9th-Gen Core i7… NO HYPERTHREADING!?

9th-Gen Core i7... NO HYPERTHREADING!?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “9th-Gen Core i7… NO HYPERTHREADING!?”.
Where do I get my tech news? That’S easy tech linked, of course, specs for what could be Intel’s. Ninth gen mainstream processors have leaked from Chinese site cooler, but are they cool other we’ll see? We got numbers for the eight core core. I nine. Ninety nine hundred K, that’s a lot of nines, the eight core Core i7 9700 K and the six core Core i5 9600 K, the latter of which had already been spotted on Intel’s database, with a 4.5 gigahertz boost clock instead of 4.6, as listed in this leak, The other interesting thing about this leak is the core: i7 appears to be without hyper-threading. Only the core i9 has 16 threads for its 8 cores.

For a long time, the flagship desktop i7 has had hyper threading and the i7 8700 K, its predecessor, has 6 cores and 12 threads. Now ok come on before you get your capris in a twist. We don’t know what kind of performance these chips will get, or even whether these numbers are accurate until these chips launch later this year, we don’t even know whether this reality is real or a simulation like papa musk, says so, keep calm and carry on with the Tech news: after admitting there was an issue with its 2018 core. I 9 macbook pro overheating and limiting performance, also known as thermal throttling Apple has released a fix. The company said there was a missing digital key in the firmware for the thermal management system, which is remedied in the latest Mac OS High Sierra update the original whistleblower for the problem.

Youtuber Dave Lee has given the update his sort of blessing according to his tests. The core I 9 machine now renders slightly faster in normal conditions than it did when he stuck it in the freezer before the patch. So that’s great, but the question still lingers how the heck did Apple not encounter this problem during testing the people buying your $ 7000 laptop are professionals, but it seemed like the only thing Apple made sure worked properly was the fan-favorite touch bar, which James would never Buy a laptop without at this point it’s very useful.

I love the touch bar and Google kicked off its cloud next conference in San Francisco yesterday, with a bunch of machine learning and AI announcements, Auto ml vision, the company’s machine learning tool for image and object. Recognition is now in public, beta and auto ml tools for natural language and translation are being tested with select companies now they’re, also working on an AI customer service agent called contact center, AI, very creative there, which sounds like it’s. Google duplex for companies.

Aside from the AI stuff, though, Google is also releasing two versions of a USB 2 factor. Authentication dongle called the tightened security key one is a normal USB key. The other is a Bluetooth.

Low-Energy fob is Google, releasing a bunch of AI programs and two-factor keys at the same time to prevent a situation. Where said a eyes can’t become super intelligent hack us because they don’t have arms to hold USB keys seems likely to me. That’S that’s a bit of an insult to call somebody.

You low-energy Bluetooth Bob. What’S in what do you call a fob, then, if it’s not a fob and call me, no, I’m not talking about you Dennis, oh God, it’s time for quick bits brought to you by an electronics retailer that is currently in good operation memory Express if you’re looking To buy electronics in Canada, lem me tell ya. These guys are good memory, Express, has rigorous customer care with 15-day returns and exchanges, so Canadians can feel good about their electronics and themselves, plus, with their uber price, beat guarantee.

9th-Gen Core i7... NO HYPERTHREADING!?

They’Ll beat any authorized Canadian retailers price by 10 % of the difference, both in store and online click, the link below for all the details when you want it or when you dude it’s time for there’s always more Google News, if you’re using YouTube’s, more modern redesign. These site loads a lot slower on edge, Safari or Firefox, then Google’s own Chrome browser because of an API specific to Chrome according to Mozilla, as Chris Peterson, which would be less of a big deal. If Google wasn’t being fined billions of dollars already for ant by competitive practices, there are some things you can do to speed up those other browsers, though so check the new sources for the info. Chris Peterson haha.

9th-Gen Core i7... NO HYPERTHREADING!?

That’S pretty good hello! Nice to meet you, I’m Chris Peterson, what Chris Peterson, but on the plus side, the latest build of Chrome will show any site that hasn’t enabled HTTPS. As I say that right HTTPS has not secured, hopefully pushing companies to make sure their websites comply with a safety protocol. So that’s the last Google story I swear. Google is, I mean valve, is updating the chat feature of steam to look more like discord with group.

9th-Gen Core i7... NO HYPERTHREADING!?

Chats inline media support and more, but will they be able to have the same fun? Tongue-In-Cheek attitude as discord? No because they’ve lost their heart that was sincere valve, makes me sad, more fake meat burgers for everyone yeah, the FDA has given the okay to the key ingredient, heme in impossible foods, non meat burger that tastes like meat. It’S already available all over the US and Hong Kong though so it’s good to know. Everyone hasn’t been poisoning themselves in the meantime, including Dennis he already tried it and he’s not dead yet so, unfortunately, hey I mean that I just thought it worked. Nvidia UK is bundling 120 gigabyte, Kingston SSDs with select graphics cards, which really says how cheap SSDs have become soon we’ll just be like eh got it 240 now go fish cuz there, that’s really good, but not if these researchers have their way scientists at the University Of Alberta, Canada have created the most dense solid-state memory ever exceeding the capacities of hard drives by 1000 times.

They do it by manipulating individual atoms. Actually, no, that would help the whole SSD situation. I said it wouldn’t help, but it would make them cheaper. So you know what never mind it’s time to end this tech linked already like dislike, subscribe, retweet favorite up vote down vote whatever you kids doing the Internet these days, I’m grumpy, I’m not.

I just wrote that who knew Alberto knew how to use computers. That’S rude! That’S rude taxes of Canada, yeah sort of sorry, Texas. I was born in Edmonton, so love you guys. .