You Said I Was a Fool – Panasonic 4K Blu-ray Player

You Said I Was a Fool - Panasonic 4K Blu-ray Player

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Said I Was a Fool – Panasonic 4K Blu-ray Player”.
When you saw the number one, Canadian techtuber using subpar equipment to watch top tier digital content, you got angry.. You raked us across the coals for watching ultrahigh definition Blu-rays on an Xbox. And we saw your feedback, but it hurt.. We needed some time to recover. And also we’re not just going to take your word for it that a proper Blu-ray player will perform so much better reading, digital ones and zeros off of a plastic little disk.. So we need to test.

You Said I Was a Fool - Panasonic 4K Blu-ray Player

These claims. To find out. Is there something to the hype, Or is this yet another snake oil Hi Fi rabbit hole? Can the average person spot the difference? Can I Can our sponsor Smart, Deploy now powered by With Smart Deploy? It professionals can leverage Box, Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive to re image Windows, PCs from the cloud.

You Said I Was a Fool - Panasonic 4K Blu-ray Player

Grab. Your free Smart, Deploy licenses worth over 500 dollars at, ( techno, music ). You were technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.. However – and this is a really big, however, you guys., While a standalone, Blu-ray player, does have advantages over throwing your favorite film into your Xbox. I’M not personally expecting to be able to tell which image I got for free with my Halo machine and which one came out of a 500 dollar Panasonic DP-UB820PCK our premium 4K HDR Blu-ray player that has features like a precise chroma, HCX, processor, Dolby Vision and 192 Kilohertz 32 bit audio support.

For our side by side, then we’re using the only TV that we have two of., The LG OLED G1 and of course we don’t have stands for them. So you’ll have to forgive our rudimentary setup back. Here. Both are in filmmaker mode with stupid features like motion, clarity turned off and I still don’t know which one is which so I’m going to go.

You Said I Was a Fool - Panasonic 4K Blu-ray Player

Try figure it out. Now. [, Plouffe, ] Turn around. (, calm, music, ).

I think it’s the right one.! No! That’S the Xbox. Oh.. No, it’s fine there.

Just there was a bit more green in the foliage behind the car. That was the only thing I was looking for: better color or something., But that’s not the whole story.. Basically, when we look at an image on a screen, we see colors being represented by a set of numbers that your processor understands. When it comes to RGB the color space, not the pretty lights in your computer., We’re assigning different values to red, green and blue.. If you’ve ever used and RGB software or say Photoshop, you might be familiar with setting values for R G and B anywhere from zero to 255.. These then get mixed together to give you one of nearly 17 million different colors each with it’s own hex code.. When things are instead broken down into YCbCr, which is also often referred to as YCC, it gets a little more confusing.

Instead of red, green and blue, we have Y, which is our lunar or brightness component. Then Cb is blue. Relative to green and Cr is red relative to green..

So in a four four four image, then we can an uncompressed signal that easily translates to RGB., But when we compress it to say four zero zero, we keep the same luminance value, which defines the majority of the image’s contrast and shapes, but we lose color data.. So you can see, then this image is still clearly defined.. Look at me. You can make out detail on my beard and face, but you probably can’t see the exact color of my high quality insulated water bottle from So I guess you’ll just have to buy one and see it for yourself.

Scaling up to four two zero. We get one quarter of the full four four four YCC color space; four four: two nets, us half of our full color space and for the most part, because we are much more sensitive to contrast than we are to color going from four four four to four: Two two or even four two zero, isn’t very noticeable to the naked eye and is likely what you’ve been watching for years. Now. Obviously, if we were to take a four four four image and put it directly next to a four two zero image and play spot the difference, you would find some., But nothing anywhere close to say thinking. Someone was wearing a red shirt instead of a green one or even a dark green shirt instead of a light green shirt..

Instead, what you’ll, typically notice, is a much shorter gradient when colors mix and the primary reason that we do. This compression is because four four four uses a lot of data., So the 4K Blu-rays behind me are stored in a YCbCr four two: zero 10-bit format., But we’ve got a problem.. Our panel is RGB.

So to get there, we typically take our four two zero and we need to convert that to YCbCr four four four then RBG-ify that image. Now our Panasonic Blu-ray player handles bit perfect four two zero to four four four conversion., But our Series X, well, it’s actually doing and imperfect, conversion. First to RGB, then back to YCbCr to output to the display.. This can and does result in errors., But, as we saw they’re extremely hard to spot, even looking at two of the exact same displays on the same frame of content..

So if you’re not a trained colorist good luck, spotting the differences, especially with moving content on the screen. And even for those folks, the difference between two panels, rolling one after the other off the line, even for a high quality set like LG’s OLED evo G1. Here is probably greater than the difference that we saw from our two sources., Meaning that unless you’ve spent actual time and or money professionally calibrating your display. Any concerns that you have about the chroma sub-sampling errors of your Xbox can be safely put to rest.. Is that image technically correct No.? But if I came in here without knowing anything about what was on these two TVs, I wouldn’t be able to tell you which one is which.

