3 Cool Tech Deals – #3

3 Cool Tech Deals - #3

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3 Cool Tech Deals – #3”.
Can do anything it’s this new age thing, Lou time to give up your Nokia time to give up your pager time to give up your cell phone? That’S actually cellular! Do you remember car phones right in the middle there in the console and it had like it was corded and you could only use it in the car. My grandfather had one of those all right jack. We were rolling on all of that, so you know what that means short and sweet. The only way to do it what’s up guys, Lou here back with another video, and it is another installment in the top three tech deals series seems like you guys, are enjoying this series and we’re gon na continue with it.

Basically me bringing you three interesting tech deals that I bump into on Amazon on any given day, the first one, not exactly a piece of tech, but tech related important for your tech. It is whoosh screen, shine, duo, desk, bottle and pocket sprayer with two microfiber cloths. Now this is a combo kit.

You don’t need to buy it like this, you can buy it just as the spray or the cloth or a travel size. This is the kit that I’ve bought a couple times now, and the reason this stuff is important is because your gadgets get dirty and ugly, and everything has glass and screens and glossy stuff on it. And you end up with fingerprints everywhere, and this is the cleaner of choice here in the office.

It’S not very expensive, it’s non-toxic, safe to use approved to use and relatively inexpensive from five bucks up to ten bucks. I’M talking about cleaning stuff, it’s time to move on Lou next up a USB Drive, not the most exciting item, but a great price here and it’s a USB 3 Drive, 64 gigabytes from PNY great customer reviews. It’S quick, its inexpensive 22 dollars, a substantial amount of portable storage, 64 gigabytes of USB 3.

So, if you’ve been holding off on getting a USB 3 thumb drive, which is significantly faster than USB 2, this might be the moment to grab one. I also like the mechanism for how it opens and closes this retracting lid. I suppose that stays attached, so you can’t really lose it.

You just lift it up push it back that doesn’t sound very appealing, but yeah pull it out push it back, push it in pull it out, god, damn it god, damn it jack! Look how strategic it is $ 34.99 free shipping on orders over 35 ex tup. We have something: that’s not really hugely on sale as far as a deal is concerned, but it was too difficult to pass up for this episode because it’s a classic USB version of an NES controller play those old-school classics through an emulator using a controller. The way it was originally intended, whether it’s Super Mario double dragging, see how I’m like getting more active here, the soundtrack to Double Dragon. No joke! No joke go! Look for this! I’M gon na go after I’m done recording. This is no word of a lie. I am gon na go put that soundtrack on repeat on the speakers.

3 Cool Tech Deals - #3

Jack remind me to do it only $ 8.50, with decent reviews, four out of five stars on 882 reviews, but what I noticed when I scrolled down you got all kinds of classic controllers on here. So if your jam was more like Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis or Nintendo 64, there are super, affordable, replicas check, all of them out in that list. When you scroll down, you can get the controller that satisfies your nostalgia. These don’t require a driver, and the listing here says that it will work with Windows. 98 ME: 2000.

2003. Xp, 7. 8. 8.1.

It’S just a cool. Looking thing reminds you of happier and simpler times: 8 bucks Nintendo times nes times. If you want to stroke your nostalgia a little bit more, Oh Jack, so that wraps up this video, let me know your suggestions in the comments.

Maybe you find a cool deal and you want to link it to me like a blanket most people like to use a blanket and a pillow. You know I hate my pillow right now. I used to have this pillow that it had curvature to it.

You know he like had a little portion up here where your neck would sit, then he dipped down for the head a little bit and was made out of foam. I don’t know what happened to it. This is a serious thing right now, if you know of a good pillow that follows that guideline. I just talked about the world’s best pillow.

3 Cool Tech Deals - #3

I need to know about it. Leave a comment hit me up on Twitter. I need a new pillow from NES controllers. Two pillows, thank you very much for watching goodbye, because I can just I can feel I can feel the presence. .

3 Cool Tech Deals - #3