$25,000 Gaming Setup – EVOLUTION!

$25,000 Gaming Setup - EVOLUTION!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “$25,000 Gaming Setup – EVOLUTION!”.
What’S up guys, and today, we’ve got two very special guests: we’ve got markers from PC, centric and Tom from the texture, so chances are if you’ve come across setup tours on YouTube. You’Ve probably come across parents by mail, because they’re always super slick and it’s the sort of thing that drew me and Tom into. Why did you come and check out? It’S an amazing student. What are your head? This is a bit of a different video.

$25,000 Gaming Setup - EVOLUTION!

We’Re collabing to find out does anything we can bring to make it even better. First things: first, when least you guys came to the set up. They said Aaron Wow. This is a bit of a mess, so they helped me here, reorganize the room a little bit and it’s gon na be quite a lot clean enough. So I’ll take you guys around quickly before we install the upgrades. Apologies in advance for Tom and all of his unusual antics, but if you’ve seen this room before you probably know the general idea, the room is dominated by two TVs on either side: they’re, not super high-end TVs.

$25,000 Gaming Setup - EVOLUTION!

That’S definitely one area in which we will improve in the future. I’Ve got a PC on either side powering those TVs and more or less every other aspect of the setup is geared around making that aspect look and feel as good as possible. I can see in this cabinet right here there’s about a thousand smartphones there, my heir, then my daily driver yeah, so if you’ve been following this set up for a while, you might know that some of the defining features are these lights on either side. These are the not only for aura I’ve grown to love them, so in this article we’re actually gon na start by extending them. So we’ve got two extension kits for the set up and we’re gon na. Take it a little bit further, it’s gon na be subtle, but I think you’ll like it. So thankfully, installing this extension kit was as simple as taking the three new tiles out of the box and slotting them into our existing ones, and it extends them in a meaningful, but at the same time, subtle way. So now, instead of just being two straight lines, these are not only for aura lights, sloped towards the center they’re, pretty pricey, but actually, once you install those and you install the add-on that these can listen to you and sync to your voice, they could sync to Your music or you can set them just to pulsate and sync with each other. It was pretty cool when you were just like clapping or playing music earlier, and they were actually well. They didn’t yeah yeah. No, no! I couldn’t put their markers right.

The first thing I have to ask you about is that what is that that we’re shooting on? Ok? This is the brand new camera. This is the Ursa mini probe. It’S nothing mini about, there’s nothing mini about it and we’ve rigged it up. We’Ve got a monitor there.

We’Ve got some pretty intense lighting from behind. All of this has been revamped and almost looking at it from here, it is it’s intimidating. This thing is huge.

It kind of makes our last camera the GH five look like a bit of a children’s rubbish chuck in the band you’re, looking at about six and a half thousand dollars, maybe seven thousand dollars pretty pricey and there’s a couple of things. I really like about the camera which making it quite a nice upgrade from the GH five. You can directly plug a microphone into it and it can provide phantom power and that crazy sensor. So all this crispy footage you’re seeing right now it’s shot on that and expect to see more videos featuring this kind of I’m gon na phase the camera in over the next two weeks, and there might be some people in the comments now. Oh, it’s not red! This is a gaming setup.

$25,000 Gaming Setup - EVOLUTION!

You probably wondering what is the state of gaming and it’s better than ever, because we’ve now managed to hook ourselves up with an Xbox 1 X, 2 PlayStation fours and a Nintendo switch. If you guys are interested in a brand new console. Is Christmas game have some incredible offers and they were kind enough to not only sponsor this video but also send out a brand new Nintendo switch. So we’ve got now one Nintendo switch hooked up to the TV on the left and now we’re gon na have one on the right and what does that mean? Markus means a multiply, OT player multiplier.

So let’s show you some of that. Alright, so we had the best time playing pokken tournament multiplayer on the two Nintendo switches over here and for those you who haven’t quite been keeping up with a console. It has been selling like hotcakes from only because it’s got one killer exclusive after the other. There was so many great games to play on this machine.

Well, I think the best game really for you to get you going is gon na come to Hub G, exactly need to get this guy involved and I’ve been absolutely addicted to it. I think in a couple of videos, we’re gon na get playing there and we’re gon na give you a little upgrade in the process and then we’re gon na try and get him into as well cuz. You built him a PC way. Government EC we’re upgrading at the moment that’s one of the things we’ve done here just installed a new Vegas 64 liquid called cards, so it’s gon na run, so you to buy it and super fast is that gon na give him an advantage. If he’s got high frame rate tweaked about some of the settings when he goes too far, a girl named Allison, something else you may have noticed – has changed since the last setup.

If the chair was sitting on so last time, we had pretty cheap on from Ikea. It was total, it wasn’t very listen to it. It was a work in progress, but now we have the icon by noble chairs.

It is made with real letter. Okay. Well, ladies, so this is made of real leather. It is ridiculously cool to look.

It looks like the inside of a sports car and it is really comfortable to sit on, but you are still using an Ikea table. Yeah we’re gon na have to come up again to improve it. I think yeah yeah next article title $ 25,000 table. I have to say iron: your studio is seriously impressive, I’m very very just and also, I think, I’ve taken away a few pointers from what you’re doing here for my own channel and hopefully Marcus and I’ve come up here.

We’Ve helped you well yeah, I’d like to think so. Yeah I mean these guys have changed the PC game over here and they also clean the room for free, so there’s even gon na be a power, the top right hand corner over which channel you hate the most, please be as honest as possible, so guys that Was the set of video, so one huge thanks to you, PC, centric and a tech chap for coming over here and really helping us out so definitely go drop. Those guys a sub – and I guess we’ll see you soon probably together – see yes see ya. I’M sure you’ll see more collabs with the three of us in the future.

So look forward to some crispy camera footage for upcoming videos, and my name is iron. This is Misty’s, I’m signing out you .