Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “7 AWESOME PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION MACHINES – You Can Buy Today”.
What’S up YouTube we know summer is over, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t ride around on some cool personal transportation check out this list, and let us know what you think minds I design explore, discover create number seven, the streeter as soon as we saw this Design we knew we should feature this awesome machine, but this trike isn’t anything we’ve seen before you don’t sit on it, but stand it doesn’t even have a handlebar more like a huge joystick that comes out of the top mount of the machine itself. So I guess that’s more of a scooter than a trike, the name streeter is actually a noun meaning an urban street person. Obviously, by watching the video the target demographic is in the name itself, it’s more a personal transportation device for people in larger cities, but not limited to just city dwellers or Streeters as they are called. But anyone that would just love to ride around on a really cool design, scooter anyone from kids and neighborhoods to people that live within a reasonable distance from work according to their site.

The project was originally started as a vision of fun portable in simple vehicle which developed into a project of electric personal commuter. It didn’t just morph into what we see now. There was a great deal of thought that went into this machine, anything from practicality to being safe, secure and eco-friendly. If you’re like us and think this trike is pretty cool, make sure to check out their website linked in the description below number six, the YikeBike, the IKE bike is another super awesome machine. You have to see to believe the eye flight delivers your personal freedom, freedom from congestion, freedom from rush-hour traffic, freedom from parking, hassles and freedom from fuel bills. Yuck bike provides you the freedom you have desired for so long. Yuck bikes, design, offers and indulgence fun in freedom encompassed inside technology. You, like bike, is a fashion statement and an extension of your personality. Innovative design delivers I’m safety and efficiencies and portability. They offer two models: the V, which is constructed of a hydroformed aluminum and composite reinforced polymer in the C, which is their flagship model. It is made out of high-tech carbon fiber and hand finish for that extra touch, which also means that they’re limited these machines will set you back about 5,000 to 8,000 dollars, depending on the model, if you’re into an alternate way to travel, an economical way of getting From point A to B make sure to check them out number five: the weep head version, our look at these awesome, customizable, East scooters. We wouldn’t suggest cruising down any highways in the United States with these, but apparently, if you’re in South Korea, you can created in South Korea the weep head version R is described as being a must-have item for adults like me, who are still children at heart.

The board is meant to encourage closeness as it is made to be ridden with other riders with 37 hundred watt max motor output. This family scooter doesn’t mess around the weep heads top speed clocks in at about 80 kilometers an hour and can go from zero to forty kilometers in three seconds flat. If using at a family reunion tell grandma to hold on to her hat, I mean because who wouldn’t like to take her Emma out first bent on a little scooter anyways.

These things can be found at their website linked in our description below also while you’re down there might as well leave us a comment. Let us know, would you like one of these e scooters? How cool would it be riding around one of these down your local streets number four, the gauze wheel, the gauze wills like a hybrid between a scooter and a unicycle, except people won’t just stare more like they will follow you around waiting for you to let them Try this machine out for themselves. The vehicle could be described as a mono wheel, a solo wheel or a scooter.


This personal transportation scooter is made of high quality, composite materials like carbon, fiber and aluminum alloy. It is also equipped with textural hydraulic brake system. With that kind of brake system, it kind of makes you wonder how you would stay on the machine when hitting the brakes anyway.


It still looks like a lot of fun. If you could only get a group of friends and some random guy with a guitar on his back to ride with you, then you never know what the day could have in store for you. If interested in this machine.

It will set you back about four hundred dollars. Number three: the walk. Will you with the walk wing the retractable wheels? You can slip onto your shoes, you can walk and ride as though there are wings on your feet, or so they say these are definitely a different type of rollerskates wearing just about any shoes.

I wouldn’t suggest any ladies trying these on with their heels, though you slip on the casing: strap yourself in and lower the wheels with a flick of a switch. When you encounter an area not ideal for wheels, you can quickly change back to the walking with the same switch. The retractable wheels will be raised, leaving you to walk with your flat shoes, the walk wing comes in white and black and your choice of four sizes. The four rubber wheels are strong enough to handle daily use, but the units are light enough not to disrupt your walking. Walk wing keeps your shoes close to the ground for a steadier and more enjoyable ride with the adjustable straps and comfort and stability number two, the Irby. When I first started writing a reveal on this product, I couldn’t help but notice they seemed to have something against uber I mean even their name. Irby is an anagram of uber, their slogan states, stop wasting money on uber and start saving with or B. Today. I don’t know about you, but when I take uber it’s usually because I don’t feel like getting a DUI, so I don’t know. If writing this bike is the greatest idea either I mean imagine being drunk and writing on this little foldable ebike.


I don’t think I would make it past the first curve. Okay. Besides all of that, they have made a pretty awesome personal transportation machine. They are a lot less expensive than some of the others we have seen or even featured on this list.

Starting from around $ 800, you can get a bike that has a 16 mile range. It will go about 14 miles an hour. They also come with never flat tires and have a decent acceleration. If you are willing to double that price, you can go with our pro GT model that gives a 20 mile range and a top speed of 18 miles an hour in all performance parts.

I really can’t see a big enough difference for the price, so I’d probably go with the base model. If this is something you’re interested in make sure to check out their site, the link is always in the description below number one: the x1 ebike, the x1 folding electric ebike, dubbed the world’s coolest. A bike is definitely my favorite on the list. That’S probably why I made it number one, whether you love to explore or just want a carefree commute. Next one has something for everyone: skip the traffic and avoid the hassles of finding parking, arrive, cool and comfortable after your breezy fast and fun commute all these are great selling points on their website. But what do you really think? Well, let’s compare the weight ranges from 40 to 45 pounds a little heavy yes, but you have incredible speeds of 20 to 25 miles an hour and ranges of 20 to 40 miles compared to others of its kind. I think hands down there, the better machine they also have a way better price point of over $ 600, starting on their base model to $ 1,000 for the flagship model. Remember the last one in the list: well, it’s only 5 pounds lighter and goes half the distance of x1 plus this plate comes in different colors that better suit the rider and they offer add-ons and accessories which they call x1 gear. We all know how much people love cool gear that complements their style, so if you’re in the market or just want something to help, you escape make sure to check out these personal transportation devices, hey guys.

This is amber and Alex from mines. Eye designs. I hope you guys enjoyed this video.

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