Hey guys today, we’ve got ebikes, keyboards east scooters and everything lol get it huh check out these awesome, Eevee ax khals that let you pretty much go everywhere: okay, okay, I’ll stop mines! I design explore, discover, create number seven, the Baja board, with ebikes and E scooters growing more and more popular. It’S pretty cool to see someone create a really cool a skateboard, even though it falls under that category. It’S not exactly a skateboard more like off-road skateboard. The g4 described by Baja board as your rear-wheel drive sports car equivalent, is great for a casual stroll through the park or for showing off to friends at the local track. Precision control allows for riders to choose between cruise mode burnout mode and drift mode to allow for a parking on a hill or even doing donuts. Other features include vibration, warnings to alert when users are going too fast, have a low battery or have entered into other modes.

Baja boards boast at top speeds of 50 kilometers an hour north to 31 miles per hour and allow users to control their speed at ten different levels in comparison to other boards. This board is meant mostly for off-roading, which includes dried riverbeds, farm pad docks tall grass, bushland and even on the beach. Even as awesome as this board sounds, the g4 base model will run around $ 3,100 number six, the juggernaut. What three-wheeled bike has the ability to ride through snow sand and mud the wrung goo electric juggernut? It is the most powerful portable off-road evie in its class. The juggernaut has a reliable 2000 watt motor that operates using a throttle which can aid or replace pedal use. This amazing bike is perfect for hunters, with its stealthiness high portability and its ability to tow and a holic deer quickly and quietly for those that surfer ski. The juggernaut is perfect for skipping the parking lot and driving directly to break or the ski lift writers can choose to use the throttle to power through sand and snow, then pedal the rest of the way to warm up before hitting the slopes or catching some waves.

The juggernut is practical way to go green with its low carbon footprint and efficient transportation. Number five, the weave head version, our look at these awesome, customizable East scooters. We wouldn’t suggest cruising down any highways in the United States with these, but apparently, if you’re in South Korea, you can created in South Korea the weep head version R is described as being a must-have item for adults like me, who are still children at heart.


The board is meant to encourage closeness as it is made to be ridden with other riders with 37 hundred watt max motor output. This family scooter doesn’t mess around the weep heads top speed clocks in at about 80 kilometers an hour and can go from 0 to 40 kilometers in 3 seconds flat, if using at a family reunion, tell grandma to hold on to her hat, I mean because who, Wouldn’T like to take him out for a spin on a little scooter anyways, these things can be found at their website linked in our description below also while you’re down there might as well leave us a comment. Let us know, would you like one of these East scooters, how cool would it be riding around one of these down your local streets? Also, do you think all these ebikes and Evie a — khals, are here to stay? It seems every day someone is creating some new sort of a device we can use in our day-to-day activities.

What would you like to see become a reality? Let us know below number four: the ark Emoto SRK for those of you out there that just want a cool electric vehicle that gets you from point A to point B. You have to check out this company, that’s making heads turn and creating a whole new class of vehicle. The fuv, the open frame, handlebar controls in centered seating, connects you directly with the world providing a fully engaging driving experience.

Two people can comfortably drive 70 miles or 130 miles on a charge well over the daily driving average of 33 miles, charged up at a charging station on the road or in a standard outlet home with no special equipment. The ark Emoto srk defines the fun utility vehicle fuv category, delivering a thrilling ride. Experience exceptional maneuverability, fully comfort for two passengers with their gear; optimal urban park ability and ultra efficient operation at an affordable target based model price of only about twelve thousand dollars. Number three: the stealth age: 52: electric bike: have you ever wanted a dirt bike but live in a city and then thought yeah, maybe I’ll just get an e bike instead. Well now’s your chance, you kind of have the best of both the stealth. H. 52.

Is the off-road electric mountain bike of 2017 for MX aficionados of the new world? The h 52 should be firmly in your cross hairs feet on the pegs and throttle upend. The age 52 delivers a peerless riding experience in all conditions, thanks to the 250 millimeter of rear wheel, travel and pure purposeful, cockpit, ultra quiet and extremely low maintenance get propelled by a 5.2 kilowatt electric motor. The aged 52 is the assault weapon of the future, ready for launch today. Number two: the beasty electric scooter check out this interesting, take on an e bite salute to the stealth, except for fatter tyres and lower to the ground. This ebike might not be for everyone. J-Mac Inc brings new meaning to the phrase, go where we want to go for the power assist electric bicycle market. They have developed, designed and produced an e-bike with features of an ATV which is tough sturdy built to take it perfect for off-road use, but completely street-legal. Whether you want to go up and down hills, trails, rough terrain or just down the street, the Beast will get you there and charge the batteries while you ride or when you take a breather with the dam.

Xdesign, solar battery pack number one, the outrider horizon electric adventure vehicle did, you know out of all the roads man has created, there is still one point for two million miles of unpaved, gravel or dirt. Roads want to ride them all. Well, The Horizon is here to explore the rugged backcountry we’re getting out. There has never been more fun. The Horizon has an independent front and rear air shock suspension and paired it with an industry-leading electric drive system. The base model comes standard with one battery pack totaling.


One kilowatt an hour with a range of 1555 miles per charge and the option of adding up to three more modular battery packs for an astounding 60 to 140 miles of range. Taking it one step further outrider developed a set of key adaptive components offering a wider range of physical abilities, a new way to ride the trails or quite possibly, the opportunity to ride again. The horizon was designed from the ground up to be modular.


That means he can pick which adaptive components work for you and leave out the others to create the perfect ride. For yourself, hey guys, this is amber and Alex from mines. I design, I hope you guys enjoyed this video – tell us in the comments below what you found to be the most interesting, and why also, if you haven’t done so yet make sure to hit the bell notification next to the subscribe button to stay up to date. With all of our latest tech, thank you for watching I’ll, see you guys next time you .