5 Headphones You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

5 Headphones You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “5 Headphones You’ve NEVER Seen Before!”.
Foreign, what’s going on guys, it’s your average consumer and today we’re going to be checking out some of the weirdest craziest, most teched out headphones that I could find today in 2023. So, let’s get to it now. I already know if you’ve been online, chances are you’ve. Probably seen These Guys, these are the Dyson Zone, they look insane. So what are we looking at here? Right well check this out. So, of course, these are a pair of over-ear headphones. Now these are made by Dyson.

Dyson makes them really almost over engineered products. They’Re really high-end premium stuff that a lot of thought and Engineering will go into and, of course, they didn’t hold back on their first pair of headphones. Now, if you’re familiar with Dyson’s products, they make a lot of air purifiers, uh fans, humidifiers all kinds of stuff that use air purification systems and they decided why not throw it into some headphones, and this is what they came up with. So we got these over ear Bluetooth, headphones.

We’Ve got this visor that magnetically attach and pretty much this. Is it so easy now? The idea here is that this is like a contactless system, and I don’t know if you guys can tell, but that filtration system is actually built right into the ear cups. As you can see, these are the filters. Let me turn this down, so it’s got its Vents and its fans and all that in the ear cups – and it all comes out through here as it goes through the visor and gets delivered to your face. You can use it with or without the visor, but that’s up to you right now.

It is currently sending air into my nose, my mouth – and this is great if you live in like New York or somewhere with a lot of smog. Oh man there’s an echo. Can you guys hear this? Well, you guys car game. This is I hear the fan, though you hear the fan. Can you hear yeah? I can hear the fans whirling right now.

Okay, even if we turned on noise cancellation mode, you still kind of hear it. Let’S see what happens if I play some music, can you hear the music? I can’t hear you huh. Oh actually, this is conversation mode. Let’S turn this turn this down and now it turns on transparency mode.

So I can hear what you’re saying so it’s like. I don’t want to be bothered, I will break you. Oh did you say something, that’s kind of how it works.

What were you saying nice? I I was gon na say it was the music pretty well also, there’s no like noise. No, I can’t. I can’t hear it yet no leakage, ah, but you hear the fans, though huh, so this is it.

5 Headphones You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

This is the Dyson Zone. The visor is adjustable the air that it throws into your faces. Interesting.

5 Headphones You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

It’S got an interesting smell to it, can’t exactly put my finger on what that smell smells like it smells clean. Maybe it smells clean, I’m from New York. I don’t know what clean smells like clean air, I’m not used to it.

I don’t go outside. It does have an app too, so it can see what kind of mode you’re in right. Now, I’m in conversation mode, I’m in isolation mode. Now you can control your sound quality in The Equalizer uh and you can see the air quality you’re getting outside so yeah. This is crazy. It’S interesting! It’S got.

Some cool features, it’s a thousand dollars. Now. I’Ve had no intention of recommending this because of the price point, and also because it’s so Niche, but after watching marquez’s video featuring the things that the doctor said, there’s probably a really low chance that even I use these after having bought them myself but yeah. This is definitely one of the craziest headphones. We will see, maybe for even a couple of years, but definitely the wildest in 2023.. So next up, we’ve got something interesting. I’Ve never seen these before it’s gon na be my first time trying it. Actually, these are a pair of earbuds by Ambi and when I saw these I was just like how does this even exist? So what we’ve got here you guys are not just earbuds. These are what they call ear cuffs, so these are called ear cuffs because they basically cuff around your ears, so you’re supposed to cut them to your ears, like this kind of like uh, those like those different ear, piercings that different people have. This is it. I can barely feel them they’re, not moving yeah, let’s see what it’s like to listen to some music from them. Now, I’m assuming everybody’s going to be able to hear this. It’S not that loud, though. Okay absolutely no base yeah! No oh! This is I mean when you bring them down a little bit. It’S a little bit better you’re here for you, so this is. This is going to be annoying if I’m next to someone, but how secure how secure is it, though I mean they’re, not budging they’re they’re locked in this is this is not bad. You know, let’s see what Carl has to say, Carl come check these out check out these these new earbuds. It looks nice, you like it.

5 Headphones You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

Would you rock this um the um come try these out go! Try these out. I still haven’t quite figured out where they’re supposed to be placed yeah. Why does this look so much better, like? I don’t know what they look like on my ears, but I feel like they fit your ears. Is this how they looked online? No! No. That is pretty loud what’d, you think um. It sounds terrible, oh Aries calling me hold on now. Let me answer the phone with these. They don’t look that different. You guys, haters hi notice anything! Yes on my ears.

They don’t seem like you care anyway. Ari wasn’t impressed, she barely noticed them, but maybe that’s a good thing if you want to have something super low-key, but as soon as you turn them on people are gon na, be able to hear it and it’s not as low-key anymore. So now, next up, we’ve got something pretty cool, and that’s these guys right here.

These are the JBL tour pro 2.. Now, at first glance looks like a well not really at first glance. It looks like there’s a screen on the case and there is this thing: has a touch screen built right into the charging case and you can unlock it just by swiping and you get access to all kinds of different controls. So, first of all, like I said, a pair of truly wireless earbuds, so here they are.

