3 Cool Tech Deals – #4

3 Cool Tech Deals - #4

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3 Cool Tech Deals – #4”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another tech deals video today I have some interesting things that I think you’re gon na. Like that’s. The idea of this show deals for you, quick and easy. Every time I talk about the video being quick. I do this right here.

I ramble for a little while, so that it’s not actually quick, because I’m busy talking about it being quick. So let’s not do that. Let’S instead talk about the damn deals. First up we have this wireless charger from Rav power.

3 Cool Tech Deals - #4

It’Ll work with the latest galaxy s6, as well as any other phone that supports qi, wireless charging, its $ 13.99. So if you’ve been putting off getting a wireless charger, doing some wireless charging and seeing if you like it, this is a great way to check that out without spending too much money drop your phone right on top of it like that, and it starts charging amazing For the bedside table, it’ll work with tons of different phones, s 6s, v, s4. S3. No, three, no two nexus stuff: four: five: six, seven blah blah blah blah blah! You can read it when you get there $ 14.

Why am i holding up five? I just wanted to. It was a high five. Next up, we have a ton of storage that my friends is an 8 terabyte desktop drive, onedrive 8 terabytes.

This world has gotten a lot better than the world. I grew up in that might have been an 8 gigabyte Drive, that’s I’m not even exaggerating, and it would have been the same size and in some of you old school dudes. You probably even remember when that was 8 megabytes and you were working with floppy disks. Floppy Jack, don’t laugh, I said floppy there’s nothing wrong with that word on its own, especially when I’m saying disc, floppy anyways, it’s a Seagate backup plus. Not only is it 8 terabytes.

It also comes with 200 gigabytes of cloud storage and, of course it’s USB 3. It’S available in other sizes as well, but 249 dollars for 8 terabytes of storage. Goodness you can put whatever you want on there, 8 terabytes anything goes within the realm of the it’s got to be legal next up number three: this is the real recommendation in this show, because I own this thing, it’s actually sitting right here. I have the red version, see this: it’s the tilt Energy 5k plus you got micro, USB cable, built right into it, as well as a lightning cable built right into it. So this thing can charge your iOS device or your Android device or other micro. Usb device fits in your pocket, it’s slim big fan of this device, it’s on sale on Amazon, 48 bucks and the cables are built in.

3 Cool Tech Deals - #4

I can’t tell you how much I like this. If this is in your pocket, you’ve got everything you need for all day. Smart phoning, 5200 milliamp hours should be good now at 48. 99.

3 Cool Tech Deals - #4

I think this is a great deal, but maybe it’s a little bit rich for your blood, and maybe you don’t need 5000 plus milliamp hours. If that’s the case, they have another product that is $ 7.99 right now. This is the energy to t4 micro, USB devices, so you’re giving up the lightning connector but you’re getting a much cheaper price point here, a little bit less in the way of capacity you’re.

Only getting 1800 milliamp hours, so this is more of a boost, its emergency power when you need it now, the cool thing with this one is that it’s also your power brick. It has the prongs built right in you, can leave your power brick at home, and now your power brick becomes an always charged battery, backup that you would be carrying anyways because smartphones hardly last, then you already know that look at this I mean: what more could You want flex cable, I mean Jesus. What what more could you ask for for $ 7.99? I’M getting a little bit fired up about this thing here.

I should order a few. These should be all over the office. Why would anybody have a normal power brick when you can have a power brick with a battery right in it, for the price of a shitty lunch less than the price of a shitty McDonald’s combo still love you McDonald’s that wraps up this video, that’s technically for Products, but I figured the last two were very very similar: some people are gon na, like one some people will, like the other, depending on what your needs are. I hope you found something useful or interesting in this list.

All the links will be down in the description, so you can go and check those out. If you pick anything up, let me on Twitter, I’m always interested to see what you guys are engaging with the most leave a comment: if you’ve got a question, leave a thumbs up. If you enjoyed this content and other than that, I will catch you on the next episode later guys, don’t laugh. I said floppy .