Think I’m lying Left is Xbox right is Blu-ray player. ( bell chimes ), Which one do I think is the Xbox Left. ( bell chimes, ) Xbox is right..

( buzzer sounds ) That one. ( buzzer sounds ). Left.

( bell chimes ) Right’s, the Xbox. ( buzzer sounds ), I’m going left is Xbox., ( bell chimes ), They couldn’t tell., But we’re not actually done yet. Not even close., For those of you who don’t know, HDR or high dynamic range, allows your display to show very dark and very bright images on screen at the same time improving the perceived resolution and making the content more lifelike and immersive..

And there are three major standards for HDR at the time of filming. HDR, 10 HDR, 10 plus and Dolby Vision., HDR’s 10 metadata says “. Okay, we looked at the content. Here’S the brightest scene, here’s the darkest scene, let’s just throw the rest somewhere in between.” With HDR, 10 plus and Dolby Vision.

They use dynamic metadata to apply tone mapping throughout the entirety of the content being displayed. Making better effective use of the dynamic range of your panel. Dolby Vision and HDR plus are also typically brighter to the eye when you’re viewing them since they’re mastered for displays. That are capable of a thousand to up to four thousand nits peak brightness., While HDR 10 can end up anywhere from 400 to 4000.. That’S why most monitors you see are not HDR 10 plus they often can’t go much higher than six or seven hundred nits, let alone the thousand. That 10 plus is meant. For. HDR 10 also can’t go past 10 bit color depth and while very little content is at 12 bit or beyond these days, it will come, and these are forward looking standards with Dolby Vision being widely regarded as better for enjoying films.

And, unfortunately, that’s where this Complaint comes in. And it’s pretty fair. For movies that support Dolby Vision. We really do need to apologize for our previous oversight and clarify that we would not recommend using the Xbox Series as a Blu-ray player and it’s bizarre because the One X handles Dolby Vision, streaming content just fine, but for Blu-rays it falls back to the weaker HDR.

10 master, and for me anyway, the difference is really obvious.. Dolby Vision, time., Oh well, that’s a lot more obvious.! It’S that one.! Well, not even just the clouds, the reflections off the surface of the beach and the boats and stuff back there like it’s just this is nice, but this is sun shining off stuff.. But what about the rest? The right is the one with Dolby Vision and the left is not..

( bell chimes ) The right one: okay. ( bell chimes ) Right, one. ( bell, chimes ) Right hand; one.

(, bell, chimes ) That one. ( bell chimes ) Yeah. It looks bluer. The right one.

( bell, chimes ), Yeah yeah, that’s pretty obvious., I’m going with right. ( bell chimes ) Yes.; They could tell. And here’s another reason why you might want to choose a proper Blu-ray player over the Xbox., The lack of straight 24 Or 60 fps support, so you will actually lose frames playing your Blu-ray on an Xbox., Though honestly, not many people are going to notice a missing frame every minute, or so, when they’re coming in at 24 per second., At least that’s the situation today.. If we were having this conversation a couple of years ago, yes. When the Series X launched, there was an issue with black levels and 4K HDR Blu-ray playback., But that has since been resolved. So unless you’ve never patched your console the chances of running into that.

In your life are slim to none., All of which raises the question.. If you’re, not a big gamer, and you just want the best home theater experience possible, what do you do? The PS5 doesn’t do Dolby Vision at all, so it’s already out of the equation. Leaving us to choose from our standalone player or an Xbox Series X, both of which cost about 500 US dollars.. Neither of them support support super audio CD, but at least the Panasonic is a bit easier to use. Dolby, Atmos and DTSX.. The Series X, meanwhile supports these standards, but getting them to work properly across all devices can be finicky.

As for ease of use and setup. While we haven’t experienced any HDCP handshake issues, we have seen reports of it online for the Xbox. And on top of that, the Panasonic clearly has better support for Dolby Vision with proper chroma, sub sampling and better frame rate support.. But aside from Dolby Vision, it’s really hard to spot the difference, even if you know it’s there.

So if you have a TV with DV, we’ve got to give it to the big P., But for everyone else, particularly if you want the added functionality of playing video Games or if you only use streaming services anyway, the Xbox is still a great choice., But hey you guys decide for yourself we’re going to have both of them linked below., And if you want to go really ham, you can get the 1300 dollar DP-UB9000.. It has similar features to this Blu-ray player, but a much nicer, build quality and high end analog circuitry for those of you looking for analog audio options., Oh – and we also have this message from our sponsor. Corsair check out the Xeneon Gaming Monitor.. It features an ultra-slim 32 inch QHD IPS panel with up to 165 hertz refresh rate. You’ll, be clicking heads. And there’s quantum dot technology with 100 percent SRGB and 100 percent Adobe RGB coverage and 98 percent of the DCI-P3 gamut for more vivid natural colors..

And you can mount your camera, your mic or your lightning, with an integrated multi mount point built into the aluminum stand., Learn more at the link below. Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to check out our Xbox Series X versus Series S comparison, .