What do we think about the looks you guys they look pretty good. Now, like any pair of Premium truly wireless earbuds they’ve got some touch controls on the sides uh, but the big thing with these is that you have a ton of controls right here on the earbud case, so you can see the percentages for each earbud and the Case itself, and even the time of day you can control your music right here. You can control your volume. You can also change whether or not you’re using active noise cancellation, ambient sound and you can even change the equalizer settings.

You have a timer. You also have spatial sound screen, brightness, and it also has lock screen wallpapers, which is wild. This one looks pretty good, but I like this. I think this is a really cool feature to have built into the case. Did you guys see that Apple patented uh, something similar to their airpods case, do with that? What you will, but that would be really cool to see in you know, airpods in the future, but JBL tours did it first that I know of so uh kudos to them. This is pretty dope audio quality wise, I’m not gon na lie. These are really impressive. Oh snap, I actually like this if you guys, are interested in like a dedicated review of these. Let me know if you guys want to see full-blown videos, but as of right now uh. These are probably one of the most teched out pair of Bluetooth, in-ear buds that I’ve seen so far and I’m for it.

I like these a lot. These are like 250 bucks, though yeah, so they got ta be good. So next up you guys: we’ve got the open Move by shocks, so these are not necessarily like brand new headphones uh, but they’re still one of the. I think craziest Concepts uh, that we’ve got here in 2023 sort of uh. So basically these are bone.

Conduction headphones. I guess we’ll call them headphones, they’re, not earbuds. So the idea here is that these, instead of going inside of your ear, they send vibrations through.

I guess maybe like the front of your ears. They rest on your cheekbones and they send vibrations through there to deliver. The sound kind of like what we saw with the ear cuffs it leads to an open, ear experience. So if you’re doing, I don’t know like outside activity where you’re jogging or something you might want something like this so you’re aware of your surroundings – you’re not completely isolated from the world.

But one thing that I do find interesting, though, with these, because it’s like really heavy on the vibration bass sounds pretty amazing so like if I were to play a bass, heavy song. But I will say these are leagues better than those ear cuffs, because there’s like actual Bass to it, there’s a way. Fuller, sound, but it’s not the same as wearing like a pair of truly wireless earbuds or over ear headphones of some sort. But it has its place. I wouldn’t be worried about this at all, so I like these, I wouldn’t take a call with them since everybody’s, going to hear your conversation and they’re not super expensive. This is like 70 bucks or so on Amazon.

It’S not bad. So next up, we’ve got another pair of bluetooth headphones. These are from Adidas, so who knew Adidas made Bluetooth headphones, but this is their Bluetooth headphone and it’s an interesting one. Now you might be wondering okay Judd. What’S the crazy Tech in this one right? Is it the design not really, these have a pretty standard, on-ear headphone design, not over ear, so they’re on air. They rest on the ears, but what’s different about these, is that they’re solar powered so instead of taking a cable to them to charge them up? If you like, going on jogs, you might not ever need to plug these in again, so the idea here is, if you’re out and about you’re, being active, uh they’ll actually charge right up top. You guys can see it has this layer at the top uh.

This is where it’ll charge with solar power, if you’re really active and you jog during the day, these things will keep itself charged just by being outside and with the benefit of it being on here instead of over ear is that it’s got like really tight. Clamping Force so they’re going to stay on your ears really well, you can jog around now. These are also ipx4, Splash and sweat resistant. So, if you’re running around you’re sweating on these, it’s okay, you can actually, I think, pop these right off and wash them out. Throw them in the washer, whatever you got, to do, to get them clean and you’re good to go, and you can do that for the bottom part of the headband as well.

You can wash all of these different things, which is nice, considering they’re made of fabric. Now, what’s also pretty cool is that it’s got this little button right here. So if you’re wondering how much juice you’re actually pulling in from the Sun, there’s like a little indicator on this side, as you can see, we’ve only got one little dot, but if we were to go outside, let’s check it out now, if we come out here In the direct sun, we press that you can see all of the lights are showing in the indicator. I think the feature is cool, useful meh, maybe if you’ve got it resting somewhere and you’re like, is it actually getting charged over here? Let me double check, even though it uses USB type c. If you, you know you’re in a pinch Carl, if you could never charge your headphones, if you never have to charge your headphones again with a cable, would you pay 170? You got a solar charger.

That’S a no. There was no confidence in that response at all 150, fair enough, fair enough, but that about wraps it up. You guys a lot of interesting earbuds and headphones.

I mean, I don’t think I don’t think anything’s going to be topping this guy. In terms of how wacky or teched out uh, the headphones will be, but I’m interested in seeing what the future brings. Let me know with a comment down below which was your favorite or at least more suitable to your lifestyle, I’ll catch. You guys in the next one till then it’s your average consumer peace.

You want to try it on go ahead. Voltron I mean I hear I hear you like Power, Ranger s yeah. So it goes like this and then just well, that’s a little too high. I’M surprised at how high it sits, no yeah that kind of makes sense. Okay, okay. I think this is a Power Ranger .