I Gamed With THIS for a MONTH – Azeron Cyborg

I Gamed With THIS for a MONTH – Azeron Cyborg

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Gamed With THIS for a MONTH – Azeron Cyborg”.
You can reach what 20 maybe 23 keys on your gaming keyboard. Garbage get a load of this. The azeron cyborg puts over a hundred keybindings and macros at your literal fingertips, with up to one two, three four five six functions per finger. You are gon na need a bigger action bar still, not enough for you how about Unlimited Custom profiles endlessly adjustable switch positions and whatever color scheme you want yeah. When I saw this thing, I knew I had to try it or rather pay someone else to try.

It for me, because as good as it sounds in theory to have 29 programmable buttons within mere millimeters of my fingertips, it can take weeks or even months to overcome the Steep learning curve on a product like this to review it properly. And I don’t want to drop my rank, but I will drop, though, is this segue to our sponsor War? Thunder War Thunder is a free to play online military vehicle, combat game with attention to detail and a lot of Thrills. Try it for free down below today and get some special bonus items for signing up foreign. Nobody really wanted to daily Drive the cyborg, but plut from the writing team made the mistake of saying that looks kind of cool during our weekly writers meeting.

So he was volunteled to take it home, set it up and game on it for a month, so that we could give the Power Glove of the future a fair Shake, spoiler alert at the end of what ended up being actually two months. I offered it to him for free for real, you can have it and he won’t take it, which is troubling for azeron but hold on. It’S probably not for the reasons you think, and he did find a lot of potential benefits if you’re willing to unlearn what you have learned. The cyborg is hardly the first game board on the market. Everyone from Belkin to Razer to Red Dragon has at least dabbled in the space, but the main differentiators are that, unlike its competitors, it has no support for wasd movement. It relies instead entirely on the thumbstick and, unlike others, it has the ability to mold, to your hand, dramatically reducing the distance between your fingers and your wide repertoire of abilities, potions and spells. Ploof plays a lot of first and third person shooters and, while he’s much more accurate with a mouse than a thumbstick, his left hand does legitimately get tired from holding down forward or back for hours.

I Gamed With THIS for a MONTH – Azeron Cyborg

During a lengthy gaming session with three school age, kids, I can hardly relate with these problems or feel bad bad for him at all, but it can be a legitimate issue, especially for people with accessibility concerns to represent FPS games. Then he briefly tried valorent briefly more on that later, but ended up logging most of his Play Time In Dying Light too for a third person shooter. He finished Leon’s second run in Resident, Evil 2 remake, then, to make sure that we had a game that benefits from a lot of key bindings. He played a bunch of DOTA 2.. First, of course, though, he had to set it up.

I mean it’s not ergonomic. If it doesn’t fit in your hand right they ship it with this little hex key and actually really nice feeling aluminum driver handle that unfortunately uses this non-standard freaking bit. So you can’t use anything else in it and can’t use it for anything else. Kind of a bummer, you know what can be used for anything, though the LTT Screwdriver from lttstore.com we’ve got a lot of adjustments here. You got your length, you got your spread. You’Ve got your angles here. Okay, so is that yeah? That’S locked lots of adjustment on the thumb here. You can have it here here, depending on the length of your thumb. Even the thumb arm has like a second hole, so it can be out farther or than this adjustment range. Okay, this thumb one is a little funky very 3D printed in terms of build quality.

I don’t mean that is like an insult. It just is: oh my God yeah. I can see why this took you so long to configure. Man literally took me at least a half hour now that it’s dialed in it’s actually like pretty darn comfortable. This feels good, but one thing to note is that they actually have a compact version that, instead of having these scorpion tail style switches for the uh fingernails actually has a button on the tops of these towers. And I think that ploof and I are on the same page when I say that we would probably prefer that yeah yeah, let’s start with the thumbsticks using a stick for wasd, is hardly a new idea and has some very real world benefits, especially when it comes To comfort, but there are situations, particularly for PC gaming, where the keyboard is still King.

The problem with a thumbstick like this is twofold: you can’t press multiple opposite directions at once, and it’s not as easy to hit the exact Direction you need. This first problem is basically why ploof couldn’t play valorent or Counter-Strike or any competitive shooter. With this thing want to get into a strafe battle, I mean you can, but good luck want to stop on a dime by inputting the opposite direction, while holding your current direction.

Not happening ploof managed to finish just one match of valorent before he completely gave up on it, and I can definitely see why, as for problem number two, it can’t really pull d-pad Duty. Wasd can at least kind of act like a d-pad, allowing you to activate each Direction individually, and this is the kind of thing that mostly doesn’t matter. I mean thumbsticks are superior to d-pads in many ways, but in Resident Evil 2, for example.

The d-pad is used in a number of puzzles and for things like lock combination entry, and we ran into many situations like the statue medallions in the police station, where accuracy became a problem because of how easy it was to accidentally hit left or right when trying To go up or down there is this little nub in here that you could rebind to wasd, depending on which version of the cyborg you get, but isn’t all that comfortable to reach even for my tiny baby hands. Our last point about the joystick isn’t specific to the cyborg, but it is something to keep in mind because nearly all joysticks have a sizable dead zone or an area where they move but don’t register an input. They can feel pretty unresponsive compared to a high quality keyboard with a clear tactile actuation point, and this can make fine adjustments to character position a little bit challenging, which comically resulted in ploof walking into a lot of door frames and walls.

I Gamed With THIS for a MONTH – Azeron Cyborg

User error absolutely. But the bottom line is that he missed his keyboard in Resident Evil. 2..

