3CX: Ditch your Deskphone.

3CX: Ditch your Deskphone.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3CX: Ditch your Deskphone.”.
Thanks to 3cx for sponsoring this video has this ever happened to you. You go to return a product, look for customer service and the only way to get any help is to actually mail a letter who mails letters anymore. That’S why you need three cx. It’S the perfect solution for customer service on your website. Listen running a website is hard.

I’Ve got some years of experience doing it. I know we kind of joked in the intro, but today’s video is about solving real problems for real businesses. I can personally relate to i’ve got a story to tell before i get there. I just want to thank you guys for watching the video supporting me over the years and generally just being awesome, and i want to give you a chance to win 500 bucks wherever you are in the world. It is open to you we’ll let it run for two weeks. All the information will be in the description leave a comment down below. Let me know what you would do with 3cx, but by all means leave your social handle in the comments. So i can contact you if you win, if you don’t leave it, you cannot win.

I think, we’ve all been there at least a million times. For me, it’s been three times uh this past week. Something goes wrong with an order reach out to the company. Nothing customer service is either non-existent or just straight up sucks. Uh we’ve also all experienced the opposite too. Something goes wrong and the company is responsive, quick, uh and helpful and to make sure the opinion of that company just generally be better. I think, for the most part uh, we can all agree. That is the goal better customer service and 3cx is making software to help your business.

Bring sort of that level of customer service to everyone with the 3cx startup and live chat, features that are built in again. I’M someone who ran a website for more years than i want to admit. I understand the pain points that sort of come along on the business side and part of those issues was reaching out to customers to readers in a simpler, easier fashion and oftentimes people had issues with the site whether it was horrible ads. They wanted to reach out to myself and the team wasn’t as say, elegant or able to respond as i wanted.

There was an option at the time to just have someone click on a button and be able to chat or call someone on the team. I would have done it, but now you can do it and typically you’re paying developers all the money to do it for you. It can get really expensive.

If you’re trying to do it yourself, it can get really confusing and frustrating. I think that’s the sweet spot where 3cx comes in and solves that problem gives you the tools to create an easy line of communication between you and your business and your customers on your website. Now i want to be very clear.

3CX: Ditch your Deskphone.

I have noticed i have inverse. I have 0.0 desire to ever run a website again, but if i was to run a website again, i would probably start with making sure it was a really good customer viewer, reader experience and 3cx would be where i’d begin. So let me explain a little bit more about this, so if you didn’t know, i probably do now 3cx make software that helps manage all the phone systems, video conferencing and live chats pretty much all the communication for your website, your business, your company, it’s actually being Used by some of the biggest companies out there, i’m talking names like mickey d’s, mercedes amex and over 600 000 more companies so like this is a real deal. This isn’t sort of a fly-by-night system uh, but getting all this set up is not exactly easy, usually uh. It takes it experience to really know what you’re looking at for small businesses like mine definitely was. Is that something that i had, or even wanted to do? 36 is aware of that, and they know that’s a problem, so i created a product called startup.

An easy way to think of this is that, instead of having a ginormous, ite team create infrastructure. You can do all that in the cloud with the startup software, and that means that i or you can set this up. Have it running literally minutes, which is incredible, but here’s the best part is free, free, forever, free for up to 10 people. So if you’re running a small business, you can try to see if it works without ever spending a developer dollar or hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you do like it, you feel you need a little bit more out of the system. 36 offers startup pro 10 and startup pro 20, but you have more users, obviously there’s a costs associated with that most interesting part, though of this, for me, is the live chat. I think this is what i would have used most in the tb days. I’M sure you’ve all gone on the website and seen the chat box pop up if you’ve got any questions.

3Cx startup has that built in and let you deploy it on your website again in literally minutes. So when someone visits your site, they need help. They can click the chat box, there’s a message and then 3cx dashboard. You will see that appear and you can talk with your customer or have a customer rep talk to your customer, but even better, perhaps more impressively the customer wants.

3CX: Ditch your Deskphone.

They can tap the phone button and start a live conversation with you, i’m not so sure i would have wanted that all the time. Thank you buffalo days, but it’s nice to have. It works exactly the same way in 3cx dashboard. You’Ll see in here a phone ring and you can answer it and make your customers happy they’re. Not actually, you know seeing your phone number or anything there and on top of all that, since all these calls and communications going through a website, there’s no cost to the business to run it unlike expensive sort of 800 numbers, 3cx makes it easier and cheaper. So i think when you hear the phrase like set up in minutes, it sounds like an infomercial, it’s overused and i think people tend to zone out uh, but i’m actually demonstrate for you and do it and set this up in actual uh minutes all right. So i’ve got everything all set up here: uh and working. The account is set up and functional. Now you just have to add your system, so you can choose whatever you want. You can choose to self-host 3cx, or do it easy and let 3cx just do it for you uh either. It’S fine like example, though i’m going to let them do the work in host all right. So then you got to choose how many users you want.

3CX: Ditch your Deskphone.

I’M going to choose the option: that’s always going to be free and go with the less than 10 option. Uh. You can set up an sip trunk, but we’ll choose to do that later. Um.

So would you like to set up live chat for your website? Go ahead and click. Yes, do you have wordpress? That’S what technobuffalo is based on um. If you do then, yes, we’ll type in our website here little temporary page that i made john rettinger.tech hit set, then a link to download the wordpress plugin will pop up it’ll. Give you the url, you need to save for later, keep in mind.

Your website doesn’t need to be wordpress. You can use this for other services like drupal, joomla, squarespace, weebly or wix. 3Cx provides detailed instructions how to get those to work on those sites, but at this point we’re less than a minute in and there’s not much more to go so really fast head over to your 3cx dashboard, go down to the office settings click voice and chat Head over to the little pencil icon that got there to edit the voice in chat, then here you also see a preview with the chat box. Look like on your page.

If you want – and you can also customize options like what you want from your visitor things. You’Ll need to input when connecting all that kind of stuff. Let’S just choose name uh and then there’s a section where you can give the customer the option to just chat, be able to chat and have a call or have a video call as well. I’M just gon na select phone for now no needs to see my greasy face in the morning um.

Here you can select whether you want the call button to show at all uh. Lastly, you can customize the colors of the chat box here as well uh. So last step is take it on the site so for wordpress, all you got ta do is just download this one plugin once downloaded over to your wordpress site, editor head to the dashboard click on plugins and then upload and you put that downloaded plugin and let It do its thing: we’re gon na click, the new 3cx live, chat, tab that is now showing up there and that’s where you put in the url that i mentioned needed to save for later. We’Re gon na paste that and you my friend, are a hundred percent done and on the clock.

I believe we are still just mere minutes into this whole non-complicated process. Uh so now, head over to your website and a little blue chat bubble should pop up in the bottom right hand, corner and, as you can see here there, it is it’s working super simple, so i’m gon na demo this whole process so on the bottom right Hand corner there’s my chat box, i’m gon na click, it i’m gon na click, call us and on the dashboard, you’ll see that a call is coming in. I can choose to answer it here through the computer or i can route it to my phone. If i’m away from my desk webvisitor calling now, if i answered it, it would make everybody deaf um but working easy, that’s it! That’S all there is to it.

So that’s it super easy solution to a real problem. Now. This is definitely for a small subset of people that are running a business or have a website and need the support. But if you are in that category, you know how valuable this is and the fact that it’s free for 10 users is incredible.

If you want to check out 3cx or any of the products they offer i’ll put a link to them down below .