I Hate It When He’s Right… – Epson LS12000 Demo

I Hate It When He's Right... - Epson LS12000 Demo

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Hate It When He’s Right… – Epson LS12000 Demo”.
No, I want it. In my search for the ultimate home theater experience I explored microLED displays that would’ve cost hundreds of thousands of dollars necessitated additional power circuitry to the room and a dedicated air conditioning unit just to cool it. And Jake was all like “. That’S really stupid., You should get one of these.”. Ah, Instead, this is the LS12,000B from Epson and it promises to be A really heavy and B the best bang for the buck projector on the market by a country mile.

Literally, you could spend four times the amount. Just to get image quality, parody, nevermind better. And today I finally get to experience. I’Ve had to look at this for so long (, Jake, chuckles ), Just like I’m always looking for opportunities to tell you about our sponsor.

I Hate It When He's Right... - Epson LS12000 Demo

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I can’t believe you fired this thing up without even like calling me over to see it. Yeah. I set it up on my desk with the office lights, which are so bright and I was like “ Wow.

This looks great !”, I’m so excited. I can’t imagine what it’s gon na look like in an empty room but wait where’s the screen. We need to put up a screen., You can’t just-, I fricking just-, There’s an electrical box right here..

What are you …? No, no. We can just turn it on.. You know I can be down.. We actually reached out to Epson about checking out one of their flagship projectors ages ago, like back when we started the house., No for the lounge. Right, So we had the 6050UB.. This is supposed to be the new 6050UB.. I mean they’ve told they told us.

They’re like “ Yeah, I mean our stuff is good, but wait till you see what we’ve got coming. And I think, because of COVID supply constraints, it took a little bit longer.. I feel like their original estimate was like November of last year, and we, Oh my God, Did you actually just do that? Oh my God., Oh my God., Oh my God.. Did you get that on camera? No! Don’T get that on camera.! Oh my God.. I can’t believe you just did that. I just wanted to-. Did you hear the noise it made ( projector crashes ). I just wanted. I wanted to show the shutter for the …. Look at this lens ( Jake chuckles ) Shut up ( Jake chuckles ). Did you hear the noise it made ( crashing sound ), At least it’s a laser and not a lamp.

I Hate It When He's Right... - Epson LS12000 Demo

( Jake chuckles ) [ Mark ] Thanks Epson, To be clear. This is still an expensive piece of kit at 5,000 US dollars, but it features a solid state, laser light source that can push 2,700 lumens. It does 4K and up to 120 Hertz..

I Hate It When He's Right... - Epson LS12000 Demo

So I’m actually expecting the gaming experience on this thing to be decent.. Gaming. Experience being good, This thing is less than 20 milliseconds delay in a projector..

You literally, you can spend $ 50,000 on a projector and still have worse, latency.. Of course, brightness isn’t everything when it comes to projection.? You can have great highlights, but if you don’t have good lows, it’s not gon na be a great image right. It’S because of the way your pupils will dilate to match. Whatever amount of ambient light is in the room., It’s rated to 2.5 million.

To one dynamic contrast, and unlike the projector we have in the lounge that has an iris that adjusts. The whole image. Yeah. This makes use of multiple lasers.. I think they said there’s about 15 and they can kind of dim them or shut them off. And also it uses the LCD panels to try to block lights.

So wait. This effectively has like- It’s kind of like local dimming., Local dimming., Yeah. (, Linus screams ). It’S pretty cool..

Can we talk about this for a moment? Epson love you guys, but come on.. This is like quite literally an inch thick. ( Linus chuckles ), What the heck ( Jake and Linus chuckle ). Okay, so power goes in here..

Oh, we should talk. Input. So its got HDMI 2.1, two of them, which I mean I can’t imagine myself running two HDMI plugs to the projector, but I guess, oh you know. If you wan na throw like a dongle or something on there and power it with USB, then you got your Chromecast or whatever directly on it., But everything’s gon na go through the receiver for our setup. [ Jake ]. You know what that USB’s, actually for! What’S that for [ Jake ], It’s supposed to be for powering an active optical cable.! Oh that’s so cool! I absolutely love it. [ Jake ], But then you got- This one. [ Jake, ], Yeah, you’re, Chromecast off that. This one for power., That’s awesome.! This is for control with third party systems..

This is also for just having like an IR receiver somewhere else that can control this bad boy. And then LAN, because everything is smart, now., I’m turning it on., I’m firing my laser., Oh no way it’s motorized. Of course it’s motorized.

Are you kidding me? I thought the shade was manual.. No, That’s sick, [, Jake ]! Oh there, you go.. Now our camera operator, hey Mark, noted that the lighting really changed in here’cos. The sun came out.. So, that’s why everything looks kind of weird right, now., But that’s a great thing for us to talk about, because, as part of getting the best projector experience possible, you need to completely light control your room.. We are talking blackouts here and check this out. This is amazing: Okay, look at this., See we got a little strip of weather, stripping stuff right here and when it closes, it hits the doorframe whoop and goes down.. So you don’t get any light.