With that being said, he loved having the cyborg In Dying Light too, because you’re almost constantly holding forward while parkouring through the city. Unfortunately, though, this game is where the cracks started to show in the software for someone who doesn’t want to use a keyboard but wants to keep their Mouse. The cyborg is a dream come true. I mean 29 programmable buttons, a profile for every game mwah, but that’s also its biggest problem. Sometimes your main profile right, the one that’s just on there by default – is gon na work perfectly with a new game right out of the box, but because of the non-standardization of controls on PC a lot of the time it won’t In Dying. Light 2, for example: Z, is your hand.

Glider H is heal, m is map and C is Crouch, so wait now. The control key that you had mapped for Crouch and CS go, doesn’t work in this game and bloody hell. Where is it your map? Z? Again, if you’re the kind of gamer you know who you are, who plays that game just that one game? This might not be a problem for you, but if variety is the spice of your life, cyborg may feel a little bit like the next day.

On the toilet I mean to be clear: azeron’s software was pretty intuitive and bug-free. It supports an unlimited number of profiles and can store two of them on board for gaming events and the like, but this sky’s the limit flexibility can also take the joy out of just sitting down to game for a bit when each and every game you play Requires going through this process, where you launch it check the default key bindings Tab out of the game, double check your azeron profile, bindings, cross-reference, the two accounting for any new functions that this game might have that the last one didn’t then go back into the game Test drive it a bit tune it and then finally begin the process of committing that profile to your muscle memory, and the worst part is that, while this does get easier over time, you’ve put in literally dozens of hours on this thing, I’m giving you credit for It because you really took one for the team there. Even for the games you play regularly, there’s always going to be a small learning curve.

I Gamed With THIS for a MONTH – Azeron Cyborg

When you take a break. Maybe your friends went on vacation and you haven’t touched Dying Light too for a few weeks, uh prompt comes up and it’s labeled as a key that you mapped it to. Can you remember where Q is on the cyborg in this profile, maybe but more likely, you’re gon na end up leaving the software with the profile map up on a second screen, so that you can reference it, which is pretty immersion breaking compared to how naturally, I Suspect, most of us would use a keyboard or a controller. There are some shortcuts to this profiles, for example, can be imported or exported, and these surprisingly Vibrant Community around the cyborg, has created profiles for many of the most popular games, but as with the steam controller, this isn’t the Silver Bullet that you might hope. It would be either and Dota 2 presented us with a fresh problem. Ploof ended up having to make custom profiles, not just for the game, but also for different Heroes, depending on the usual item, tea bot and their number of abilities to be clear once it was all set up and working, he actually loved having everything at his fingertips.

Like this, but the ability to just on a whim click on a different hero and say yes, I’m gon na play as you, this match was kind of gone. You can pay for re-wasd, which will apparently detect the game that you launch and swap profiles for you automatically. It’S a nice little quality of life thing, but it’s gon na cost you another 25 for that functionality at the time of writing and it doesn’t solve the every hero needs a different, binding problem. Only the I play a lot of different games, one but hey at least it’s comfortable right well about that. We found that over long periods of time it was a bit of a mixed bag. The shape is actually quite Pleasant after adjusting it and you can get the Palm rest in a couple of different styles with the curved one being right.

I’D say for for both of us, the Omron d2f01 switches are not too hard to press and have a nice clicky sound, and while you can fumble during some more intense sessions overall, it does feel kind of right to just rest your hand. In this other hand, however, something about the plastic material used for the switches, particularly the bottom ones, that your fingers rest in feels distinctly greasy after as little as 20 or 30 minutes. And honestly, when ploof told me this, I thought he might just be being a whiny pants about it like seriously dude tired from holding down W for too long. But for this one after a few minutes, I can actually kind of see what he means before. I’M on azeron’s website has a guide about using lizard skin on the switches and then you can buy grip tape for the Palm rest from azeron directly. So it’s not like these problems aren’t solvable, but it’s just yet another thing to faff about with and pay more money for it to have a non-slippery experience and remember that all of this cost is on top of whatever mouse and keyboard you already have, because this Is not a full replacement for either of them, so you can’t exactly just sell them to recoup some cost unless you plan to just use the default name for every character in every game.

From now on I mean, I suppose it would be an option to get two of them for a total of 58 programmable Keys, plus additional layers and like type on them, but unless you’re used to similar systems, like the data hand, personal, I would strongly recommend against It, I think, the more obvious benefit of that right hand version is that it could be great for Southpaw Gamers, who are notoriously underserved by existing keyboard options, and even if you’re, not a southpaw gamer, it could would be great for you. I don’t want this to come across harsh or overly critical, especially because the product does do what it says on the tin, and they certainly have a lot of happy customers. It’S just that it is our job to make sure that you’re up to speed on the potential downsides before you commit the desk space. Money and I’d say most importantly time that it takes to adopt a peripheral like this into your gaming routine or to adopt our sponsor War. Thunder War Thunder is a free to play online military vehicle, combat game available on Windows, Mac Linux, PS4, PS5 Xbox, One Xbox series s and x with cross play War, Thunder features 10 playable Nations and an incredible arsenal of more than 2 000 historically accurate playable tanks. Aircrafts and ships from the 1910s to Vehicles still in service today, you’ll compete in massive combined arms battles on over a hundred major battlefields from World War II to Modern environments.

War Thunder’s vehicles are implemented with a high level of authentic City and detail, so their speed, armor, Firepower and model are as close to real life as possible without compromising on gameplay and their damage models are realistic and dynamic, adding a huge amount of depth. That’S rarely matched by other free-to-play games head to the link below and start playing War Thunder for free you’ll also get a free bonus premium vehicle for signing up. Thank you for watching. If you liked this video make sure to check out that data hand video we made last year that one is meant to replace your keyboard, but has an even steeper learning curve. .