The MOST Tricked Out Laptop – MSI Titan GT77

The MOST Tricked Out Laptop - MSI Titan GT77

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The MOST Tricked Out Laptop – MSI Titan GT77″.
Playing alone sucks., I had so much fun at Whale LAN that I’m ready to pack up and go to another LAN party., But no compromises this time.. I want all the performance, and I want all of my games. [ Voiceover ] Ai-yah ( bones crackling ) Ooh. This is not gon na work., If only there was some portable device that you could use to replace your desktop, but without compromising on performance..

Maybe it could be battery powered with a keyboard, attached. ( choir, singing ), It’s a laptop. When MSI heard that we wanted to go all out on a mobile battle. Station. They stepped up to sponsor this video with the Titan GT77., The most powerful laptop they offer. And we’re gon na be upgrading it and extending it to the limit to make it a true desktop. Replacement.

(, “, Supernova” ). Let’S start with what it comes: with. Every GT77 includes a 128 gigabyte flash drive., An M99 RGB gaming mouse. And a little Lucky, the Dragon key chain., All of which I’m going to. Oh, my God, find at some point. Here.

( test signal tone rings ), Because this machine is designed for people who want the most overkill possible performance, there’s, actually not a ton of choice when it comes to configurations. Our model. The 12-UHS has a 3080 Ti. More on that in a bit., But there’s also a 3070 Ti available.

If that’s too fast for you. And in either case you can choose between an i9-12900HX that’s what we’ve got or a i7-12800HX. Each with the same. Eight P-Core eight E-Core configuration.

We’ve got all of this linked down below. Now being in North America. Our laptop is equipped with a 120 hertz 4K IPS display., That’s what they claimed. DCI-P3 coverage of 100 %, Like a hundred Like wow.

Alright., And if you’re in other markets, there’s also a 1080p 360 hertz option in case you’re. Looking for every possible competitive advantage for gaming., Good gravy. And the best part is that if anyone tries to steal it, not only will they get tired trying to carry it down the street., But you can throw this power brick at them, likely stop them in their Tracks., I think I trust it farther than I could throw it. 330 watts.

Nice reversible power connector., But before we plug it in, why don’t we crack it open And see what it needs that ( object, crashing ) 330 watts for. Eleven screws later. It’s time to Reveal a feature that is exclusive to laptops of this caliber, assuming I can actually get it to open. Come on.

Baby. Come on, you can do it., Okay. This is sick. Check this out., Not one, not two, but four memory slots..

So you can load up a whopping 128 gigs of DDR5 memory in this thing. And four. Count them. One two, three four SSD slots.

That wild or what A quick word by the way about these M.2 slots.. The two up here are wired directly to the CPU. While these two go through the chipset. MSI helpfully silkscreens this Intel onto the motherboard or you can just follow the traces if you’re a big nerd.

For now, though three of them are painfully empty and that just won’t do for our overkill laptop build. Here.. Is this thing on Hmm.? Oh, maybe we should power it off before I poke around too much more with the screwdriver. The fastest way to fix this problem is to unplug the battery, which I mean we should be doing when we’re working on it. Anyway. Step 1.

Is to double our included memory from 64 gigs to 128 gigs, with these two 64 gig kits from Crucial.. It should be noted that having four sticks like this does put additional strain on our integrated memory controller, so we’re gon na be limited to 3,600 mega transfer per second speeds. Holy crap. Are we putting 32 terabytes of storage on this thing? 32.

Terabytes of storage? In a laptop., The numbers gotten so big, it sounds small again.’Cause like it can’t possibly be that you know what I mean Yeah. Like if I say yeah, it was 32 terabytes of storage in this laptop you’d go oh wow. It’S a Chromebook, probably then. Yeah. You’re. Thinking, gigabytes.; No, no, no! No Order of magnitude higher.! We actually missed something.. The keened eye among you might have noticed that this M.2 slot is a little bit special.. It actually supports PCIe Gen 5.. Unfortunately, Gen 5 SSDs haven’t quite hit the market yet., But this laptop will be ready when they do.. Probably this fall when all the next gen CPUs arrive..

The MOST Tricked Out Laptop - MSI Titan GT77

Until then, we’re gon na make do with our Gen 4 8 terabyte drive., (, Crew, laughs, ), And each one of these is four times our original storage, which means we’re at 16X. Our original storage. That’s actually more in storage than the cost of the laptop. To start with.

And before you ask yes we’re gon na be RAID-ing them., We did RAID-0 right, Oh yeah., Huh, that’s really stupid. ( crew, laughs, ), Like really stupid. One drive, fails whole thing gone., But realistically we’re just loading it up with games anyway, right So.. We’Re almost ready to do that, but first there’s a few things that we wan na take a look at inside.. This is a 99.99 watt-hour battery that is literally as large as the law will permit. If you wan na, take your laptop on a plane with you., Not that I would necessarily eh..

Ah yeah, you could travel with it. Portable workstation sure.. Ah, we’ve got a pair of 2 watt speakers as well as a WiFi 6E capable killer wifi card, which is dat-dat-dat-dat-dat-da right, there.

The MOST Tricked Out Laptop - MSI Titan GT77

To be clear, ah, killer no longer means bad., It’s actually got it’s an Intel, chipset., So cool.. Of course, the piece de la resistance is the 3080 Ti.. This is a full fledged non Max-Q design with 16 gigs of GDDR6 that will suck back up to 175 watts to hit a maximum boost, speed of 1,640 megahertz. And with an integrated, MUX switch. You can be sure that you’re connected to the 3080 Ti directly rather than route it through the IGPU, which means you’re gon na, be getting the most frames possible out of your laptop..