Leakage. [, Jake, ] Or sound. ( hinge, clicks ) Holy crap. This window is gon na need some serious blacking out. [ Jake ]. Oh, I was gon na double up the-. Well yeah.

I guess I will then. Is that airflow or is that No that’s light. ( Jake chuckles ), Wow Okay., But listen to how quiet it.

Is., Oh that’s totally fine.! You were asking about zoom before. Yeah yeah.. We have optical zoom. So why do we need to move it around relative to how big we want the-? The thing with zoom is: when you start to use it, you lose a bit of light., I see..

So generally, you want to put it like at the absolute minimum.. So then, if we can, which we can, we should put it where we should, which we should. Yes. Okay.. But I mean yes, you can. You can totally just- [ Linus ]? Oh wow, That’s a lot of zoom.

[ Jake, ] Yeah, it’s like 2X, or something like that.. It’S quite a bit. Yep right about there. Cool okay., ( measuring tape, squeaks )! Oh, it looks so thinner now that I saw the big one., But look at it. This way., If you had a TV it would’ve, been like here., (, Jake, chuckles, ), Yeah, all right..

If you really want down the road, we could get a bigger screen. Yeah. I think we should.

Okay.. Let’S start with this though.. This is good.

Wow. Look! How bright the studio lights on in this room? Right now.? I know – and it’s like actually usable.. Oh, let’s shut’em off. Lets see. Yeah. [ Jake ], Here’s a one., ( Jake, screams, ) And there’s two. ( Jake laughs, ), We’re not even close to fully light controlled in here but.. That is fricking amazing. The big difference between this projector and the one we have in the lounge is this is full full 4K pixel shift., So it shifts over and down.

The one in the lounge only shifted over. So you got around 4 million pixels on the screen.. This is like the full 8.3 that you would get with a native 4K projector. You’re, probably wondering why they didn’t go native 4K for this right, Like this is premium product..

Why not just have a full 8 million pixels? Well, it’s premium, but it’s only five grand. Right., So part of it is cost.. When you switch to 4K native LCDs, there’s three of them in there.. You got your red, green and your blue and they get combined..

When you switch’em to 4K, you need roughly three times as much light to get the same amount of light on the screen., More heat, more power., More noise, usually. Yeah., But what they’ll do to compensate is make the projector way bigger way. Heavier. And usually it ends up being louder, even with all that. And, of course, obviously, the price goes up.. So for five grand they’re like yeah., It gets basically the same thing. I’m down, I’m in. Yeah and look how sharp it is. Can we put content on it now Yeah, let’s turn off the lights. Again., Let’s do it..

Oh, I brought a few things.. We’Ve got an Nvidia Shield, so we can do some 4K movies and stuff. Cool.. I brought a 3090 equipped test bench, so we can play some games and stuff. ( Linus shouts in excitement. ), Don’t you ever Got some Xbox controllers.? Oh yeah, Dude cranking. This thing: 4K, 120., There’s a HDMI 2.1 thanks to Infinite Cables..

I guess we should tell them about the cabling setup.. You can’t see it but up in the ceiling somewhere up here there is cables., There’s an optical HDMI 2.1 as well as power, and I think we actually mad two HDMI cables, just in case. Yeah when they do the finishing for the room. I think one goes to the cabinet there and one goes to the server room., The mechanical room. Yeah. You ready to switch off the light. Well, we don’t have sound yet..

Oh, Are we gon na do that today? Like move some speakers in Should we Seems like a lot of work just to drag them back out.. We could just use the projector speaker. ( Linus hisses ) ( Jake chuckles ). Do we have an extra pair of outdoor speakers Yes.? That would work.

Those guys right, there. Yeah that would be pretty quick.. Oh no. No, no [, Jake, ], You’re, good you’re, good, you’re, good, it’s fine.! Now, you’re, not good., You actually grabbing it made it worse..

Here’S the plan., Hopefully (, indistinct ), packed this really well.. That’S a controlled drop. Hi you’re, just like a courier. Where the hell is the receiver. Is it behind those ceiling? Speakers? Maybe No.

I just moved those there.. I got a tower tower subwoofer.. Oh my God..

( Jake chuckles ) Jake. I found it. [ Jake ].

What Is it like awful? It’S tremendously awful. [ Jake ]. What I can’t it can’t be that bad. ( Jake laughs, loudly ), (, beep, ) bad, I’m just gon na climb a coach.. I meant the other coach.

Okay, see you later. [ Linus ], Oh crap, it’s heavy [, Jake ], It’s very heavy. [ Linus ]! Oh this sucks. What are you even doing there? This might be bad.

(, Jake, chuckles ). How are you sideways? Oh shoot., Okay, new plan, new plan. We’re going up and over..

