$144 for Facebook

$144 for Facebook

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “$144 for Facebook”.
Why don’t we jump into our next topic? Who wants to pay a hundred and forty four dollars a year for Facebook after the massive success of Twitter, blue Mark Zuckerberg has his eyes set clearly on generating revenue from his user base through the meta verified program, a monthly subscription with a cost of 12 US Dollars that does what okay it covers. Facebook and Instagram includes a blue batch, increased search, visibility, exclusive stickers for stories, Direct customer support and 100 free stars, a currency that can be used to tip creators. There does not appear, there does not appear to be any reduction in ads or data mining. What a deal Mark sign me up, I love it.

Can we can we? Can we never normalize? Is this people? It seems to just be a brand thing like never. Can we never ever normalize this? Can we always make fun of people for paying for Twitter blue? Please would you would you normalize it if it did do what it says at the end, if it did reduce or or let’s say it removed, ads and removed data, I wouldn’t believe them yeah, fair enough, all right. Let’S, let’s imagine that you knew without a doubt forget the data mining because I don’t believe them, but we can talk about ads.

$144 for Facebook

Okay, if I never saw an ad on Facebook or Instagram again, I wouldn’t pay for this, because I don’t remember the last time I opened up Facebook or Instagram no offense to our dedicated viewers on Facebook. All dozens of you yeah we’re streaming there right now we’re streaming there right now. I don’t think either of us have ever seen that page nope 41 people are watching on Facebook. Oh, very nice, uh sup, Boomers, hello, fellow Boomers, 39. they’re leaving in shame, and I took that personally – don’t observe us uh yeah, so Facebook um – no, I wouldn’t pay for it. But let’s say, let’s say, hypothetically that it was a service I actually used and cared about yeah. I I don’t know 12 bucks a month doesn’t seem that outlined. Why would you pay for it, though, as a normal user? What does it even give you, as a as a company, have you seen how many ads there are on Facebook? Oh, no! We’Re not talking about her. I was talking about the root thing. I was no longer talking about the ad removal.

Oh okay! So we’re not talking about the real product or we are going back to talking we’re going back to talking about the real product yeah, so increased search, visibility, stickers, customer support and stars to tip creators. Basically, just Stars yeah I mean, if you’re a normal user and then what support do you need on? I mean you use Facebook, so maybe you’re not that good with computers. Maybe you just need help using websites. I interpret that as the other way around Direct Customer Support.

Yeah. Maybe you are right, wow, that’s an advertised major feature. I mean. If you need customer support, you should just contact them right. I assumed that was some way that, like Brands, could interface yeah. Maybe I’ve got this wrong, maybe it’s completely the other way around. I kind of hope so because if they’re, like hey yeah, we’ll give you customer support for this thing that you’re paying for, I would hope, that’s not like a thing that they advertised yeah guys. I mean hit us up which, which one is it meta Support, also means Instagram support. We recently lost a company Instagram account because they don’t have support for unverified users yeah. So it sounds like it’s very company focused. No, it sounds like it’s user focused if you’re a user and you like, lose your account, but they should be able to get any support yeah, but but because it wasn’t verified. Well, I mean just mean anyone who lost their account, whether they’re a company or an individual user would be pretty bummed about it sure and being able to contact support, but that’s terrible.

You should just have support for users. I don’t disagree unbelievable. This is worse than I thought, and it was already laughable man shortly after okay, so they’re, not the first to jump on this uh shortly after Twitter, blue was launched, Tumblr started selling. What they called important blue internet check marks that officially do absolutely nothing for a one-time cost of four dollars each.

$144 for Facebook

They apparently made a quarter million dollars in profit, um a quarter over quarter increase of in-app purchases of 125 percent um, the. As of a recent update, the check marks are now rainbow colored, apparently uh, Tumblr user carpi Suns. That is actually unironically what I called them.

$144 for Facebook

When I was a kid you know those little Capri, Sun, pouch drinks. I call them carpy Sons, because I I don’t know was, I guess I had a little bit of the dyslexia um anyway. Carpi Sons apparently spent a hundred and twenty dollars on check marks, which is amazing, um and back to sort of the inspiration for this Twitter.

Blue, according to the most recent available numbers, only about .02 percent of active Twitter users have a paid subscription of any kind. I would have guessed it would have been somewhat similar. Honestly, if you look at conversion rates for users to external things like say, patreon float, plane, nebula, whatever uh. I think it’s actually usually a little higher than that yeah uh. That’S because there’s no reason for us, but it’s blue pixels, but yeah. Considering how much you get compared like that’s, probably about where I would have slapped it, like I mean Flo plane, is actually like.

We sell it pretty hard these days, because it’s a pretty darn good value. These days yep like here, but I’m saying like you, you get a lot if you subscribe to some creators. Well, I guess it’s up to what the Creator is offering, but a lot of times. I see you get a decent amount of value.