The MOST Tricked Out Laptop - MSI Titan GT77

That 175 watts is part of the 250 watts total that MSI’s OverBoost provides to distribute between the CPU and the CPU via Nvidia Dynamic Boost 2.0.. What it essentially means is that in GPU limited games, where you need every single one of those 175 watts to feed the 3080 Ti, you’ll still have 75 watts left over for the 12900HX to hit a maximum turbo of 5 gigahertz.. On the flip side, in CPU, limited games or other applications, either of the 16 core CPUs available for this laptop can draw up to 150 watts, leaving just 80 remaining for the GPU.. Unfortunately, no you can’t have 175 and 150 because it’s just not possible to do in this form.

Factor. And like you’d, be overwhelming your brick. Remember, you got ta, have all kinds of other power available for connected peripherals and all that good stuff too right Now, keeping this mess cool are four fans.. That’S right! One two three four fans in a laptop which are all fed through the ventilation holes in the bottom panel.. There are also a total of six exhaust vents., Although in fairness, this back one kinda counts as one gigantic exhaust. More impressive than the number of fans, though, is the number of heat pipes..

Let’S count them, shall we One this one goes from GPU to just this. Heatsink. Two, this one goes almost in a complete square and is also dedicated to the GPU feeding, both this radiator and this one with heat.. Now, because we can share our power, that means we also need to share our cooling.. So this one runs over to this and this heatsink in case our GPU is getting extra power and needs extra cooling., There’s a little heat pipe right here. That seems to be just for memory.

It looks like memory., Then, with number five. This one goes from our CPU all the way over to these radiators right here, one two. Six, this one is almost a full circle, again.

And goes one two covers three radiators and goes over the CPU. Seven, these two rads and the CPU. Took a little while To power on thanks to our bizarro RAID-0 boot, configuration.

Like over a minute. Okay, this is an interesting strategy. To accommodate the powerful internal components. Msi has a bit of a ahem caboose on the back of the machine., And I guess rather than try and stealthify it they’re like business at the front party in the back..

It’S got full RGB, (, chuckles, ), RGB, butt., Wear it wear it loud and proud. Right Just own it just own it. Yeah, I’m a big laptop mm mm yeah..

Anyone else noticing a problem right now, I’m sure it’s gon na ramp up to be very clear. But yeah there, it goes. At idle. It is damn near silent.. Okay, this is hilarious..

We’Ve a grand total of 372 Steam games installed on this machine. And the best part We’re not even close to filling it. Up. ( heavy, energetic, music ). This is kinda nutty.

We’re not getting the full benefit of our 120 hertz display on “ Ultra Nightmare” at 4k., But that’s unreasonable., But what we are seeing is anywhere from 80 to 110 frames per second.. I would not have thought this level of performance is possible for a laptop even just a few years ago.. This is a cool little feature..

If the FPS indicator isn’t enough for you to know ( chuckles ), you can check if the integrated GPU or the dedicated GPU is running simply by looking at the color of the LED on the power button.. So it’s red right now, which means our dedicated graphics card, is running. Ooh nice., But actually tabbing out of the game, won’t be enough to change that.. If I exit the game boop does it take a little while to decide to switch over to the IGPU? Well, oh so there we go.

Yup it’s white now., Oh and it’s red again., Oh ,’cause, when you’re plugged in obviously you might as well just use the 3080 Ti cool. For a game. At the other end of the spectrum, I fired up, “ CS GO.”, And the idea here is that I wan na see what kind of power our CPU is drawing now compared to our GPU.. So we’re running at somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 300 frames per second., Boop-boop-boo boo-boo-boo-boo.

And yeah our GPU’s. Only in the neighborhood of 120 130 watts.. Our CPU actually is only sitting at about 60 65. – Again, it’s surprisingly quiet in game., But we’re barely stressing the cooling system.

To be clear, I can hear it just fine., But compared to the way that some gaming laptops, especially like the high-powered reasonably thin ones, will Just sound like they’re gon na take off from the table. It’s downright reasonable., ( gun, bangs ). You know for little tiny speakers, ( gun, bangs, ), honestly, not bad., (, In-game voiceover speaks indistinctly ), ( guns, blaring, ), Blah blah blah ba-blah ba-blah., [, In-Game voice. ] Aagh ( laughs, ) 97 damage gosh, darn, it., [, In-Game, voice ].

This is the end.. Yes, I wish to exit. Something we haven’t talked about.

Yet is the IO on this thing put some desktops to shame. Each of these USB Type, As runs at 20? Gigabit per second. We’ve got one two three of those., A UHS-1 SD card, slot., Headset, jack.

And then back around to the other side. That is not one but two Thunderbolt 4 ports, as well as a Mini Display port and an HDMI out.. Oh yeah, 2.5 gig, LAN, too. And more cool stuff. MSI has gone with a low profile, Cherry MX keyboard powered by SteelSeries.. So you can use SteelSeries’ software in order to configure everything from per key macros to per key RGB lighting..

We also have a large glass touchpad, fingerprint sensor and 720p IR webcam., And the infrared is really important’cause. That means you can use Windows, Hello and you’ll never have to type your password or a pin. Again., Though, if you do prefer a pin, it’s actually got a number pad for you, gaming accountants out there. At 23, millimeters thick and 1.8 pounds lighter.

The GT77 looks like an obvious win compared to the GT76 that it replaces.. You guys can check it out at the link in the video description. Man. You can pack a lot of performance in a gaming laptop these days, assuming that it’s got a large butt mm. I mean, if you look at it.

It’S all basically cooling right, Like they’ve, taken the normal laptop form factor here: 16 by 9, they’ve gone yep all cooling.! Well that would’ve been extra thickness, but it’s actually probably quite a bit more efficient to do it. This way, which would explain why it’s so quiet, .