Oh God, Yeah put the heavy thing really high up. [ Linus ] Yeah. Great idea., Okay.

Glutes, looking good man. Thank you., ( Jake screaming ); Oh (, beep, ), (, Jake, laughs, ). Joking, I’m joking., I’m not you., Hey Linus. I think we can throw less shade at Epson.. I actually think this is thicker. ( Linus and Jake chuckle ) For a receiver.

Yeah. I’ll show you mine. If you show me yours., Let’s see. ( Linus chuckles ) It is. At its thickest point. I think you win. Yeah., But mine averages.. You might have like more square centimeters or cubic centimeters sorry.

Okay., Oh my God.. Can I help with that. ( beep )? I always forget how absolutely insane this receiver is. Like look at that IO.

( Jake chuckles ) Holy (, beep ), That is amazing. [, Jake ], Oh And once the walls are black., Yeah, there’s actually a ton of light in this room. Just bouncing off of this wall., That’s one of the big reasons that in a media room, you need to have everything: blacked, out., Carpet, walls, ceiling., [, Jake, ], Sorry., Okay, like that. [, Jake ].

There you go, there’s dynamic mode.. Now it’s even brighter. Holy crap. What [, Jake ] So dynamic is not gon na be …, I mean even for dynamic mode. It looks not bad..

This looks amazing, [, Jake, ], Usually dynamic mode, looks like ( indistinct, ), Wow, Jake microLED would’ve been a huge mistake.. You were right. This is amazing. [, Jake ]. We haven’t even put a screen on yet.. I know I’ve got a fricking electrical box in the middle of the image and I’m already mesmerized by it..

Look at this [ Jake ] You’re, also like standing like right up against it. [ Linus ] Yeah, but that’s the thing it’s like. It looks better from farther away: like.

Yeah, it’s very sharp., [ Linus ], There’s no screen door at all., [ Jake ]! Oh, my God, That’s bright., [ Linus ], That’s crazy! [, Jake ]! It kinda hurts my eyes.. This is a showcase of HDR. If I’ve ever seen, one.

( Jake chuckles ) Time to play some games. You know what I’m kind of not even feeling like bothering putting the screen on here and risking damaging it while they finish up. Honestly.

This is just like- If we’re already at this level already, and it’s only gon na get better with the screen.. I’M satisfied Clearly we’re sticking with this solution. So. (, Jake, chuckles ), Look at this graph..

It doesn’t even get to reach a steady state and download.. It’S just done. [ Jake ]. All the updates, [ Linus ] Done Holy crap.. I can’t believe I’m gon na be downloading it over 200 megabytes, a second at home. [, Jake ], It’s a game; changer., Look at the CPU usage, though. [ Linus ]; 30 % of a Threadripper 32-core. [ Jake, ] 240 mega ( laughs loudly ); Oh my God we’re gon na hit 250.

Holy ( beep ). That’S amazing! There is so much spill from this room being so white and yet it still looks really good. Yeah. I was thinking about how the shadows look a tiny bit washed out, but it is totally just because this room is Uber white., Yeah., [, Jake, ] And once the screen surround is all black.

It’S gon na look so good.. It’S gon na look amazing. In the dark. I don’t know that I would be able to tell that it’s not a TV., It looks great.. I mean it’s, not OLED level blacks like don’t get me wrong. No., But it’s like very good., A very good LCD.

Yeah.. This game is so funny., It’s so arcadey, it’s not even funny.. Oh I know.. I can see how you’d like it.’Coz, it’s just automatic drift God.

Like “. Oh look at this !”, Oh, what Oh wait No.. We share. Controls., (, Linus and Jake.

Laugh )! Stop! It., Hello, dude, Oh, is this oh sorry.. Is this making it difficult for you Yeah thanks. Thanks, that’s great.! That’S perfect.! Yeah! Remember when this game was relevant for like two weeks. Yeah. [ Mark ], And then it came out. (, Linus and Jake chuckle ), Oh (, indistinct, ), though., Roasted ( Linus and Jake exclaim ) [, Linus ], Oh okay, that’s maybe too much HDR., ( Linus, Chuckles ), Oh okay., So we’re just a little juiced here..

Okay, that’s a little less eye: searing. [, Jake ]. It’S still pretty.

[ Linus ]! It’S very HDR like when you catch a glint of the sun off the back of the car and stuff like it’s. [, Jake, ] Yeah, the shadow’s got a lot of detail.. I definitely think we could tweak this more but..

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We are finally coming to the end, but man what a journey Dude, there’s so many more videos to make still.. I know ( Jake, chuckles ), We’re gon na have to do the family room. The downstairs. We’re gon na have to do something- Actually set up the projector room. Yep get all the audio set up for everything.. Oh God, We got. Ta actually show how all of the home automation for the heating and cooling works. – Oh you’re, gon na die.. You died. See you later .