyway, storage time, so two terabyte SSD should be more than enough. I’M actually not totally sure if this is pcie Gen 4.

That would have been good to look forward. I don’t believe it is which is really a mistake on my pick, but it was on sale. So this is an exceptionally large one and again 1200 watts quite impressive. I hope It just fits in it should that is comically large for this case, so small problem, one of our screws isn’t quite long enough to fit through, as you can see, there’s kind of this little indent here and that’s stopping me from being able to get At it foreign perfect, we did it. This is the last bit hit that all right.

It’S time to go, I actually have a feeling this isn’t going to work. This is a AMD 3000 certified motherboard, not 5000, and it does not have bios flashback, which is a huge pain in the butt. Actually, oh and the NZXT logo is upside down awesome that just worked. We have our ryzen 7 5800x 32 gigabytes of rams use both of our stuff and our SSD was picked up as well.

So we are golden yeah, not the most functional CD drives. Ever there we go now. What you might be thinking is: oh no, now your CPU Cooler has no air at all nice and quiet real fast, all right. Let’S test this thing out and see if it actually works so here in Far Cry 5, I’m going to close the speed hole and see what happens not bad 160 FPS on Ultra.

I will take that for sure. Oh yeah, our CPU is up to 86 degrees. That’S not ideal, Let’s uh, let’s open the speed hole nice, so speed, hole, open 74 degrees is our maximum temperature on the CPU, which is really not bad. I would not suggest this.

Pc would be great if you’re like a professional video editor or something like that. It is, you know, the airflow is not the best ever. This chassis was never intended for, like anywhere near this amount of componentry but cinebench, it’s hot for sure, we’re up to 90 degrees on the CPU, even with the speed hole engaged, but it held all core at four and a half gigahertz yeah zoomed in there.

After it did a dentist, but uh you have to trust, me, did four and a half gigahertz the whole time, and it was just fine. This is the sort of thing where it has a bit of an overclock from the factory with this motherboard. If we ran in stock settings like like three and a half, gigahertz is the stock that it’s supposed to be at. It would be more than fine all right. Francis is certified an awesome little sleeper, let’s go and put it on the shelf and see who gets it.

Um. 20. Bucks. 20. Bucks.

Okay, okay! Is this a case right, yeah or a full project? My professor likes, like a lot of retro things. We need to make a presentation on it. Do you want to play retro games, though, because it’s it’s not going to be great, for that it might be a bit too fast.

What do you mean? What do you mean kind of sauce yeah, wait. Are you LTD? Yeah well, do you want to open it yeah yeah, it’s a 30 70. for 20. It’S not a bad deal.

Yeah yeah! You can buy it. Let’S go yeah. Do you want a little full, specs sure so, ryzen 7 5800 x, 32 gigs of RAM 4 000 megahertz 1200 watt power supply two terabyte SSD any books, all right, not a not a bad deal. I have to say um. Thank you. It’S a huge thanks to Micro Center for sponsoring this video and, if you guys liked it hit like get subscribed, I don’t know what video should we throw them to Dennis last Micro Center, one where Linus sold a PC for 20 bucks as well. All right see you later .