If you subscribe to someone’s float plane or patreon or whatever else, considering what you’re getting for the Twitter blue check mark, how quickly could the float plane team um make like whale check marks, because people on float plane are asking for them? I’Ve got offers for like 15 bucks here, you’re already paying. If they want to pay more Luke, can we get a tier that has a check mark? You can subscribe to the supporter plus here then you get 4k. No, we need supporter, plus plus supporter.

We have a, we have a we have a product. The Creator Warehouse team is working on. That has a size that is extra medium. Oh, my goodness, oh we’ll we’ll check in if you guys still want it in like a while, when we have bandwidth to work on something when the memes are over yeah, when the meme is dead, I’ll check and if you guys still want it and then we’ll See you then yeah we’ll call it the take my money tier yeah, I mean that’s. It’Ll have to be wailed here.

It’Ll have to be wailed here, we’ll come up with some other stuff that we can that we can bundle in or something like that. I mean we do care about providing actual value uh like even the whale tickets at LTX. They I mean it yeah, it’s 10 grand, But it includes like a 5 000 computer and don’t you get a hotel room, yeah yeah, yeah, so there’s value in there. We would need to yeah, they would have to have value yeah we’re just we’re we’re we’re I’m totally down with their B. I mean this is up to you guys technically, but I’m totally down for there being like more expensive tiers that are offered yeah. The problem is, it should like make sense. I don’t want waste like people are suggesting uh like free merch every month here and my problem with. That is what, if it’s something you don’t want, yeah, we don’t want you to throw stuff away yeah.

I don’t want to ship waste around the world right like it doesn’t. Do anybody any good I’d, rather you guys, just in general, I I usually would say you and I, but I think in general, at the company, we are not into the idea of fast fashion. We’Re building things to last. You should be able to keep said thing for a while. If you have it, we don’t want to just create garbage. It doesn’t seem good. I don’t think, there’s an argument for just genuinely creating garbage yeah. I I just I’m not that into that yeah I mean the main value is the exclusive content we’ve got extras from the xqc build uh, we’ve got uh, oh, these are.

These are really fun. We’Ve done a couple of mini moving Vlogs for the move over to the lab. The the team is doing such an amazing job. We’Re doing, I think at least two exclusives per week, so we’ve got Linus reacts also Dennis and Vance switching roles, there’s an update.

That is going to be going into beta, which is something we haven’t really done before, but users will be able to opt into beta to be able to use it. It’S not out yet, but coming relatively soon. That is going to make it so that when you click on, if you go back to flow plane, really quick, if you, if you clicked on that right, there yeah, it would expand downwards and you would be able to see a bunch of sub channels. So like mac address and type cookie and short circuit, so you’d be able to see them like effectively filter to the channel as if it was on YouTube.

But then there can also be other things like floor plan exclusive or whatever else. So that’s that’s. Coming so that’ll be easier because people brought up that I mean you can just type in the search like full plane, exclusive um, but people don’t like typing. I guess so.

We will bring a new solution, but yeah, oh also, while we’re talking about those types of things, merch messages, people have have commented many a time, including I that you can’t do merch messages if you use shop pay. So if you like, use Shopify fairly actively, it skips password, merch messages in is, which is pretty annoying for people and not explain what merch messages are for. Those of you who are new merch messages are down here instead of twitch bits or YouTube super chats or whatever, where you just throw money into The Ether and then maybe we acknowledge your message. Maybe we don’t merge.

Messages are a way that you can send in a message to the show like this hey how’d, you decide on Laszlo Supernova um. I think Edsel was a fan and got in touch and we had a relationship with Monstercat and basically um Laszlo agreed to do a slightly customized version of the intro song for us that exactly matched our animation and it I don’t know, was so good and it Was so iconic that we just kind of kept it forever um, I I mean I can still jam out to it and I’ve heard it so many times we have have stopped using the intro, as Dan noted in the response there in every video, but we do Still use it sometimes, the issue is just that if you’re throwing away like seven seconds of retention right at the beginning of the video there’s a highly valuable retention too yeah, it’s just the branding is great, but the um the effect on viewership, of not just that Video, but your entire library is not positive, so it’s something that we’ve started to shy away from anyway. What was I talking about? Merch messages, what they are right, merge messages.

What they are is a way to send a message to the show and if we don’t get to it, for whatever reason or um, you know whatever at least you get your order in the mail, so you get a hoodie or uh or uh. Oh, do you have a like a right to repair pin plan? That’S a really good idea: hey Dan! Do you mind firing that over to Sarah and then maybe uh, maybe yeah? Maybe she could do up something like that. Basically, instead of the only thing that you get being a chance for your streamer person that you’re watching yeah and to enrich Google or Amazon, now you definitely get something yeah and there’s a free added bonus. Yeah genuinely costs, nothing yeah that we might respond yeah. So it’s cool and oh, we launched a new product today, man we’re getting okay, we’re getting all this out of the way here. Oh wait: okay, but the clarification there is where it happens has changed. It’S in.

I believe the cart now, so everyone can see it all the time doesn’t matter if you’re using shop pay doesn’t matter if you’re wanting to use Apple pay that came up last time, whatever you can all see it, so it works. It works. .